Shen Chen also attaches great importance to the layout and implementation of the Internet.

He knows deeply that the psychological trauma of the doomsday to human beings is huge.

In the camp outside the city, many people have lost the courage to live, and many people have committed suicide.

Even in the Free City, the atmosphere is also a bit dull.

This is a stress response, an inevitable process of a sudden transition from a peaceful world to a doomsday wasteland.

And if you want to eliminate this huge psychological pressure, the Internet is the best way. Even if you can only watch a video for a short time, it can give a new life to human survivors who have been tired for a day.

If the Free City takes the lead in restoring the Internet, then for the awakened people in other places, the attraction will rise to a higher level, and many exiles will rush to the Free City.

The outstanding ones among them will also be absorbed by the Free City, thus widening the gap with other forces.

In addition, the convenience of the Internet has been experienced in the old empire. After the restoration, the rule of the Free City will only be more indestructible.

When arriving at another relevant department of the research institute, Fang Xiu was also in charge there. Seeing Shen Chen, he immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"Master, the infrastructure of the Red Dragon Network has been basically completed. Within a hundred miles of the Free City, except for some special areas, the signal reception is basically smooth."

In Shen Chen's eyes, there was a huge computer in front of him, with countless wires and display screens on it.

According to Fang Xiu, this is still the first generation, and the signal covered is not far. After future iterations, perhaps the Red Dragon Network will cover half of the territory of the Old Empire.

At that time, the forces that want to use the network will inevitably access the Red Dragon Network system.

Naturally, the data and information in it will be completely exposed to the eyes of the Free City.

"How long will it take to connect?"

"Master, anytime!"

"Then... three days later."


Zhuang Shengxu left home and walked straight to Wang Long's residence with a big knife.

There were many survivors walking on the road, but no one paid him any attention. After all, in the doomsday, this look was too common.

Turning around an alley, Zhuang Shengxu's pace became faster and faster, his eyes widened and bloodshot.

At this moment, he only wanted to-

Just wanted to give that beast a hard blow on the head like chopping a dog.

The next moment, Zhuang Shengxu's footsteps paused, and a figure suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The man had a bun, wore a white shirt, lowered his head, had a weak temperament, and walked slowly towards this side alone.

Xu Qing. The girl who was always weak and pitiful, the sister that Zhuang Shengxu had determined to protect for a lifetime, and the woman who sold her body to enjoy the pleasure under Wang Long's crotch for some kind of benefit.

The moment the two looked at each other, Xu Qing's eyes were stunned.

However, Zhuang Shengxu did not look at her a second time, and continued to walk towards Wang Long's residence with a knife.


When they passed by, Xu Qing stopped him.

"Xiao Zhuang... Don't tell me you're going to find Wang Long with a knife..."


Zhuang Shengxu responded with a single cold word.

"Xiao Zhuang!"

Xu Qing suddenly grabbed his sleeve, pleading in her eyes:

"Don't go, okay? Xiao Zhuang, I know you're in pain, but you can't beat him at all. He has a few younger brothers under him, and he's so strong..."

"So what?"

Zhuang Shengxu couldn't help looking at Xu Qing, because the torn corners of her clothes and the bruises on her exposed skin clearly showed that she had just come out of Wang Long's residence.

He couldn't blame Xu Qing, because that was everyone's choice, and he only hated himself for being weak.

"You'll get hurt, I don't want to see you get hurt," Xu Qing's eyes suddenly became hazy.

"It doesn't matter, I'll chop something off him even if I die!"

"You're not allowed to go!" Xu Qing suddenly screamed.

The sudden sharp voice made Zhuang Shengxu stunned, and her face turned from tender to cold.

"Wang Long has bought a purple freedom ticket, and he will take me to live in the Free City next week..."

Xu Qing suddenly grabbed Zhuang Shengxu's shoulders tightly, her nails unconsciously piercing into him, and her eyes flashed with madness.

"How can I get in if he's dead! How can I get in if he's dead!!!

"Ah! Tell me! How can I go to the Free City if he's in trouble! How can I live!!!"

Xu Qing shouted hoarsely, and then her face turned pale little by little, kneeling on the ground, tears rolling down one by one-

"I've already... let him play for two days..."

Zhuang Shengxu couldn't listen anymoreWithout her speaking, he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his legs and feet were weak. The knife fell to the ground, and he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

After a long time, Zhuang Shengxu came to a haystack, leaned on it, covered his face and cried softly.

To the west were continuous mountains, to the north were abandoned buildings, and to the east still stood the vast city wall of the huge fortress. Surrounding it were low iron houses with blood and rust on them. Several strange-looking birds stood on the branches and called hoarsely. There were crazy shouts in the black market in the distance.

An old radio seemed to be thrown away by someone under the haystack. There were several corpses on the ridge of the field not far away, and their eyes were wide open, as if they were staring at Zhuang Shengxu.

At this moment, he felt dizzy, and he only blamed the big knife for being lost, otherwise he would just want to cut his neck.

Strong... Why can't I be strong?

Between the fingers of Zhuang Shengxu covering his face, tears overflowed and dripped on the ground.

I want to stand on their heads, I want to kill people! I want power! Ugh!


A sound of electricity sounded, and the old radio vibrated twice, as if there was a sound coming from it.

"... Want to understand the meaning of life?..."


There was no news about the Guardian Selection Plan in advance, as if it suddenly appeared on everyone's radio.

After they repeatedly confirmed that it was the channel of the Free City, ecstasy enveloped them belatedly.

After hearing the content, all the survivors felt their blood boiling.

As long as they were not stupid, they would understand what a tempting opportunity it was to be able to cross countless classes in an instant and become the top figure.

Although their status and position were still firmly controlled by the top leaders of the Free City, they would be very different from the countless survivors in this doomsday!

Countless men became excited, and some women also had a gleam in their eyes.

Of course, after calming down for a few hours, another group of people fell into entanglement and hesitation.

This bloody and horrifying "game" is so dangerous that it needs no further explanation. It must be the most terrifying.

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