The Kyoto Bubble Era: It started with selling off hundreds of millions of property

Chapter 87 What you don’t understand about the express delivery industry (33)

Is the Sumitomo Foundation powerful enough to influence the Osaka Police Headquarters?

If this is really the case, it would not be an exaggeration to say that one hand covers the sky. If the enemy is this kind of guy, Kitahara Sosuke will definitely choose to pretend that he knows nothing.

But he does not believe that the Sumitomo Consortium can have such influence. Japanese conglomerates are somewhat different from Korean chaebols. The Japanese chaebols were forcibly broken up after World War II, and now they are at best a loose alliance of some big families and big trading companies.

They are composed of multiple powerful families and clubs, unlike Korean chaebols who operate on a family model.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, the first thing Kitahara Sosuke thinks about is how things will affect him and what he can get from it.

Eliminating the negative effects first is the key.

After briefly handling the handover matters, Kitahara Sosuke came to the large conference room, which was filled with a group of reporters from various newspapers and TV stations. To his surprise, Miyamoto Police Department deputy was also there, and some police officers were also arranged. Maintain order.

Judging from his appearance and previous tone, the Miyamoto Police Department did not think this was a suicide.

Kitahara Sosuke can feel this.

Under the flashlight, Kitahara Sosuke is tall and handsome, giving people an inexplicable sense of security. Next to him, Fujiwara Norika is sitting upright, recording questions and answers with a pen.

"Let's get started, everyone, if you have any questions, you can raise your hands and ask." Kitahara Sosuke cleared his throat.

Although it is said that you raise your hands to ask questions, in fact, this kind of press conference also has inherent unspoken rules. Reporters from major newspapers and major TV stations are seated near the front and can ask questions first. Those behind them have to wait for them to say hello before they have a chance to ask questions.

The first few questions are still there.

Is this transaction personal?

What are your thoughts on suicide?

Did Kitahara Investment block Inoue Yan's repayment channels?

"The acquisition of Inoue Logistics by Kitahara Investment actually has very complicated causes and consequences. I worked for Dongsan and established Kitahara Investment with Dongsan's unique merger and acquisition holding model, and Inoue Logistics has always been a high-quality customer that I was responsible for. Their transaction The 100 million yen loan was also approved personally by Branch Manager Asano and Section Chief Kuroda.”

Having said this, he smiled slightly and said,

"Originally, I had planned to include it in my special financing project plan. At least I did not expect that during the subsequent investigation, it was discovered that Inoue Logistics had forged financial statements. President Inoue used the name of Inoue Logistics to loan hundreds of millions and invested it in the stock market and The housing market. So I terminated the loan agreement early and asked him to clear his name and pay back the 100 million Dongsan loan before he can continue to apply to join my project."

"Later, I was suspended from the industry and the project was shelved. President Inoue came to me and hoped that I would acquire Inoue Logistics in the name of Beihara Investment. He mortgaged it to me and then borrowed 200 million from Beihara Investment. The entire acquisition process was in compliance with laws and regulations. , I can also publish the corresponding agreements and documents. As for why it can be acquired for 200 million, it is because at this time Inoue Logistics was already heavily in debt due to President Inoue’s poor management, and its reputation was greatly damaged. Even if he carried the debt personally, Inoue The reputation of logistics is also bad. I asked the director of a professional real estate club to conduct an evaluation. Even including the land, it is only worth 200 million."

"I am deeply saddened by the misfortune of President Inoue's family. I believe that the Miyamoto Police Department of the Osaka Police Headquarters will make a follow-up official announcement. All official documents from the Police Headquarters shall prevail. I will not make any comments or statements."

The flashbulbs kept flashing, and reporters took turns asking questions. The questions were full of pitfalls. Norika Fujiwara, who was taking notes, even broke out in a cold sweat for Kitahara Sosuke.

But the department head seemed to have experienced similar things countless times. He answered the questions very easily and accurately, and cleverly divided Beihara Investment and Dongsan.

Let those who try to attack Dongsan with this incident be defeated.

"Mr. Kitahara, it is said that you were suspended because of the doubts about this project and poor business ability. However, judging from the current situation, your previous loan collection behavior was extremely forward-looking, so it is impossible for many people. Do you have anything to say about this special financing project that I understand?”

The topic finally jumped from the suicide of Inoue Hiko's family to his special financing project. This is also the direction that Kitahara Sosuke hopes for, and it is another important purpose of his holding this press conference.

He has been steering the topic in this direction.

"Regarding this special financing project, it is actually the same as my intention to acquire Inoue Logistics. Almost no one is optimistic about this project. As mentioned just now, the estimated value of Inoue Logistics is only 200 million. Regardless of insiders or outsiders, all I hear is doubt. And there were sarcastic voices, no one thought it could be done well, just like at the end of last year I thought the stock market would be volatile, no one believed me, and I was suspended.”

Kithara Sosuke smiled. Yamada Yo, Inoue Hiko, Oshima Mitsuo, Asano Naoto, etc., these people once looked at him arrogantly and mocked him. What happened in the end?

The Yamada Group collapsed completely. As Ito Manzaburo's toilet, it was directly discarded, allowing him to earn 4 billion yen from it; Inoue Yan lost all his own people by trading in stocks; the promotions of Oshima Mitsuo and Asano Naoto were shelved.

This is just the beginning.

Just like his special financing project, it has just begun.

"But I really can't imagine how Inoue Logistics, which already has a bad reputation in the industry, can become a high-quality company again?" the female reporter asked with a smile.

That's because you have never heard of an industry called express delivery.

Kithara Sosuke chuckled.

Japan's previous small luggage and parcel delivery business was exclusively handled by the Post and Telecommunications Bureau and state-owned railways in a public welfare manner.

In 1976, Yamato Transport officially entered the small parcel delivery market in the name of "Black Cat Delivery Service". 14 years later, many companies successively intervened, occupying nearly 50% of the market quota.

Even so, Japan's express delivery industry has not developed as a result.

The reasons are simple. First, these clubs that were the first to intervene did not have advanced supporting operating concepts. Second, Internet shopping has not yet emerged.

Kitahara Sosuke came up with this idea after inspecting Inoue Logistics.

His core is naturally to climb up in the bank. If he has power, he will have connections and funds. The investment business that will be developed in the future will inevitably focus on the four major industries of culture, service, high technology and entertainment. The new era of the Internet will surely be dominated by him. Japan opens.

By then, he will own the largest Internet company in Japan. As long as Kitahara Sosuke binds it to his own logistics company, he will not be afraid of not being able to occupy this market.

At this stage, using his known concepts in the express delivery industry to operate Inoue Logistics is enough to get it through the current difficulties.

"This is my secret. Let me keep it a secret. You will know it later." Kitahara Sosuke laughed loudly. You wouldn't understand it anyway, "Whether a club can prosper depends on its control." In whose hands."

The strong self-confidence and courage he displayed were moving.

Reporters have recorded Kitahara Sosuke's lofty ambitions, hoping to see how far he can develop Inoue Logistics in the future and whether he will slap himself in the face.

Most people at the scene, including Miyamoto, the police chief who had been silent, didn't quite believe what this young man said.

Can a company that is heavily in debt and has lost all credibility make a comeback?

Just like no one believed in his series of operations before, Kitahara Sosuke didn't care about their eyes and thoughts. Anyway, time will tell everything.

If anyone in the conference room believed his statement, it was probably Norika Fujiwara who looked at him with admiration.

He successfully resolved the public opinion crisis and launched a special financing project. He is worthy of being the head of the department!

The next day, Tosan Osaka Branch, President's Office.

"In other words, the 1 billion loss was caused by the rash actions of Section Chief Kuroda Yu and Department Chief Mitsuo Oshima, right?" Owada Kenji, who was reviewing the document, said without even raising his head.

"Yes, when approving the loan at that time, I specifically told them to carefully review this Yamada mortgage. After all, it is a club with a corporate background and should be handled with care. But it seems that they did not perform their duties as bank staff. Responsibility, sorry, I have nothing to do with it, I was derelict in my duty!"

Naoto Asano bowed ninety degrees.

Knowing that there was no room for turning around, Asano immediately came to Owada Kenji and put the blame on Kuroda Yu and Oshima Mitsuo.

This loan had a huge impact. Because of its existence, the Osaka Branch overtook the Kyoto Branch and became the second branch.

If this business is determined to be a bad debt, the Osaka Branch's second branch title will be canceled by the head office.

None of the group of people associated with it will be promoted.

The second branch is precisely an important achievement for Kenji Owada as he moves towards the board of directors of the head office.

This is also his biggest achievement when Naoto Asano entered the Osaka branch.

Seeing that there is no hope of loan recovery, he must take responsibility as soon as possible!

With these two people taking the blame, the impact on Kenji Owada will be smaller.

"That's right. This proposal to appoint you as the director of the personnel department was also forwarded to the board of directors by me. You are a branch employee I like, how could you make such a stupid mistake?"

Although Kenji Owada was the one who blocked Naoto Asano, on the surface, he still recommended Naoto Asano as the director of the personnel department.

If the recommended talents make stupid mistakes, they will be attacked by other directors.

I didn't expect that the bubble would burst like this. Now Kenji Owada is also full of bitterness. If he can't solve it well, his promotion to director will be postponed again.

"By the way, regarding the matter of the best branch, many other branches objected and said they wanted to cancel it, but I suppressed it." He glanced at Naoto Asano with a smile, "Accordingly, you are responsible for this business. We must pursue it to the end. This kind of thing is the most likely to cause disputes. In addition, no matter what, you must complete the goals stated by the head office investigator. Otherwise, I will not be able to decide on your personnel arrangements for the reorganization of the Osaka Chuo-ku branch. ”

"Yes!" Naoto Asano breathed a sigh of relief, "I will definitely handle everything properly!"

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