The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 967: Iceberg begins to melt

Sitting down again for the second time, the four elders calm down a lot, knowing that the ultimate challenge is real, now they are asking for others, and dare not make trouble easily.

Mrs. Li took Mo Wen's hand, and she cried in tears, asking, as if begging, "What happened to Jun Lan?"

He Jiong explained, "We have received Li Junlan's case report, and I gave it to the experts at Shanghai Tongji Hospital. They think the possibility of cure is very high. In fact, as long as you cooperate, modern medical technology is so developed, Treatment is not complicated. "

Mo Wen also smiled and said softly: "Sister, think about it, if this is difficult, will we come to mediate? What will the audience across the country think?"


Several people suddenly realized!

In fact, as long as this principle is a smart person, you can guess at the first thought. If people are not sure, they will not come at all.

Hu's wife is irrational and acute, so it only exploded after listening to the beginning. This character is the most important. Hu Dongpeng was oppressed by his mother for almost 30 years. He desperately wanted to fight and wanted to get rid of his parents' control. , Can fully understand his mood.

After all, Lao Hu has been in business for many years, and he thinks deeply about the world, so he just gave his wife a slap in the ear. Now after hearing He Jiong's conclusive conclusion, a big rock finally came down.

"Thank you! Thank you for the extreme challenge! Thank you for your concern! Ashamed to say, we are indeed a bit too strong, I review, I review!"

Lao Hu quickly stated: "Please rest assured that we will cooperate and not cause trouble for the young couple. What to do, you can speak. I know that extreme challenges are very capable, as long as we can solve the problem, we can pay as much as we want. "

Lao Li slipped off the sofa together and knelt on the ground a few times, scaring the three He Jiongs to help them quickly.

Mrs. Li cried crying, "Please ... please, please ... my girl's illness must be cured ..."

Sha Yi was relieved, and Mo Wen was persuading to help the two old men.

He Jiong said mercilessly: "The disease is going to be cured, but your two elders also have problems! I heard that Li Junlan refused to go back. You blame her for being disobedient, two blame her for being filial, and three blame them for not giving. Caili? Have you ever thought that your daughter is so big and sold it? The young people who just graduated have encountered this situation and are too busy to pay for it. Where are you elders? Not only do you not support understanding , But still hindered, is this the rhythm of trying to kill his daughter? "

The old couple were not together, tears and noses talking about their sufferings, what relatives and friends talked about, their stubborn daughters, and what the Hu family did. They were really angry.

At this moment, the two husbands next to each other were sitting on the wax again. The cause of the incident was really their own. They had to hold their sons in their hands. As a result, two people and a small family were harmed. It almost changed the situation. It became a human tragedy!

All in all, everyone has a mistake, and they don't know how to concede, just like a group of hedgehogs in a stance and fighting posture. Fortunately, there are extreme challenges to help, otherwise everyone doesn't know how to end.

Lao Hu immediately promised that they agreed with this daughter-in-law and would never say anything else.

Lao Li also promised that he would never cause further trouble to his daughter-in-law, as long as his daughter-in-law was happy, they would have no complaints.

This matter is barely considered to have solved the first half, and no one knows what will happen in the future.

The next day after the marriage, the young couple announced a honeymoon and actually went to Shanghai Tongji Hospital.

It is commendable that the four elderly people bought tickets at their own expense, accompanied to Shanghai, and took the initiative to bring their bank cards.

Anyway, at least the iceberg is starting to melt!


According to the director's arrangement, the next two episodes of "Extreme Challenge" have three major parts. Block A is a group of six people sitting together to announce the list of newcomers. The reason is that block B is a funny preparation for the six groups of guests. Block is a group of six guests going to the wedding scene.

From the length of the schedule and the effect of the program, the first three groups of Block A + BC constitute the first episode. Guo Hongyang has finished editing and is scheduled to broadcast on November 8. The fifth episode of Sun Honglei is left in the next episode. And the sixth group of Yang An did not shoot, when the time broadcast, Yang An's lens should be arranged for an entire hour, this is the core MC treatment.

On November 7, the fifth group started shooting.

The Sun Honglei couple, Dunchao couple, and the four of them attended the wedding of a poor couple in Zhongjing. The modern version of "The Gift of Maggie" moved everyone to tears. The scene was lively and the effect was very good.

On November 8, the last group of Yang Anrong and Feifei attended the Song Duckweed wedding. The entire extreme challenge program group participated in it, which satisfied the bride Song Duckweed ’s wishes. The social response was also very good.

It was still on November 8th, while Yang An was attending the song duckweed wedding scene ~ ~ The carefully prepared "The Wedding Challenge to the Extreme Challenge" episode 2 was aired on Red Maple Satellite TV and immediately started Uproar!

The audience was shocked!

No variety show has ever thought about fans so much, never has a group of big celebrity stars put down their feet and donated for free to fans, never has such a variety show so carefully, every detail is very thoughtful!

There has never been a show, so humane!

Yao Beina rests in her own home. Her mother is 65 years old, she is healthy, her feet are not touching the ground, and she takes care of her daughter's diet before and after running.

On the evening of the 8th, the Yao family arrived very well. Yao's father deliberately resigned from an academic seminar. Her husband also got off work on time. Today, Yao Beina is on TV. Of course, the family must share this happy time.

After dinner, when Yao Beina was seated on the sofa, Mother Yao brought fresh seasonal fruits and went back to the kitchen to collect the bowls. The two grandfathers sat on the sofa drinking tea and watching TV chat.

At 8 o'clock, Mother Yao finished cleaning and returned to the sofa. At the beginning of the show, He Jiong ’s wedding scene highlights, a lot of wonderful photos and video clips, just led to the mother ’s gossip heart burning stand up.

Mother Yao asked: "Did you go to He Jiong's wedding that day, did anything interesting happen?"

Yao Beina said with a smile: "Ms. He is a cultural person. You need to fight and don't fight. We just deliberately made it difficult for Mr. He when we greeted the bride. The teacher is so amazing. He ca n’t answer as long as he is a slapstick. His eloquence is really good, and it must be related to his experience in hosting "The Strongest Brain"! "

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