The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 966: Start tearing!

How can you not have money? It's the hardest thing to pay back these years! Even the driver who helped to drive the wedding car had to plug a small red envelope. The three big stars are the host, singing, and accompanying wine. How can they not give money?

The two old and one discussed, and they all paid 500,000 hardships, no more, at least they were at ease.

It's just that the three of He Jiong laughed and shook their heads, not accepting this red envelope.

Lao Hu was a little bit anxious, and he wanted to be polite. He Jiong pressed and said with a smile: "Lao Hu, we are here today as a guest of" Extreme Challenge ". Do you want to know why we are here? Let's find a place Let's have a good talk, old Li, come here too! "

The atmosphere on the court was a bit weird. Hu Dongpeng and Li Junlan bowed their heads, Hu Shaohua took the opportunity to slip away, and other relatives and friends did not know much about it. There were also several guys holding cameras to shoot around. Four of them were named. , Followed ignorantly, to a small room next to the hotel.

Seven people sat on three sofas, two on each side, and they didn't look at each other, as if the two armies were facing each other. The three of them could not help laughing.

He Jiong introduced, "Several issues of" Extreme Challenge "are about wedding ceremonies. Hundreds of thousands of people across the country have applied to us, hoping that we can sing at their wedding, but this is obviously impossible. Last In April, Hu Dongpeng also applied. We read his story and felt it necessary to come and see it, so we are here today. "

The four came to understand that it turned out that the three of them did not succeed because of who-ever relationship, but because of Hu Dongpeng's application.

He Jiong asked, "Don't you want to know what he wrote?"

The old couple could probably guess, not to mention the old couple, they knew what they had done, and of course they knew nothing about Hu Dongpeng, otherwise the three would not come over.

"This little boy ..."

Lao Hu was a little embarrassed and muttered secretly.

He Jiong took a deep breath and said, "In fact, we are here for mediation. We feel like the young couple are like two springs. The more pressure you give them, the more they rebound. The more you want to separate the two, People, the more they want to be together, in the end the whole thing is the person who has been hurt the most. You say, is that right? "

Lao Hu's wife is a strong person. She can do even the troubles in the unit. What else is she afraid to do?

She said loudly, "If he had listened to me from the beginning, nothing would have happened ..."

"Stop! Stop!"

He Jiong simply signaled her to stop, the host's majesty, and his status, which was very effective, and she shut up.

He Jiong said: "It's done, the marriage certificate has been received, and the banquet has been done. Now that it is a fact, we will not talk about the past, can we? We always blame others, always live in complaints and regrets. What do you mean? Right? Now that the two of them have become husbands and wives, no matter what happens next, we all have to figure out how to deal with it together. If we encounter difficulties, we will solve them together. Is this the reason? "

These inexplicable words made the four old people's eyelids jump.

He Jiong stopped and gave a hint to the two people around him, at this time it was Sha Yi and Mo Wen's turn.

Mo Wen laughed: "Brother Hu, sister-in-law, today is a festive day. Can you see it in my face, don't get angry today?"

Lao Hu was startled: "What is it? Why is it? What the **** happened?"

Sha Yi also said: "Lao Li, sister-in-law, you also have to stay calm. Give me a face today, don't talk, listen patiently to a story, can we?"

The old couple were very anxious, but they didn't say anything.

Laohu's wife covered her chest, as if she could not breathe, "You say, what happened? I'm so anxious!"

He Jiong said: "Okay, I said right away. The camera was shooting at us, and all of them were recorded. If you are particularly excited, such as interrupting me, or making a noise, not persuading, saying something inappropriate The three of us stood up and left immediately, absolutely no matter what. Also, today we hosted, sang, and all the tapes we recorded were discarded and replaced by others. "


so serious?

It was serious to see the three of them. The four old men even said they wouldn't, but they were stunned.

He Jiong explained the content of Hu Dongpeng's application. Hearing that Li Junlan might have infertility, the room fry!

The biggest reaction was Lao Hu's wife, whose stern voice, sadness, and anger made the three of He Jiong almost cover their ears.

"Let's just say this! This is to make our Hu family absolutely impossible! How can there be such a lack of morality? Don't come out and harm others if you can't have children!"

As soon as the Li family heard it, it instantly blew up!

"Who is deficient! You are deficient!"

Seeing scolding on both sides ~ ~ He Jiong immediately stood up, gesticulating, and the three went out with a few VJs together.


Lao Hu started his hand and slapped his wife with a slap: "Shut up to Lao Tzu! Let me keep you from making noises! Teacher He, Teacher He, don't go!"

Lao Li was also panicked and had no intention of quarreling, and quickly stood up to stop them from leaving.

He Jiong's expression was very cold: "Lao Hu, our production team interviewed your friends for half a month and knew your character well. Hu Dongpeng's couple fell into today's situation, and a large part of the reason is that your two Caused by the old, you are welcome to say that, compared with the performance of your two elders, Xiao Hu and Xiao Li are more compassionate and worthy of sympathy. We would not bother to care about you if it was not easy for them to see What a mess at home! What a terrible thing, sooner or later, you will eat your own fruits! "

Lamented by He Jiong without such dirty words, Lao Hu's faces turned blue and white for a while, and they couldn't even say a word. They didn't dare to attack the person who challenged the limit.

Everyone stood like this, He Jiong asked, "Is the request I just mentioned still possible? Can we do it? Let's sit down and say that we can't do it, and we won't waste our saliva?"

"Yes, yes!"

Lao Hu nodded quickly, then gave his wife a vicious look: "Don't you dare to say a word, I can't smoke you!"

Laohu's wife didn't dare to speak, and He Jiong sighed, "Hu Zizi, you really have to change your temper. We interviewed dozens of people. Not one or two said that you have a problem. Basically, you said that you had too much trouble with Hu Dongpeng It's strict. Sit down, there's still talk about it, I'll talk about it slowly. "

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