"Eh?" Takeuchi Hikaru was stunned for a moment, obviously shocked by his sudden words, "That's right! This kind of shock-absorbing material is a new material that our company is currently fully researching, and a lot of money has been invested in it. , Actually, a lot of the 10 million that Osaka Financial loaned us before was spent here."

"Can you show me the research drawings of new materials?" Kitahara Sosuke played with the rubber ring in his hand. Through the ring, Takeuchi Hikaru still had a trace of confusion and surprise in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, no problem, I'll get it now!"

He trotted all the way to the other end of the workshop.

At the same time, Kitahara Sosuke, who put the ring in his hand back on the table, smiled and struck up a conversation with the workers in the laboratory.

"The shock-absorbing systems of current mainstream cars are very complete. Most car companies are planning to transform towards thinner and lighter bodies. However, President Takeuchi is focusing on the shock-absorbing system. He is very thoughtful."

Kithara Sosuke scanned the laboratory. Just as Takeuchi Hikaru said, they specialize in a single technology and do not study other products in the laboratory.

Fujiwara Norika was stunned, and quietly looked at her department head. His words sounded like they were praising Takeuchi Hikari, but they actually had a hint of sarcasm.

Other car manufacturers are moving towards lightweight materials. As a downstream manufacturer, you don't follow suit. Isn't this obviously a lack of business acumen?

Such words that were almost provocative and mocking immediately aroused the disgust of many staff in the laboratory. However, they knew that the tall young man in front of them came from a bank and was a guest that their club must respect. They could only lower their heads and remain silent, focusing on their hands. work.

The laboratory worker whom Kitahara Sosuke was talking to grinned, without any displeasure on his face: "President Takeuchi's approach is indeed very risky, but I believe that as long as this material is used to make high-precision finished products, it will be able to withstand vibrations." Less car manufacturers!”

The enthusiasm in this young employee's eyes is not fake.

"I'm afraid it will take another year or two." Kithara Sosuke shrugged, "It's always difficult to estimate the time for technology development."

"Hey, there's nothing we can do about it. Besides, Takeuchi Rubber has always focused on automotive rubber materials. It would be surprising if the president suddenly planned to produce new lightweight materials." The staff member smiled, "Technology development Although it is difficult to estimate the time, the results are often surprising.”

Fujiwara Norika took advantage of her department head's conversation and secretly observed her surroundings. Directly in front of her, a young girl with messy hair and wearing blue and white overalls was looking up at Kitahara Sosuke from time to time.

Ever since he said those sarcastic words, the young girl's face showed dissatisfaction and indignation.

She felt that it was not good for the department head to continue chatting like this, so she was thinking of finding an opportunity to interrupt and remind him, when Takeuchi Hikari came running up with information.

"Department Chief Kitahara, please take a look." Takeuchi Hikaru held a piece of information in both hands, his body slightly bowed, and his eyes were filled with eagerness.

Kithara Sosuke nodded and took the drawings, then looked at them one by one, finally confirming his guess.

This new type of rubber material studied by Takeuchi Rubber Research Institute is indeed an indispensable core material in the shock absorption system commonly used in Japanese cars later!

In his previous life, he had dealt with some giant Japanese automobile manufacturers. Japanese cars invaded the world after the 1990s because of their visible cost-effective advantages such as fuel economy, lightness, and strong shock absorption capabilities.

This early shock-absorbing system quickly separated them from cars made in other countries, and was the biggest contributor to the early reputation.

In his memory, Toyota was the first to master this technology, so Toyota was able to open foreign markets early and earn valuable dividends.

He had had several contacts with Toyota, and he accidentally learned that the core material manufacturing technology of this shock-absorbing system was actually developed by a small company called Takeuchi Rubber. Unfortunately, that small company failed to survive the bubble burst period. This technology has also been missed by Toyota.

After seeing Takeuchi Rubber among the past customers of the three series, Kitahara Sosuke came over with the mentality of trying his luck. Unexpectedly, he got it right!

The other party actually started developing this material during this period. For Kitahara Sosuke, this was great news.

After reading the information, Kitahara Sosuke smiled and looked at Takeuchi Hikaru: "President Takeuchi, we can provide Takeuchi Rubber with a loan of 10 million yen or even more."

"Ah, that's too much"

"But if my request is that you suspend the research and development of this new material and focus on finding more partners and increasing sales, are you willing?"


Just as Kitahara Sosuke finished speaking, before Takeuchi Hikaru had time to express his position, he heard someone slamming the table next to him.

"Absolutely not! Dad, don't listen to the nonsense from these people from the bank! They only have interests and money in their eyes! Either they ask you to stop research and development, or they ask you to transform into real estate and give up rubber materials!" The person who spoke just now The young girl who had been glaring at Kitahara Sosuke fiercely stood up suddenly, rubbed her messy hair, and sneered at Kitahara Sosuke, "Banks are always the bastards who borrow umbrellas on sunny days and take away umbrellas on rainy days! Instead of being so groveling. Please beg them, we might as well find those small treasuries for turnover.”

"Hana! Stop talking!" Takeuchi Hikaru quickly stopped the girl, turned to Kitahara Sosuke and kept bowing and apologizing.

"Dad, he was mocking us just now for not knowing how to run a business, and he kept trying to trick Brother Xiaotian. It's so abominable!" The girl named Takeuchi Hana looked at Kitahara Sosuke without showing any signs of weakness, and cheered He snorted coldly, and his body, which was tightened by his work uniform, kept shaking with the movement of his hands.

"President Takeuchi, you haven't answered me yet." The smiling Kitahara Sosuke didn't seem to mind Takeuchi Hana's scolding at all and continued to look at Takeuchi Hikari.

Fujiwara Norika felt her head twitching, and she couldn't understand the operations of her department head.

Even if you are Party A, you can't force Party B to this extent!

She was surprised by the strong aggression shown by the department head. In the RB society, which always adheres to etiquette and gentleness when discussing business, Kitahara Sosuke's direct and explicit expression was very uncomfortable.

"Sorry, Director Kitahara, it is impossible for me to give up this new material. If you insist on such a request, I can only look for other banks." Hikaru Takeuchi bowed and shook his head with firm eyes, "I think the shock absorption system will definitely be updated again in the future. , as long as it is developed well, there will be a huge market! Giving up on it is absolutely impossible!"

Kitahara Sosuke suddenly realized that Takeuchi Hikaru must have been so stubborn in refusing the bank's request to stop research and development or transformation. He failed to survive the rise of the automobile industry after the bubble burst and went bankrupt.

"Will the shock absorption system be updated again? I think so too." Kitahara Sosuke patted Takeuchi Hikari on the shoulder and handed the drawing back to him, "If your company is willing to use this research and development plan as a loan requirement, I will We can help you apply for special financing projects. If the approval goes smoothly, you can get a low-interest loan of at least 10 million yen."

"Although I can't get assistance from the Tokyo Industrial Bank, I'm still very grateful to Kitahara. Huh?" Takeuchi Hikaru had already bowed to thank him, but in the middle of his words, not only him, but also Takeuchi Hana, who was yelling at Kitahara Sosuke just now, was stunned. "Apply for a special financing program?"

"There is no guarantee that it will be approved, but I will try my best to apply." Kitahara Sosuke smiled and nodded. The so-called special financing project requires an internal review and inspection to confirm that the company meets all qualifications before it can be launched.

Enterprises that receive special financing projects can enjoy very low loan interest, and the loan funds will be injected into the enterprise for a long time, which is equivalent to the bank's decision to invest in the enterprise.

Generally, the companies controlled by RB banks are relatively high-quality, and few small companies receive such preferential treatment.

And Kitahara Sosuke, who clearly knew the future prospects of the technology developed by Takeuchi Rubber, would never let it go bankrupt, and was eventually picked up by Toyota.

Not only did he want to get this technology, he also wanted to get Takeuchi Rubber as a whole.

Investing in them in the name of a bank is the best way to control them!

"Thank you so much!" Takeuchi Hikaru didn't understand the reason for Kitahara Sosuke's sudden 360-degree change, but since the other party said so, the loan must be indispensable.

Even if it does not receive special financing projects, Takeuchi Rubber can safely survive the most difficult period.

The relieved Takeuchi Mitsuki burst into tears and almost lost his balance. Fortunately, his daughter rushed over to support him.

"President Takeuchi, please keep in mind what you just said to me. I believe that as long as we continue to study and produce it persistently, Takeuchi Rubber will one day shine in your hands." Kitahara Sosuke patted him on the shoulder again. , then turned to look at the girl in work clothes with a slightly blushing face behind Takeuchi Hikari.

"Ms. Takeuchi, not all banks are like 'borrow umbrellas on sunny days and take away umbrellas on rainy days'."

After a slight pause, Kitahara Sosuke looked back at Takeuchi Rubber, which had a somewhat worn sign, and showed a faint smile.

"At least I'm not like that."

After that, Takeuchi Hikaru sent Kitahara Sosuke and Fujiwara Norika all the way out of the workshop. Takeuchi Hana, who followed silently behind, was particularly embarrassed. After they left, she scratched her head at her father: "The guys in the bank are not all that bad. Well."

Although Kitahara Sosuke looked disgusting when he was talking nonsense, he later agreed to the loan application, which suddenly made Takeuchi Hana feel good again.

Because she knew that her father almost committed suicide because of this!

Osaka Financial took away not only the loan, but also almost took away his father's life.

All of them are forcing their father to stop research and development and switch to real estate. Everyone's face is like this. Takeuchi Hana feels sick when she thinks about this.

That's why when Kitahara Sosuke said that, she would be so angry that she would bang the table and curse.

They don’t understand anything at all. Not every businessman wants to get rich from real estate and stocks! My father has devoted his whole life to the club, and asking him to give up Takeuchi Rubber is equivalent to asking him to give up his own life!

But sticking to your original intention has to pay a corresponding price. Takeuchi Hana has already prepared for the worst, and she didn't expect that a bank employee who "borrows an umbrella on a rainy day" will suddenly appear!

She looked at the black car slowly leaving in the distance with mixed emotions. She stared at it for a long time, and then she waved and walked towards the workshop until the car completely disappeared.

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