"Damn it! Damn it! It's so abominable!"

Fujiwara Norika, who was holding a pile of documents, stepped hard on the smooth ground with a pair of small black leather shoes, making a crisp sound of tapping. Her delicate little nose couldn't help but exhale, "Department Chief, how can you still endure this? You sound like a bully from the Oshima Department!"

Fujiwara Norika, who has always been gentle and gentle, almost couldn't help but get angry. In the conference room just now, Oshima Mitsuo really bullied others and targeted her department head at every turn. Unfortunately, she was only a small director. In-class meetings were not important at all. Not qualified to speak.

"Also, Department Chief, without the 50 million yen allocation quota, the number one contributor to the Best Department Award this time will be Department Chief Oshima." Norika Fujiwara grimaced, working hard After working hard for a year, she saw that the duck in her hand was about to fly away. She felt that she had no motivation at all and wanted to rush back immediately to ask Section Chief Kuroda to take back her decision.

She really couldn't figure out the reason why Kitahara Sosuke suddenly changed her strategy. Although the 100 million yen target was indeed a bit difficult, she shouldn't just give up without doing anything.

Due to the special period of the bubble economy, a large number of housing investment loans were produced. In order to avoid some departments from crazy loan approval in order to boost performance, a large number of non-performing loans were eventually born.

The Central District Branch began to implement quota allocation restrictions this year. Section heads will adjust the loan quotas they can control in real time based on the work performance of each department this year to prevent the sudden occurrence of a large number of non-performing loans.

To put it bluntly, there is too much money circulating in the bank! Having too much money and no limit is not a good thing either.

Kuroda Yu only gave them a quota of 50 million yen for the third series. If the loan is exceeded, the procedures will become more troublesome and the review speed will slow down, which is not conducive to loan issuance. The borrowers will give up on them and look for other companies. Departments with higher quotas.

"Fujiwara, I checked again just now. This year, the three departments lent a total of 3.679 billion yen, of which nearly 3.5 billion ended up going to the housing market and stock market."

Kitahara Sosuke walked towards his workstation. Originally, he did not intend to continue arguing with the little girl on this issue, but thinking that she had done a lot for him and was smart and sensible, he stopped and explained briefly.

Norika Fujiwara tilted her little head and was puzzled. Isn’t it normal for funds to flow to these places?

"In other words, 95% of the money we released became piles of virtual numbers and sets of real estate. Compared with other financial institutions, at least 80% of the circulating funds of RB are used as venture capital."

Kitahara Sosuke didn't need data to speak, and Fujiwara Norika didn't feel much yet. Now that he said this, she suddenly woke up, her mouth opened slightly, and her face was in disbelief.

Is this already such an exaggeration? !

"Understand, this is like a huge bubble. No matter how big it expands, it is just a ball of air inside. All you have now is this air."

Kitahara Sosuke sighed. The concept of bubble economy is actually not difficult to understand. It has not happened in other countries before, but it is just that we are in it, especially the current RB. After three or four years of turbulence, everyone's assets are skyrocketing.

When the whole nation is agitated, people's emotions can easily be infected, causing them to lose their basic reason and judgment.

And even if it breaks down, no one thinks it will be in the near future. Even if it is too illusory, isn't there still government control?

"Then, let's go next, department manager." Fujiwara Norika was a little frightened. The bulging wallet and the crazy increase in personal assets really went to her little head, but if she retreated from the rapid stream, she always felt unwilling to do so.

"Just taking precautions before they happen. It is impossible to continue to invest money in the real estate and stock markets. The tasks assigned by Governor Asano must still be completed, but we will do it in a different way." Kitahara Sosuke smiled faintly and began to tell her what he was doing The initial plan was, "It's not just speculators who hope to get rich in real estate and stocks who need loans. By the way, thank you for writing a written report application for me. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"Hey, this is what I should do." Fujiwara Norika didn't expect that he would specifically thank her, her face turned red, and she waved her hand in embarrassment.

"By the way, the loan for Xinhe Real Estate this afternoon was simply rejected." Kitahara Sosuke suddenly thought of something and reached out to pull out a document from her arms, "Let's go to another club instead."

"Hey, will the loan from Xinhe Real Estate be rejected directly?!" Fujiwara Norika's beautiful face turned bitter again. Xinhe Real Estate has a 10 million yen loan that is about to be completed, and it is also the last one she negotiated this month. Large loan.

"Yes, I took a look at President Xinhe's personal information. He has too many properties in his name and is very risky. He is not suitable for continued cooperation."

Kitahara Sosuke nodded and looked through the file in his hand as he walked. In the meeting just now, he reviewed all the clients of the lower three departments and unexpectedly found a certain "inconspicuous" club.

Isn’t having more properties under your name a sign of success? Why is it so risky? In the end, Fujiwara Norika didn't ask the words that came to her lips. She could only sigh and follow Kitahara Sosuke.

I hope the new customers will be better~

"If we give up the Xinhe real estate, we will have a new client." Without saying it directly, Kitahara Sosuke quickly returned to his work station and prepared the required documents. "Get ready, we will set off on time at 4:30."

"Okay, okay." Fujiwara Norika felt her head was dizzy, so she had to run back and seal up all the plans related to Xinhe Real Estate.

5 p.m., Takeuchi Rubber Co., Ltd., Chuo-ku, Osaka.

In the workshop filled with the smell of engine oil and sweat, a middle-aged man in a blue uniform bowed to Kitahara Sosuke repeatedly, attracting the attention of many workers.

"Three months ago, our largest customer Lu'an Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. decided to transform and no longer need rubber materials. Osaka Financial, our previous main business partner, suggested that we also transform and purchase land, expand factories, and operate real estate as the first industry. But this is really against our business philosophy. Unexpectedly, after refusing, Osaka Financial took away the 10 million yen that had been lent to us!"

"It will take some time to find new partners, but production must continue. Without the 10 million yen, the company will not be able to pay the material fees owed outside this month on time! This, if this goes on. Please, please save us Bar!"

Listening to the crying statement of the middle-aged man in front of her, Fujiwara Norika sighed softly and comforted: "President Takeuchi, please don't worry, we will do our best to approve this deal for you."

"President Takeuchi, has your company been committed to the production of rubber materials required for auto parts?" Kitahara Sosuke closed the document in his hand, suddenly interrupted Fujiwara Norika, and looked directly at the middle-aged man in front of him. .

The middle-aged man named Takeuchi Hikaru immediately nodded and said: "Yes, since Takeuchi Rubber was founded, we have specialized in rubber materials for auto parts and have never changed our business direction."

"As far as I know, rubber materials can be used in many products. If we can expand our business in many aspects, and not just stick to auto parts, sales should increase a lot."

Kitahara Sosuke stood up, handed the materials in his hand back to Takeuchi Hikaru, smiled slightly, and looked at him.

Takeuchi Hikaru nodded: "Theoretically, this is true, but expanding business in more directions is not a good thing for a small enterprise like ours. The reason why Takeuchi Rubber can survive today is because we specialize in rubber for auto parts. Materials. In order to expand rapidly and increase sales, many peers have chosen to adopt the business model you mentioned, Director Kitahara. However, in this way, technical improvements and improvements will not be guaranteed."

He paused, looked around at the noisy workshops, and added a few words,

"We have limited funds. Technology research and development is always a matter of investment cost and it is difficult to generate returns in the short term. If we expand the business on a large scale, then all the funds will inevitably be invested in new products. In the short term, it will indeed expand the factory and increase sales. It’s a good idea, but in the long run, this will ruin the fate of a small business!”

To do more, not to do too much, is the philosophy they abide by.

Kitahara Sosuke chuckled lightly, without agreeing or disagreeing, and walked around the workshop with Takeuchi Hikaru.

Field investigation has always been the highlight of the bank loan process.

This will allow bank employees to understand the authenticity of the company in more detail. A company that is actually operating is completely different from that kind of company.

Fujiwara Norika followed the two of them, carefully observing every move of her department head, and learning how he did business. What puzzled her was that the department head was not so rigorous in the field investigation that was obviously very important.

Kitahara Sosuke turned around casually, and suddenly his eyes fell on the small laboratory.

"President Takeuchi, is this a new rubber material used in automobile shock absorption systems?" Kitahara Sosuke walked over slowly and picked up a small black ring, with a hint of surprise and surprise in his tone.

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