January 31, 1992.

In the half month since Kitahara Sosuke left Japan, the Sumitomo Consortium has reversed its decline, focused on attacking the Kitahara Consortium in various fields, and achieved several major breakthroughs and victories.

At the same time, they focused their main efforts on targeting Hashimoto Ryutaro, the pillar behind Kitahara Sosuke. The newly-appointed prime minister was attacked from both sides. The Financial Services Agency under his control was disintegrated. Now he is unable to handle the situation. The "housing specialization issue" has been challenged by Congress.

Even the current Prime Minister's cabinet has become shaky. Several important members have been impeached by Congress one after another, and many unsightly scandals have broken out.

Ryutaro Hashimoto knew that the other party's next plan was to spend a lot of money to leverage his position. If the Sumitomo Foundation succeeded in unseating him, the Hashimoto family would be in ruins and there would be no chance of a comeback.

The Mitsubishi Consortium is currently strongly supporting its former rival Sumitomo Consortium. Since Mitsubishi Heavy Industries was taken away by Sosuke Kitahara, its top families have regarded Sosuke Kitahara as a scourge, and the level of danger has been raised to the highest level.

There were even calls within Tokyo Daiichi Bank to fire Kitahara Sosuke, the head office manager. However, these calls were quickly suppressed by the head office president Kenji Wada and the vice president Akatsuki Wada.

Are you kidding me?

Nowadays, there are various problems inside and outside Tokyo Daiichi Bank. The only person who can suppress these things is Kitahara Sosuke. If he leaves Tokyo Daiichi Bank, who will take over?

The Fuji Consortium and the Kanyin Consortium were sitting on the sidelines watching the battle between the two forces, while the Mitsui Consortium was eager to give it a try. Ever since Sony and Toshiba were tricked by Kitahara Sosuke, huge conflicts had arisen within the Mitsui Consortium. Disagreement.

A small group of people support cooperation with Kitahara Sosuke. They believe that Kitahara Sosuke is strong and controls 5% of the shares of Mitsui Sakura Bank. There is no need to drive this major shareholder into the hostile camp. However, most people think that this This is the best opportunity to overthrow Kitahara Sosuke. After passing this village, there will be no such store.

The only one that is very honest is still the Sanwa Foundation, which safely manages its major assets such as UFJ Bank and Nissho Iwai Co., Ltd. and tries its best to get rid of the decline after the bubble burst.

With the continuous promotion of the Sumitomo Foundation, Japan's domestic financial turmoil has intensified. In January alone, there were 6,952 bankrupt companies with debts of more than 10 million yen, 32.6% more than the same period in 1991.

Six other banks declared bankruptcy. It was not until the day of the press conference that depositors learned that the bank where they deposited money actually had such a large deficit.

So big that there is no possibility of relief.

The bank went bankrupt, causing a huge crisis in creditworthiness, and the corresponding bank runs came as expected. Many financial industry clubs were affected one after another and were unable to cope with the large number of depositors withdrawing money.

Sumitomo Shigeki watched all this with amusement, and also ordered his subordinates to continue to exaggerate the concept of financial bankruptcy, encouraging people to withdraw money in various ways, not to consume or invest, and to stay at home to survive the so-called economic winter.

In this atmosphere, only the largest banks can deposit and withdraw money at all times, which has allowed Sumitomo Bank to attract a group of loyal depositors.

But behind these interests, there is no telling how many people’s blood and tears are mixed with them.

In order to deal with this financial crisis, the Hashimoto cabinet held an emergency cabinet meeting. Before they could come up with a countermeasure, a fire broke out in their own backyard.

Nobu Kanemaru, the vice president of the Liberal Democratic Party who has always strongly supported his work, was reported to the National Assembly with his real name for secretly accepting a 500 million yen donation from Tokyo Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. The Tokyo District Prosecutors quickly launched an investigation and soon investigated the whole scandal.

Just a few minutes ago, Nobu Kanemaru bowed and apologized in front of the media, cried bitterly, resigned, and no longer served as the vice president of the Liberal Democratic Party. His close relationship with Ryutaro Hashimoto was exposed, and the fire burned his head again. superior.

"Okay, okay, I want to see what Kitahara Sosuke can do to resolve the dilemma this time."

In a mansion somewhere in Tokyo, Sumitomo Shigeki sat with two beautiful beauties and applauded.

Today he invited several close friends to play Texas Hold'em poker at his home. These people are all core children of the large families within the Sumitomo Foundation and are also peers of Kitahara Sosuke.

Their generation has been overshadowed by this "grassroots" who came out of nowhere. It can be said that no one does not hate Kitahara Sosuke.

Seeing that Sumitomo Shigeki was about to overthrow Kitahara Sosuke, these people were all beaming with joy, wishing they could fast forward to the end result of the collapse of the Kitahara Consortium and the imprisonment of Kitahara Sosuke!

Everything went as Sumitomo Shigeki expected.

Kitahara Sosuke took one step back, so he could only retreat step by step.

In the first confrontation, if he didn't dare to fight head-on, then all the initiative in the future would be in his own hands.

"That guy is still abroad and hasn't come back?" Sumitomo Shigeki picked up the red wine glass and ate a piece of fruit fed to his mouth by the charming girl.

"Yes, reliable information. After leaving London, the guy flew directly to Los Angeles and had a secret meeting with Microsoft's Bill Gates. Then he flew to New York in a swaggering way, seemingly to have a meeting with Steve Jobs."

One of the dandy boys replied with a smile.

"Does this guy still have the heart to engage in these things? I think he is completely intimidated by you, Shigeki. He is planning to abandon the country and transplant the Beihara Consortium overseas!"

"Technology? Is he so optimistic about the technology industry? Even if the future is the era of technology, it is not something that can bring benefits overnight. The technology industry can slowly develop, but the financial industry is racing against time. This guy, I am so disappointed. "

Sumitomo Shigeki asked the pretty girl to pick up the mobile phone beside her.

This is the Kitahara 2 series mobile phone, which is said to be the best-selling mobile phone in Japan at the moment. But it is such a small gadget and the price is so expensive. How many people can afford it?

Even if the price of Kitahara 1 series mobile phones is reduced by nearly half, it can only be enjoyed by office workers with a wealthy family at present. It will take at least four or five years for it to be popularized in every household.

This is completely incomparable with the financial industry, which is declining but will come back again.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Sumitomo Shigeki thought Kitahara Sosuke would understand such a simple truth.

He was a little disappointed.


The Kitahara 2 series mobile phone in his hand was hit hard on the ground.

Then he stepped hard with a leather shoe!

USA, New York.

Looking at the New York Times Hotel built by Kitahara Construction in front of him, Kitahara Sosuke was filled with emotions.

My overseas business trip finally achieved considerable success.

Russia, Britain, and the United States.

There are many countries waiting for him to conquer in the future.

"Mr. Kitahara, it's an honor to meet you." A rather elegant middle-aged man wearing glasses came over with a smile.

It was Jobs who had not yet returned to Apple at this time!

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