Sexual harassment in the workplace is very common in Japan, especially as the entire society is in a state of male superiority and female inferiority. Women in the workplace are generally discriminated against and treated unfairly. Male colleagues and male bosses verbally harass, and even use physical violence to do so.

Naoto Asano had used his position to ruin countless female employees. He knew Saeko Sakurai had a bad temper, but he didn't expect her reaction to be so violent.

Looking at it this way, it seems that it is not feasible for her to obey her orders and provide them as a "tribute" to those big shots.

"Haha, Assistant Sakurai, I was just joking with you, don't be nervous, don't be nervous." Although he is not afraid of being poked into the branch, once this kind of thing is exposed, it will easily lead to social death, so it is better to be careful. .

Sooner or later, I have to get this woman!

Saeko Sakurai was also frightened for a while. She knew that Naoto Asano had bad intentions towards her, but she never thought that he would do something so blatantly!

If one day the two of them were alone, he might not be able to resist what he really wanted to do, so he had to be careful.

She faced Naoto Asano and quickly packed away the papers on the floor, with countless thoughts flashing through her mind.

Because I have no power and money, and because I am a woman, I have to endure this unfair treatment.

Then become stronger, get promoted, make money, so that nothing can threaten you again!

At this moment, she became more and more determined to do a good job in Inoue Logistics. If she invested 50 million yen, she would make ten times or a hundred times the profit, so that these stinky men would never have the guts to touch her again!

Fujiwara Norika, who followed Kitahara Sosuke out of the branch, felt that the recent tightness in her heart was finally relieved. She waved her little fist and imitated Kitahara Sosuke's tone and shouted: "Then take back the 1 billion yen from the Yamada group. Ah! If that’s the case, then what use do we need you as the branch president?”

"Department Chief, oh no, Section Chief, you are so handsome! It feels so good to shout out like that!"

Fujiwara Norika has long been unhappy with Asano Naoto. Although the department head Oshima is very hateful and has always been against the section chief before, it is quite sad that he was transferred to Shikoku Island by him without a word.

Sure enough, these bosses are not good people!

He should be like the head teacher and confront him!

"But Section Chief, are you really going to give up using mortgages to raise funds?" Norika Fujiwara leaned over and asked in a low voice, "If you don't lend it back to them, those clubs and investors will definitely not be willing to repay the loans now. .”

They just lost money in the stock market not long ago, and now it is simply unrealistic for them to repay the loan with interest.

"Yes, only a fool would be willing to repay the loan." Kitahara Sosuke opened the car door, got in the car, and then took out a thick dozen of information from his briefcase and threw it to Fujiwara Norika, "As of today, the branch There are a total of 18 billion confirmed bad debts, of which only 4 billion comes from customers with "bad debt permission". It is not alarmist to reach 30 billion by the end of the year. And these 14 billion eventually flowed to the stock market, of which individual investors accounted for 30% and comprehensive societies accounted for 65%. %, only 5% are bad debts caused by poor management.”

Fujiwara Norika flipped through the information he had compiled, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice.

"These customers will never repay their loans at this time, and their only hope now is the final housing market. I believe all their wealth should have been invested in it. What do you think their mentality is now?"

Kitahara Sosuke drove her to Inoue Logistics, and on the way he talked about his next series of plans.

He has already said cruel words in front of Asano Naoto, and of course he is not just talking nonsense. He has a clear plan on how to deal with bad debts, how to increase the total business volume, and how to support Inoue Logistics.

This is what he is planning to do at home these days.

"Want to make a comeback?" Fujiwara Norika frowned. Those so-called investors are actually gamblers, and the section chief's judgment is basically correct.

"It's more than just a comeback. If they lose 100 million in the stock market, they hope that the current house price will rise to at least repay their capital. After the capital is repaid, they will hope that the price will rise enough to repay all the loans. After repaying the loans, they will start pursuing Once you have a profit, if you have a profit, you just want to have higher profits!”

"The most terrifying thing about a gambler's mentality is endless greed." Kitahara Sosuke sneered, as if he had already seen the outcome of that group of people.

"So it's impossible to ask those people to repay their loans. Even if enforcement is adopted, they can argue with you, unless as Naoto Asano said, repay the loans with loans and close the bad debts on the books. In fact, if the housing market can continue to rise in the future, In the new year, I believe many people still have the opportunity to leave, but it is a pity.”

Kitahara Sosuke didn't say any more.

The collapse of the stock market was brought forward because Mie Noyasu raised interest rates six times earlier. The root cause was the first fuse triggered by the Gulf War.

In this way, the nodes of many important historical events will move forward accordingly, especially events closely related to the stock market and the Gulf War.

Historically, housing prices began to collapse in 1991, and in the following 30 years they only rose back to 46% of their original peak. It can be said that since 1991, the Japanese housing market has lost any investment value. There is no minimum, only higher prices. Low.

But now

He wouldn't be surprised if the collapse started tomorrow.

This is also the reason why Kitahara Sosuke directly rejected Asano Naoto's ridiculous business policy. Maybe if you let the loan go, house prices will plummet. At that time, the customer, the bank staff and the bank itself will be completely ruined.

The Kitahara family now relies on Kitahara Masao's status in the financial world, and his status was given by Tosan. In his previous life, Tosan was forced to merge with the Tokyo External Banking Corporation because of the high debts during this period. The conglomerates were helpless and could only be reborn from the ashes through mergers and reorganizations.

The high-debt merger resulted in the Tosan faction's employees having a weaker voice in the merged Tokyo Daiichi Bank. This continued until Tokyo Daiichi Bank and UFJ Bank merged to form Tokyo Daiichi United Bank.

If this development continues, even if he reaches the top of Tosan, Kitahara Sosuke's road will not be broad. Therefore, he must bring back Tosan, which has been declining in these years!

If you want to have a say in the inner circle, you must first climb up from the bottom.

The Central District branch was his first stepping stone for promotion.

"But in this case, what to do with those bad debts? We have nearly 2 billion yen flowing to the stock market in one session." Fujiwara Norika flattened her mouth and found that the loan information had already been sorted out.

The section chief noted how much money flowed to the stock market and who borrowed it.

It turns out that he has been thinking about bad debts these days!

"Fujiwara, why don't we change our thinking? Everyone always thinks about how to deal with bad debts, but our ultimate goal is still to get the customer to pay back the money, right? As for how he pays back, what he pays back, and when he pays back, that's secondary. , as long as he can pay it back."

Kitano Sosuke parked the car in front of the renovated factory gate of Inoue Logistics. At this time, various container trucks were coming and going. Kitano Ran stood out in the crowd in a gorgeous dress. She came to Osaka from Tokyo to handle the express delivery of Inoue Logistics. Regarding business, I have been staying at Kitahara Sosuke's house these days, talking about hundreds of millions of dollars of business during the day, and also at night. I haven't been so busy in a long time.

"This is the lowest bottom line for dealing with bad debts. As long as the other party repays the money, it can even be interest-free. And the answer is here."

Kithara Sosuke brought Fujiwara Norika to the factory workshop and said with a smile.


"That's right. The most terrible thing about the housing market crash is that those people will suddenly face the crisis of bankruptcy. The capital chain will be broken, the club will lose money, the personal debt will be extremely high, and the mortgage amount will far exceed the housing price itself, and they will want to pay back the money. If it doesn’t affect your family, then there is only one way——"

"Life insurance." Kitahara Sosuke sighed. This is also the most common sight after the collapse in the future.

Queuing up to go to the rooftop is no joke.

This is Japan's unique personal credit risk control system - life insurance. Before larger, longer-term loans such as home loans, large consumer loans and personal business owner loans are provided, borrowers are often asked to bid for life insurance that pays out on their own death. This way, if something happens to the borrower, the insurance proceeds will be available to repay the debt.

Debts are not extinguished even after death, and debts are even paid off at the cost of death. This system makes many borrowers commit suicide to obtain insurance money in order to leave a house, land or factory for their wives and children to live in.

If you are unwilling to commit suicide, you will face personal or corporate bankruptcy, which is equivalent to completely losing your credit and everything you rely on for a living, leaving only one life.

No matter which ending, it is not what Kitahara Sosuke wants to see.

"But if in addition to life insurance and filing for bankruptcy, there is an opportunity for them to pay off debts, work and live, I believe most people are willing to survive with this hope."

This is how Kitahara Sosuke handles bad debts.

Not waiting for them to die naturally, nor using self-deception to deceive the higher-ups, but giving them a way to survive, a hope.

The price is just to work for yourself for a lifetime, 996, 007, which is better than the whole family sleeping on the street, or committing suicide to get life insurance, right?

A chill came to Fujiwara Norika's heart, and for the first time she felt fearful and fearful of the possible social depression that would follow.

Kitano Lan waited until they had settled down and then slowly came up. She smiled at Kithara Sosuke behind her and talked about the rectification of Inoue Logistics.

These days, she used her hands, feet, mouth and chest, and tried every way she could think of to please Kitahara Sosuke, but this man just refused to break through the last step and kept himself under control.

Maybe next time I should use some of the tips I learned at the bubble bath store? If it accidentally slipped in then, it was just an accident, right?

As she thought this, her smile became even brighter.

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