The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 985: Female streamers return to the rivers and lakes

The six stood up again, Huang Bo also made up his makeup, and his mood was stable.

Yang An said: "Below we are going to make a competition game, draw votes in teams, and see who draws more people. Caitou is Huang Bo's first record. All the operating and production costs for this record, plus the number of people present today. The number of accurate albums will be given, and the loser will pay the bill! "


"That `s a deal!"

Seeing everyone agree, Yang An laughed and said, "How about Bo, how many people are you pulling today, there are so many guaranteed sales of your first record. Are you trying to pull people today?"

Huang Bozheng said: "That is a must! I will go to Weibo to update, and motivate my fans to come and participate ..."

The most abominable director Guo Hongyang suddenly held up his microphone and said, "From now on, each of you will need to hand over your cell phone and wallet to us. We will only provide two cars and the necessary loudspeaker equipment. We need you. Invitations to the audience! "


A group of people are dumbfounded!

On-site invitation, is this still a ghost?

By word of mouth for half a day, can I invite 10,000 people without publicity through the Internet, Weibo, and circle of friends?

Time is too short!

"It doesn't matter, what are we afraid of extreme challenge?"

Yang An cheered everyone up. Everyone raised their minds and quickly selected the two teams ab by drawing lots. Yang An Sha Yi and Zhang Yixing were a group of three good boys. The remaining three were noisy robots. , Of course, the mount is not an exaggerated saber-toothed tiger, just use its own ordinary commercial vehicle.

The invitation route was also decided by himself. Group A, Yang An, took the lead and planned to follow the route of the business district, the market, two pedestrian streets, and Zhongshan Park. The main audience invited was ordinary citizens.

The three noisy people in group b were still arguing until they got on the bus. The car drove, and the destination was not yet determined.

Among the extreme men's gangs, Shabei, Huang Bo and Sun Honglei are the oldest. The difference is less than five years old. They are all about 40 years old. They have won the highest honors in their respective fields.

Shabei won the host's National Golden Microphone Award while working at CCTV. Both Huang Bo and Sun Honglei are film actresses, both are box office guarantees for TV drama films. From the perspective of personality analysis, the three are among the people standing at the top of the pyramid. The dragon, the strong one, is definitely the protagonist in any variety show.

But after entering the extreme challenge, everyone found that there were no weak people. In addition to the three of them feeling that they were meeting each other, they also found a demon-like Yang An. There were too many powerful people and the competition was too fierce.

So after weighing them, they adjusted their positioning, and in the same way, they took the joke of their teammates as the focus, and assumed the joke of the "Extreme Challenge" 80. The "Three Extremes" and "Three Extremes" are like this. The period Sanjing is responsible for advancing the plot, and the three silly are responsible for teasing.

"The first stop must go to the Super Business Super League! Just the first episode of" Extreme Challenge "two years ago, we took the episode of" Career Experience ", where there are definitely many people!"

"Yes! I think Wal-Mart is good. That's a blessing for me and Honglei. Wal-Mart is so popular. It can pull at least 1,800 people there today!"

"Let's go to Carrefour. Carrefour has one in Jiangdong. The traffic is particularly high. Wal-Mart seems a little far away."

"Where is Wal-Mart? Carrefour? If you want to go, go to Hongfeng Teachers College, Hongfeng Conservatory of Music. Let's take a stroll around the university town. If you don't come with 5,000 people today, I'll tell you your last name!"

The three of them argued for a long time. Considering that young people are more receptive and have more time, they finally agreed to set a goal. The business car turned around in a big circle in the front and went straight to the university town!


Not only the six of them, but also a guest today.

There were three female guests, Mo Wen and her younger sister Li Xintong, as well as three guest guests Rong Feifei.

The male singer is only the Red Wolf band led by Huang Xiao. The guests are precious and not many.

"Sister Mo, we originally planned to make a small ep with less than 8 songs, but General Manager Yang said that Huang Bo had a hard time getting an album, so in the end he changed to a big concert collection with Huang Bo's 8 songs The songs are the main body, and the remaining 4 are filled by the songs of your guests. "

The director explained a plan list, and Mo Wen looked at the song list carefully, thoughtfully.

Huang Bo's main song is "I'm Angry", and there are a few cover songs of other singers. The other two have not heard of it. She curiously pointed and asked: "These two ..."

The director smiled: "It is his own original. President Yang has heard it and said it is gold buried in the gravel."

Mo Wen curiously said, "Yang An has such a high opinion of him? Then I have to listen to it ~ ~ The director continues to introduce:" Li Xintong and Rong Feifei sing a song together, then Mo sister your This single, a red wolf band, and finally the extreme challenge six people sing a song together, this is the entire content of the collection. "

What a big deal!

With a sigh, Mo Wen sighed: "It goes without saying that I know that in addition to Huang Bo's own originals, this collection should be written or adapted by Yang An."

The director smiled and did n’t say that everyone is still a friend. People are different. Yang An didn't focus on the songs. Otherwise, he could dominate all the charts in the music scene every year.

Mo Wen put away the song list and called the agent: "Sister Liu, arrange it and prepare to record. If I don't need a snack, this album may be the worst performer!"

Sister Liu and the director both laughed and talked about how it would happen that the performance of a sister in the Mainland's singing scene could be poor?

Li Xintong was picked up by Rong Feifei. The pair of good girlfriends haven't seen each other for half a year. Both of them are mature women in their 30s. They have exaggerated charms when they raise their hands and talk with each other. open.

It's just that the female prostitute Li Xintong always likes to tease Rong Feifei, and after three or two sentences, she moves to the boudoir secrets, Rong Feifei blushes like a monkey butt.

The two went to the recording studio to prepare for the audition.

Li Xintong complained casually: "This man, when he was 28, he liked 18-year-old girls. When he was 38, 48, or even 68, he also liked 18-year-old girls! Like me, 38-year-old Older women are tired of looking at it. My men and I ca n’t get to bed once a month, even if it ’s perfunctory, there is no quality at all! Well, how about the frequency of your family and you? Do it once a day? How many times a day? "

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