
"It's like saying 'I thought the stock market would be volatile at the end of last year, but no one believed me and suspended me'! Is this challenging the authority of our Tosan board of directors? Damn it, damn it, damn it. Sosuke Kitahara , I should have kicked you out of the branch line long ago!"

Looking at the copy of "Osaka Financial Daily" on the table, on the front page cover, Kitahara Sosuke with a proud face has become a man of the hour occupying most of the page. The huge headline——

Tosan financial genius Kitahara Sosuke threatens to expand Inoue Logistics in a secret way!

Several other important newspapers also reported more or less yesterday's press conference, with similar titles, all focusing on Kitahara Sosuke's determination and his internal conflicts with the branch's senior management.

Kitahara attacks! Questioning the decision-making ability of the top management of Dongsan Chuo District Branch from afar!

Whether a club can prosper depends on whose hands it is in! Is the same true for banks?

There are even some small newspapers that are not authoritative and put his profile picture together with Kitahara Sosuke's, creating a "VS" icon, which is extremely eye-catching.

After being angry for a while, Asano Naoto sat back on the boss's chair, turned half a circle, and looked at the somewhat depressed street scene outside the window. Near the branch, several entertainment venues were closed.

The stock market has fallen below the 14,000-point mark, and countless book funds have been wiped out in an instant. Even if they are not trading in stocks, hundreds of millions of people have been affected by this financial crisis.

More than 100 companies have closed down in the Osaka area alone recently, and those in better conditions are also laying off employees and cutting wages. I am afraid that it will not be long before a wave of unemployment will sweep away.

As the world's second largest bank, Tosan is also having a hard time. The sharp decline in its stock prices has caused many employees who speculated in the stock market to lose their future. Tosan's stock price has also fallen to its lowest level in the past ten years, and nearly 800 billion of its book funds have evaporated. , counting the amount of bad debts of various subordinate institutions, the losses in this wave may reach 2 trillion yen!

If it were not Dongsan, but some credit banks or local banks, they would probably be on the verge of bankruptcy.

The banner of the best branch is still hanging in his office. If he has secured a 1 billion loan from Yamada Mortgage and controlled the total amount of bad debts within 10 billion, then he still has room to turn around.

Asano Naoto supported his chin with both hands, but in this matter, as President Owada said, someone must take the blame first.

The achievements of subordinates are the credit of the boss, and the faults of the boss are the responsibility of the subordinates!

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The person who walked in was Yu Kuroda with blood-red eyes and a depressed expression.

He has worked in the Osaka Chuo District branch for many years, and his business ability is not outstanding. Now he is nearly sixty years old, and he got the position of section chief purely based on his qualifications.

I originally thought that I could catch a free ride at the last moment and retire gloriously. With this performance and position, I should be able to apply to the head office for transfer to a large company in my hometown for retirement.

But when the bubble burst, everything was ruined.

Naoto Asano glanced at him and said coldly: "Chief Kuroda, you have been in the branch for more than ten years, and you are an employee older than me. Speaking of which, you are also one of my old subordinates. I’m very sad that things have turned out like this this time.”

"Sorry!" Kuroda Yu was speechless and could only bow ninety degrees to apologize.

If he hadn't been greedy for success and taken a little heed to Kitahara Sosuke's advice, maybe he wouldn't be where he is today.

At this time, my heart was filled with regret and despair.

"I called you here today because I have received instructions from the branch in recent days. Regarding the Yamada mortgage business, the branch has determined that you hold 50% of the responsibility, and will consider reorganizing the financing section in the near future. As for your personnel arrangements. "

Naoto Asano has investigated and found that Yu Kuroda does not have a strong backing, so he can be sent to Kyushu or Shikoku Island. For Mitsuo Oshima, let him find a way to recover the loan first, and then kick him out of the branch.

Sakurai Saeko, the only one who doesn't have any major problems, can be temporarily transferred from the front-line position to do his personal paperwork. When the time is right, she will be stripped of her virginity, and then she will be promised a good position after playing with her, and on this condition, she will be "surrendered." "Give it to the leaders of branches and head offices.

After being transferred to a clerkship, her salary was almost cut in half, and she still had a younger brother and a younger sister to support at home. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for her to refuse to give in.

"President Asano! I thought about it for a long time and decided to submit my resignation letter and take the responsibility for this time alone! In this case, there will be no need to reorganize the financing class!"

After mustering up the courage, Kuroda Yu, who had always been cowardly, suddenly interrupted Asano Naoto, bowed 90 degrees for the third time, and handed over a printed resignation letter with both hands.

Japanese companies generally adopt a lifetime employment system and a seniority-based system. As long as you are accepted by the company, no matter how big a mistake you make, you will generally not be fired. At most, you will be transferred or exiled, but your job will still be kept.

Even if he is transferred to Kyushu or Shikoku this time, Kuroda Yu can still survive until retirement, and then be an honorary executive in a rural club until his death.

But once he applies for resignation, all his benefits will disappear.

Likewise, the head office will generally view this as a matter of shouldering all the responsibilities alone and not pursuing anyone else's problem.

But who would want to do that?

Sacrifice your own future to protect your subordinates?

How ridiculous.

However, such a ridiculous thing happened right in front of his eyes!

Naoto Asano looked deeply at Kuroda Yu and said: "Chief Kuroda, you have to think carefully. There is no possibility of being recalled when you are transferred to the countryside. If you are lucky, you can go to Tokyo. But once you leave, it will still be like this." For this reason, you will not be accepted by other clubs."

"I've thought it through! Over the years of working hard in Dongsan, I have neglected to discipline my children. They all now only work in factories in the countryside. Now that my grandchildren are older, it's time for me to put these things down and go to work. Help them take care of their children.”

This is the only thing he can do to teach a lesson in financing!

He would be uneasy if the department was reorganized due to his mistakes and those young people who had just entered the workplace suffered an unbearable blow!

After Kuroda Yu left, Oshima Mitsuo, who was sweating profusely, rushed in quickly.

"President Asano, please! Please don't exile me!"

Tuxia sits down on his knees and begs!

All Mitsuo Oshima could do was cry loudly and kowtow to beg for mercy.

Asano Naoto looked at him with a sneer.

This bastard, when he first got this business, he wanted to get in touch with the vice president of the branch, Kishimoto, and put himself aside.

Now that disaster is approaching, do you know what to expect of yourself?

After he knelt down and begged for almost ten minutes, Asano Nao then said calmly: "The branch's personnel transfer order has been issued. You were originally supposed to be transferred to a machinery factory on Shikoku Island as the finance minister, but I helped you suppress it. "

"Thank you, President! Thank you, President!"

Oshima Mitsuo was so grateful that he would rather commit suicide if he was really transferred to a place like that to be the finance minister.

"Don't thank me in a hurry. Although your personnel changes have been put on hold for the time being, President Owada also told me to take back the 1 billion as soon as possible! Otherwise, it will not only be you, the financing class, but also our branch." Will be reorganized!"

Asano Naoto stood up to look at him, but Oshima Mitsuo, who was still sitting in the soil seat, was trembling and lowered his head without saying a word.

Are you kidding me? The Yamada group was made 4 billion by Kitahara Sosuke.

Where can I find the money to pay back the 1 billion Dongsan produced?

"You can't handle this matter." Naoto Asano bent down and patted him on the shoulder, "Go and ask Kitahara to come back. Only he can recover the loan."

"Kitahara? Call him back?" Oshima Mitsuo suddenly raised his head.

"Yes, the suspension has ended a long time ago. He has not returned to the industry for a long time. He even held a press conference yesterday. This is mocking us. But he must come back! You will never think of begging him to come back in a low voice. It should be me, right? Chief Oshima."

Naoto Asano straightened up again and sneered,

"Before approving this loan, I specifically told you to carefully review this club. As the end of the year approaches, for the sake of the branch and my belief in the abilities of your subordinates, I approved it quickly. I do have an unshirkable responsibility. , but... isn't it you who is the source of responsibility? Department Chief Oshima!"

"Take responsibility for me and call that boy Sosuke Kitahara back! Bastard!!!"

"Yes!" Oshima Mitsuo lowered his head, feeling extremely unhappy but not daring to say anything.

This is the bank.

People are everything.

Subordinates are stepping stones and toilets for their bosses.

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