The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 986: This group of bear children is making trouble again!

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& lt; h1 & gt; The text Chapter 986 This group of bear children is in trouble again! & lt; h1 & gt;

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Rong Feifei was blushing and was about to bleed. She dragged her into the recording studio: "What are you talking about, Xin Tong, the sound engineer is coming ..."

Li Xintong did not continue to talk nonsense in the recording studio, muttered a few words, and began to seriously audition.

After two minutes of adjustment, Li Xintong was very satisfied with the professional equipment and praised Yang An who was willing to spend money for several sentences.

This evening, the two girls have a chorus called "I Will Not Leave", which is inspirational, clear, and passionate in love. This style bears the obvious mark of Yang An.

After Li Xintong finished singing, she changed to Rong Feifei for a separate audition, and then the two stood together to record simultaneously. After two hours of refinement and adjustment, the two were finished recording. After finishing the film, I'm waiting to sing in the evening, maybe I will release this studio version.

After lunch and a little rest, at more than three o'clock in the afternoon, the two came to the stadium in advance in the company car to check the preparations for the concert.

It's cloudy and sporadic light rain, and the temperature is about eight degrees. It feels quite cold.

Li Xintong just walked out of the stadium aisle and saw the scene layout, wow shouting in amazement.

"This ... are you too powerful?"

Looking around, Nuo Da's lawn is covered with plastic grids, which can prevent tens of thousands of people from stepping on the lawn, which is environmentally friendly and safe.

There are eight squares on the lawn, and the number is not clear.

The most conspicuous is the direction of the stage. Although the overall size of the steel frame and the boom is smaller than the Enron Art Festival Song Contest, but seeing the complex multi-channel audio array set up, you know that the live effect is definitely not inferior to the Song Contest. Maybe this year After the equipment is updated, the site effect will be better!

Li Xintong asked in surprise: "How many people are coming tonight?"

Rong Feifei laughed: "I don't know. They did not sell tickets to the outside world, and did not do online and media promotion in advance. They all depended on the invitation today, so the number is uncertain!"

Li Xintong stunned: "No one is selling tickets? This ... liar, Yang An, this big liar! Lie me to say that 40,000 people are full of seats, and tens of thousands of people are cheering, making me feel like opening a top concert ..."


Seeing Li Xintong gritting her teeth, Rong Feifei leaned on her shoulder and almost bent over with a smile: "Oh hey, sister Xin Tong, don't believe it if you are Yang An, he exaggerates ..."

After the two women laughed, the director added: "There are 88oo chairs on the lawn. If there are many people, all of them will be arranged on the stands. In short, we prepared according to 30,000 people, light sticks, Color reflector ... "

"What is the reflector for?" Li Xintong asked curiously.

The director smiled, and deliberately sold off: "You'll see it at night."

At this time, more than 200 students who came in from the aisle were wearing uniform black coats and vests with the words "Extreme Challenge". The director explained that these were volunteers, and they slowly integrated into 88oo chairs. In the group, sit apart.

The boom above the stage was shaking, and the camera was pointed at the stage. In the middle of the stage, Guo Hongyang was standing on the stage with a walkie-talkie in his hand and giving an order.

Li Xintong noticed that although more than 200 students were scattered, they were sitting regularly.

Each row is three to four people at a fixed distance. She guessed that these volunteers should be used to direct the crowd.

"Rehearsal plan one, rehearsal plan one! Countdown preparation, three, two, one!"

With Guo Hongyang's order, the volunteers in the audience moved, a bit like dominoes, more like waves on the football field.

Li Xintong was curious: "What is this? Do you want to play with Renlang?"

Rong Feifei wasn't quite sure. Yang An hadn't said to her about this: "I don't know, but shouldn't Renlang take place in the stands?"

"It doesn't matter where the waves are," Li Xintong muttered. "The point is, this person can't see what it is."

Guo Hongyang commanded while watching the effect: "Region A and District are slower, pay attention to adjustments. Okay, pre-show plan two, countdown preparation!"

After the second plan was adjusted, all the volunteers ran to the stands and tested several other sets of rehearsals.

Guo Hongyang tried the wave plan, then watched the video from the crane camera, discussed with several directors around him, modified the details, and finished the stage test and rehearsal.

At this time, a little assistant hurriedly came over, "Sister Feife, something happened at the Sufi bar!"

Rong Feifei was startled: "What's going on?"

The little assistant said: "Six of them were challenged to the limit, and here came the fight in the bar ..."

With a sigh of relief, Rong Feifei held his chest in both hands and chuckled, "What happened to the director when they were there? What's wrong with the recording? Besides, the fierceness of their troubles is also the entertainment effect of the show.

The little assistant was anxious: "But they plan to give away all the wine in the bar and drink for free ..."


Rong Feifei thought that she had heard it wrong: "Where is Huihui, who is she? There are hundreds of thousands of bottles of wine in the store, as well as famous wines stored by many big people. Didn't they move?"

The little assistant cried and said: "All of them turned upside down, and they thought they were recording there, so no one said, or the staff secretly notified me, and I knew ..."

Rong Feifei quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Yang An. No one answered the phone while she was working. She called Su Hui again, but no one answered. It is estimated that she is doing spa, drinking tea, swimming or something.

Li Xintong next heard about the situation from the assistant's mouth, and almost smiled.

Su Hui and Rong Feifei knew each other ten years ago because of "Laughs in the Rivers and Lakes". The two women are good relationship girlfriends. Su Hui is a business elite and opened the Yang'an emoji toy factory with Rong Feifei. Sophie Bar, Yang An Exclusive fashion brand clothing stores, etc., have expanded quite a lot of peripheral businesses around Yang An, making money and being soft.

Because of Yang An's reason, many friends in the entertainment industry come to Red Maple and go to the bar to choose the Sophie Bar.

The environment is good and the security is high. Many beautiful girls want to get the chance to enter the entertainment industry here. The handsome guy is also eager to be seen by any director, so there is never a shortage of handsome men and women. The customers are also Hongfeng ’s most fashionable and most fashionable. Tide, the richest consumer ~ ~ Membership, the barrier to entry is extremely high, and some people still rush.

Such a bar has promoted the exhibition of the entire University City Commercial Street. In a few years, it has become a famous fashion consumer area of ​​Hongfeng. It can only be said that the business of the entertainment industry is too good.

Now the extreme challenge this group of people ran to the bar counter, and the whole street was driven when the program was recorded. The blocked water was leaking. The customers were standing in a long line outside. The scene was too hot ...

"what's the situation?"

Rong Feifei couldn't reach her alone. She stomped her feet and simply took Li Xintong to go to Guo Hongyang. She didn't believe it. The field team made such a big noise. The director can still sit at home?

"Where is Guide Guo?"

Rong Feifei asked a few staff members to ask the past, and they all said they saw Guo Dao just now. Why did they disappear in a blink of an eye?

Seeing this group of staffs one after another, dodging and wanting to cover up, Li Xintong knows it well and smiles wildly.

She pulled Rong Feifei and laughed: "Fifi, don't look for it. It is estimated that things are getting worse, and I'm afraid you will be soaring. I'm sure they are hiding from you! Let's go and go to the bar to see. I want to see the extreme men. How Gangs Play Games. "

When the two walked to the parking lot, Rong Feifei said angrily: "What's so nice, a group of small children who haven't weaned yet!"

Li Xintong grinned, reached Rong Feifei's ear, winked and said, "You are still insisting on feeding Yang An to breastfeed?"

Rong Feifei fainted, pulled the door, and said, depressed, "What time is it, my sister, do you still have the mood to say such a thing? Hurry up to the scene, it doesn't matter if the warehouse and the inventory, if they ruin the storage wine Now, how can you explain to the guests in the future! "

Li Xintong laughed so happily that it was really unspeakable to see another bear child's troubles again! 8 (king of variety entertainment)

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