The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 984: This is my solo concert

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"Dang Dang Dang Dang ~ Hongfeng Stadium opens the door to a new world for you!"

"How? This is the gift that Extreme Challenge has given you. Are you happy?"

"You are already a winner in all aspects of life. The film and TV variety shows are all successful. Only you haven't had a concert yet? We have to make up for this regret today and send you a top personal concert!"

"Oh ~ can you fight for it?"

The five were very noisy and happy, singing Huang Bo's famous song "I'm Angry", and the atmosphere on the scene was quite lively. Fastest update

There was jubilation around, but Huang Bo's body was motionless. Finally, he couldn't help it, covering his face with both hands, and choked excitedly in front of the camera.

Gift giving is a question that asks when and when to give a gift. People with high emotional quotients can find the most suitable gift according to the gift recipient, so as to obtain the best results.

Today is an important day for Huang Bo to leave "Extreme Challenge", so the gifts from the brothers must be memorable.

Generally speaking, the best and most suitable gift should be to arrange the identity of the protagonist of this episode of Extreme Challenge, and then make this episode a classic, so that Huang Bo will recall the glory of fighting alongside his brothers in the future. Nowadays, when I think of the classic of the protagonist, I will feel particularly happy.

This is the general direction that Guo Hongyang and Yang An discussed for half a month before they settled down. Huang Bo must play the leading role in the last issue.

Next is the specific content of the theme. Huang Bo is a child from the institution's compound. He was interested in singing, dancing, drawing, painting and painting all sorts of young girls, but he didn't like to learn.

He was best at singing since he was a child. He dreamed of becoming a singer. He was enthusiastic about participating in various singing competitions and won a bunch of awards. After graduating from junior high school, he became a resident singer of the largest singing hall in Cheongdo, and was loved by the bosses.

By the way, I can teach two people to dance by the way. I can earn two or three thousand a month. In the two months of the third year of summer vacation, he earns so much as his mother's salary for a year. The young man is proud of the spring breeze, and the future seems bright.

Because of his poor performance, Huang Bo read only the technical secondary school and continued to play music. After graduating from the technical secondary school, he went to Yangcheng to sign a record company, formed a band to perform nationally, sang in Beijing to perform, and gave samples to all the record companies in the country. Throw in the music scene.

At that time, Yang Yuying and Mao Neng cast records with him, Man Wenjun, Zhou Xiaoou, Sha Baoliang, Zhou Xun and he ran the bar together to make money. Others were hot, such as Sun Yat-sen, Zhou Xun even dominated the domestic film and television industry. The status of the elder sister is that he is too ugly and too short to have any honor for so many years. He is completely out of the road as a singer.

When he was 25 years old, he went back to Qingdao slumped, started to work in a machine factory, and entered the physical industry. Then he met Yang An, starred in a movie, and later flew Huang Tengda. He made a lot of money and took the film emperor. Success is success, but the singing career is always His biggest heartache, the singer's identity has always been his dream.

Therefore, Yang An clapped and let the extreme challenge use all the resources to prepare this solo concert for Huang Bo. Today he makes him addicted to the singer's addiction, and also lets him sing the song tonight to make an album. Enron helped release, and Huang Bo's top singer dreams!

The gift was sent to the heart, Huang Bo was of course crying.

The camera was zoomed in, and Huang Bo's tears could be seen falling down between the fingers, sobbing and choking, his emotions were very excited.

The five brothers gathered around, patting his shoulders and arms, smiling and encouraging.

"Wow! The 40,000 people stadium, tonight all belong to you, the bunker has my brother!"

"A level with the song contest!"

"Wow, why did my production team owe wages lately, forcing us to eat instant noodles. It turned out to be this concert?"

"Huang Bo's exclusive concert, envy me!"

Everyone has their own envy. A lot of them are sincere. Who doesn't want to hold a concert in such a big stadium? That is glory, supreme glory!

Yang An also took Huang Bo's shoulders and sighed: "Bo brother, do you know, I am so good that I can be called a singer, but even I have not enjoyed such a large concert stage alone. The biggest one was at the 80,000 Workers Stadium, but at that time I followed Huang Xiao and sang only two songs. That memory has made me unforgettable for life! "

Huang Bo was still choking, and at this time he kept echoing a sentence in his mind: "This is my concert, this is really my personal concert!"

Seeing that he couldn't stop for a long time, he couldn't hold back his tears even though he could persuade him. Sabbe was going to do something fierce: "Brother, it's enough, sensationalism is enough. Wow, this is just the beginning! If no audience comes at night, there is When you cry! "

Yang An also said, "Because the production team has limited funds, all the budget for this episode has been invested in the scene layout ~ ~ There is no money for publicity, so no one in the world knows you today. There will be a concert here in the evening, so whether or not these 40,000 viewers can be invited today depends on a few of our efforts to publicize. "

Sun Honglei pressed a slap on the back of Huang Bo's head and said unhappyly, "Master, what are you crying about? There are more than 8,000 chairs on the lawn and more than 40,000 seats in the stands. One day, no, half a day, Can you fill it up? "

Yang An said: "That is, you are crying now, but at night, when we see only a few dozen lala people come to see your concert, we will laugh!"

"Hahaha ~"

"Huang Bo's Hundreds Concert!"

"An outdoor program with the least number of challengers is the only bunker!"

"Popular singer Huang Bo is doing all he can. He invited 88 fans, ha ha, no, I want to laugh for a while."

"If there are really only a few dozen people, this issue will definitely become a classic in the history of Extreme Challenge!"

As a result of this, Huang Bo finally raised his head, wiped away his tears, and laughed in tears: "You crow's mouth! How could there be only dozens of people? I have tens of millions of fans!"

Shabei said, "Even if you have tens of millions of fans, they are all over the country. They may not be able to rush to Hongfeng today! This is a 40,000-person stadium, my brother, not a small basketball court of 400 people. , Stop ink, hurry up and find someone! "

With such an analysis, the task is really arduous.

Huang Bo didn't dare to waste time. At this time, it was almost 10 in the morning. If there was any ink, I'm afraid there would be no time for publicity.

And today is still workday, not Saturday and Sunday, we can only find ways to find fans to fill in Hongfeng. (King of Variety Entertainment)

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