The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 983: Satisfy any of your wishes

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How far is it?

This person replied that there was still an hour's drive, and that person replied that they had to drive 20 kilometers. At this time, it was 8 am. At the peak of work, the traffic jam was a mess, and it might not be an hour.

After Yang An fed Huang Bo himself and ate a sandwich, he asked: "Bo brother, it ’s been two years to challenge the limit. You also know that we are best at satisfying the wishes of others. What regrets do you have and what do you want to do? But there is no chance to do it, you can tell us. "

"Yes, the limit challenges a miracle. Collecting a few of our dragons can satisfy any wish you have."

"Today is your last day show, you are the biggest, you say it's fine."

Everyone agreed, and Sun Honglei suddenly and sincerely said, "Brother, today we really want to give you a big gift."

Huang Bo laughed and pointed to his blindfold and asked, "This blindfold is a great gift from you?"

Yang An grinned, "Blindfolded is to surprise you and keep you nervous and curious throughout the process. Don't say that in order to plan today's episode, we have discussed for a long time to decide what to give. If you and us With tacit understanding, you can guess what the gift is. Let's say, what is your wish? "

Huang Bo thought for a while, "Don't say ..."

"What's hard to say?"

"There are so many bad things in life. Who didn't do a few ridiculous things when he was young? Tell your story, and we will help you achieve your wish ..."

"Whether you want to date your junior high school female classmate, or which director to save a meal, as long as you ask us, we can help you!"

Several people came together to come up with an idea, Huang Bo couldn't help crying: "Don't talk, let me think about it carefully, and sort it out to see what regrets I have had in the past 40 years."

The memories are always long, aged forty years old, and remembered for at least thirty years. There are always so many small impressions that are hidden in my heart for many years.

Everyone has their own secrets. Many things they want to do but dare not do. For example, when they see the beautiful young lady of the neighbor's house, they are shy, take a telescope to peek into the bathroom on the opposite floor, and want to have a secret love with the classmate who has been in secret for three years Have a romantic date. After being exploited by the boss, I especially want to blame him. By the way, he takes over his company, drives his BMW, sleeps on his little secretary, hits his son, and so on.

Of course, in addition to these evil ideas that are contrary to morals and laws and can only be secretly thought deep down, there are many legitimate wishes.

For example, Huang Bo wants to play a blockbuster with a box office breaking 1 billion, or he wants to make his own bankrupt factory reach the scale of the market and become an industrial tycoon. He also wants to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible and also want to produce records. He has many wishes for a concert or even an art exhibition.

"You guys can help me out today, right?"

Huang Bo remembers important prerequisites. What can he do in a day?

Yang An they just laugh, they just do n’t tell, and start chatting about other topics, such as “who do you like the best with these two years”, “who do you think is more suitable for filling?” And so on, of course, “Law of the Jungle” Will not fall off.

The traffic of Red Maple is the same as that of all provincial capitals. It is extremely congested during the rush hour. It took an hour for everyone to chat, and everyone was almost out of conversation before they reached their destination.

After getting out of the car, Yang An left the prop gun and equipment in the car, changed to normal clothes, and led Huang Bo forward.

From the turn of the vehicle into the field to the passing of the fence, Huang Bo kept talking, saying quietly: "It's quiet ... there aren't too many motor vehicles nearby ... and there are no electric car horns ... there are gatekeepers ..." Quietly around ... the air is very good, the wind is strong ... Hey, wouldn't you just bring me to the river?

Everyone laughed: "It's the waterfront!"

"Ready to throw you into the Yangtze River to feed fish!"

"Bo, do you have anything left to say?"

Being joked by everyone, Huang Bo didn't panic: "You scare me less! Why didn't you hear the whistle of a ship? I didn't hear the waves of the river! Also, the air on the riverside was smelly, I couldn't see it, but I had Nose, you can't hide me! "

Everyone laughed and hugged Huang Bo up the steps, walked left and right, and finally stepped onto a large stage, stepping on the wooden floor, and rattled.

Yang An frightened: "Listen to the sound. You are stepping on the wooden pier under your feet. Walk 5 meters further and you will fall into the river! Okay, let's not sell any more. I will call 321, and you take it off. Blindfold, you can see the surprise we gave you! Three! Two! One! "

Huang Bo slowly took off his blindfold, and for more than an hour of darkness, he couldn't open his eyes for a while, but narrowed his eyes and looked forward carefully.

The blurred vision gradually became clearer, Huang Bo froze.

This scene seems to have met, yes, this should be the Red Maple Stadium!

A year ago, they held a song contest here, and the first Enron Art Festival was held here. That day ~ ~ 40,000 viewers waved light sticks, and the shouting of all was for their limit six. People, he and Huang Xiao sang "I'm Angry", becoming the third place in the song contest that day, that is the highest glory he has gained as a singer!

The light gradually brightened, and Huang Bo looked around. The lawn was full of dense armchairs, thousands, or tens of thousands?

He didn't know the number, but his heart was pounding, his breathing was difficult, and his pupils could not help shrinking. Why brought him here? Could it be ...

"Aha! How is it? Are you happy?"

Beside are the proud voices of the brothers, Yang An patted his shoulder and pointed behind him: "Look at the back, what is this?"

Huang Bo turned back and was shocked again to say nothing.

In the middle of the stage is a giant LED screen. The staff is busy setting up with an elevator and a boom. Huang Bo even saw the figure of Jin Shaohua. He is directing the engineering team to arrange the sound. Looking at the equipment, we know that the scale of the sound is not worse than Enron Art Festival!

On the left side of the screen stands a huge propaganda poster that says "Huang Bo's solo concert." On the poster, he put his hands in his pockets, bowed his head slightly, and looked handsome and disgusting, with deep eyes and evil temperament. It was his most satisfied and favorite make-up photo. I did not expect this group of friends to use this photo!

Looking at the right again, there is also a giant poster. The picture is obviously ps. He holds his chest in the center, lowers his head slightly, touches his chin with his right hand, and smiles at the corners of his mouth. Around his knees are his five brothers who stand against him, like stars. Like the moon, the text with the picture is "Extreme Challenge Farewell Party".

& lt;!-gen1-1-2-110-14943-251439205-1489662060-& gt; (King of Variety Entertainment)

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