The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 911: There is one kind of spirit called extreme challenge!

It was raining in Shenzhen. Coach Xu also rushed to the scene to command. All eleven people's teams appeared in the storm. Everyone was wearing a hat, their uniforms were wet, and the rain dripped from the edge of the hat. Dropping on it, looks particularly miserable.

Coach Xu leads by example, wearing the same sportswear and standing with his team members, his hair is wet.

He shouted: "No one can guarantee that the Asian Games will be a sunny day! So training in the rain is also a required course for us!"

"It's still the old rules, and it's a full-fledged 2000-meter battle! This is also a professional rowing venue, with waterway buoys and shore mileage markers. You don't have to think about it, just treat it as an official Asian Games competition!"

"Today, the wind on the lake is fourth-level and moderate to heavy rain. If you can overcome this difficulty, you will never fear any harsh environment again!"

"Training! You just need to keep these two words in mind, training! Only by training hard today can you get excellent results in the future!"

"Everything is up! Launch!"

Watching the extreme challenge everyone shouted a slogan, striding towards the pier with the rowing boat, and heard the rain hitting the umbrella held up to protect the camera. The dense rattling sound made many screenwriters unbearable. Can't stand it, cover your mouth sideways, and feel distressed!

This group of stars is really too hard, too tired!

Being able to gather training together is a precious opportunity. Maybe just once every month you can make up the time. You can train for a maximum of four or five hours a day. You have to rush back to the plane to continue work.

These three months almost drove people crazy. Several times, some people retreated, even thinking of quitting.

But it has reached this level, who will give up? Who is willing to give up? Who dares to give up?

Look at today, in Nanshan Reservoir, the rainwater smashed the lake into dense pits. Soon after the rowing boat was lowered, the team members stepped on a layer of water. The weight of the rowing boat went up, let alone the **** wind. The resistance becomes even greater.

There was a layer of fog in front of He Jiong. He had to raise the volume in order to cover the sound of the rain, and finally shouted hoarsely.

The wind and waves blew from the left side of the rowing boat. The four people holding the single oars were miserable. They also had to fight with heaven and earth. It was terrible!

There were several cases of hands-off during training. Fortunately, no one was injured. Otherwise, the training was really a big loss, too laborious, and extremely flattering!

2000 meters of training they carried out six times with all their strength, no more, and even more iron men can not afford it, today's storm, the best record is 7 minutes 22 seconds!

In this performance, coach Xu did not say good or bad. The members of the Extreme Men's Help Group did not know whether they were doing well or not.

Director Guo Hongyang couldn't bear it: "Coach Xu, don't you tell them the significance of this achievement?"

Coach Xu nodded solemnly: "Don't tell them, just like that, time is running out, we need more pressure."

Many staff members are all stunned, yeah, today is May Day, and it is really not far from the Asian Games in September!


The long-term program is not broadcast once, and the rowing special will take nine months from the official establishment to the Asian Games. The content will be recorded into a maximum of eight issues.

If the episode is broadcast once a month, it will be difficult to connect the plot, so in order to broadcast better, they will be broadcast two consecutive episodes for two months.

The May Day holiday spanned exactly one week, and the audience was fortunate to see the full two episodes, which happened to be a rowing special.

Then, when I saw the extreme men help so hard, they vomited and rained again, and they were scolded by the coach if they didn't work well. If they were exhausted, they had to stand firm and resist again and again. After entering the quasi-professional team, hundreds of millions of viewers were all shocked!

Too great!

Too desperate!

This is the spirit of extreme challenge!

This is the Chinese indomitable fighting spirit!

The behavior of these mainstream stars is beyond the imagination of the Chinese people and has received countless respects and worship!

Wan Zirui, the chief editor of "Sports Weekly", wrote a long article in the current newspaper on May 9th, which was published on the front page of the headline. The name is [There is a spirit called the extreme challenge], basically 80 % Of the audience ’s voice.

"In the beginning, at a small dinner party, I heard a friend from the General Administration said that the extreme challenge was going to participate in the Asian Games rowing competition. I laughed at the time. I said it was absolutely impossible to let a group of amateur stars go. Participating in professional competitions is still the most team-oriented rowing, which is too unreliable! "

Countless readers all smiled when they saw this passage. Who saw the rumor on the Internet at that time, didn't they almost laugh?

It can be seen that after the first episode of the rowing special aired, they all understood it. Yang An, they are serious, not a joke!

"But after the year, when I learned that the General Administration has set up a project and mobilized the best resources to train them, they are still screening the entire entertainment circle, and professional coach Xu Feng has personally guided me, I realized that they really want Challenge the sport, challenge their limits! "

"In the next two episodes, in addition to seeing the extreme men who have always brought laughter and joy to the audience, we also saw a fast-growing rowing team! They started from scratch and started with the most basic actions. After learning, slowly they can already control eight people rowing on the lake to quickly break the waves ~ ~ each of their efforts, we all see.

When many people saw this sentence, they immediately thought of those classic scenes.

Unbalanced and capsized? It's a trivial matter. I've flipped a few times. I still laughed when I fell into the water, wiped my face and got out of the water, and continued to get on board.

Paddle off hand? Too common! Several people are almost tearing, not bandaged, continue training!

Vomiting? In order to win the little girl, for the dignity of the man, in order not to be humiliated, they are willing to vomit without bile!

There are too many shots of these efforts.

"Yesterday's heavy rain training, let our entire editorial department be moved! They only have one day at most for one month. Such a precious training opportunity is used in heavy rain. They can persist in training for 4 hours. I I believe that what prompted them to do this was definitely not the contract signed when the program was recorded, nor was it required by the director, but that 'responsibility' and 'competitiveness' were supporting them. "

This sentence moved countless people, and many people's distressed eyes were wet.

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