Two days later, the Guardian registration plan officially began.

Outside the Free City, under the city wall, the number of people who signed up was not too many, but not too few.

Many people who had been the most excited before did not dare to step into the registration office in the end; and many guys who were usually taciturn, quietly filled in their names.

Large groups of people gathered under the city wall, but most of them were just watching the excitement.

"Look, another fearless person has signed up!"

"Hahaha! I heard from my cousin that there are even many awakened adults among the participants this time. These people will be harvested when they go in."

"That's right! You don't really want to reach the top in one step, do you?"


After the two-day cooling-off period, many people's excitement faded. After thinking carefully, looking at the first item of the "Battle Royale" game rules, they couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

Think about how you can't even deal with a few zombies, how can you win in such a terrifying place?

There are some inconspicuous people hidden in the crowd. Every person who comes forward to sign up will be secretly recorded by them.

Maybe they are participants who want to find out the strength and details of their competitors in advance.

Or they may be some smart vendors who are ready to take a chance to resell information and make a fortune.

In this dark and dangerous survivor camp, everyone has their own way of living.

From early morning to dusk, the registration work finally ended. About 4,000 human survivors participated in this game, and their identity information was fully registered by the staff.

At the end, under the afterglow of the setting sun, a fat-headed team leader took out a loud speaker and looked at the large crowd gathered here, with a cunning light in his eyes-

"Dear friends! This guardian selection is a gift from our Free City to all human survivors. It is an opportunity! Give you a chance to cross countless levels!

"Under the gray clouds of doomsday, looking at countless fortified cities, only our Free City is willing to bend down, explore the difficulties at the bottom, and mercifully open the promotion channel to all human compatriots..."

The obese middle-aged man showed a pious expression on his face-

"Let us be grateful to the Free City! It cares for us like a holy father...”

Although the fat middle-aged man's voice was extremely excited and contagious, there was no response from the surroundings. Some people looked at him coldly or cursed him in a low voice.

You also want them to praise the city of freedom?

Of course! As long as they can stay in, they can sing the hymn ten thousand times a day!

The fat man did not feel embarrassed, but continued to hold the loudspeaker and said:

"Friends, in order to ensure the fairness and justice of this selection, in order to relieve the pressure on all compatriots now, we will adopt a live broadcast of the selection process this time! Everyone can watch it!"

After this voice fell, there was silence.


Live broadcast?

Do you want to see what you are talking about?

Someone shouted: "What a bullshit live broadcast, now you have to find a tape to watch a movie!"

"Yes, live broadcast is also for adults in the city. We are low-level people, how can we access the Internet? ”


Many people yelled at the fat man, thinking that this was an insult to them.

However, the fat man just showed contempt and shouted loudly——

“Superficial! Superficial!

“You bunch of people will never understand how kind and compassionate our Free City is!

“Let me tell you, in order to restore information communication in Doomsday, and to allow you bunch of people to watch movies online even if you hide in the sewers, our Free City’s research institute has been working overtime to conduct experiments and research…

“Now, our Red Dragon network signal has covered a hundred miles of Free City, that’s right! It has been restored now! You can take out your electronic devices and see if you can connect to our Red Dragon network!”

After the voice fell, it was quiet again.

The next moment, a commotion came from the crowd, growing bigger and bigger like a storm.

"Got it! I... I'm connected, there's a real signal!"

"Me too! I'm in, I see the forum!"

"Damn, I lost my phone a long time ago, someone give me a new one!"


After a while, the crowd began to disperse quickly. After all, only a few people still carry electronic devices with them in the doomsday. Most people have already started to buy those high-quality computers, tablets, and electronic devices on the black market.

After the doomsday, all these things were thrown away as waste in various places.

It is foreseeable that the entireIn the camp of the Free City, a new wave of enthusiasm will rise.

Fortunately, the number of humans in the doomsday has dropped sharply, and there are still many remaining devices, not enough to be sold at a high price. As long as you look carefully, everyone can find a few.

The news of network recovery swept the entire camp almost at lightning speed. Countless people happily opened their long-sealed computers and found that there was indeed a network to connect to.

After logging in, a pure white and simple page appeared.

The functions in it are also extremely simple, with only a few.

For example, some related forums are divided for discussion, there is a news area for browsing the latest news, and there is a simple communication function, and you can freely add friends to the group.

Despite such a sloppy and simple design, countless human survivors felt a tearful feeling for the first time.

Many people touched the screen one after another, wiping tears with one hand, and muttered in their hearts:

Praise the Free City!


In the simple page, there is also a huge banner that is extremely conspicuous:

"Guardian Selection"! A line of small words in the lower right corner: Come and bet on your favorite player.

Many people clicked in and found that it was a countdown, showing 46 hours and 17 minutes, and the seconds were constantly changing.

Only then did they realize that the "Battle Royale" game that looked scary, exciting and bloody was actually broadcast live on the Internet platform.

At one point, countless people started to get excited——

"Hurry up! I want to see them fight!"

"Rivers of blood! Hahahaha! Let me see rivers of blood!"

"Fortunately I didn't sign up. It was so cool to watch the live broadcast at home!"

"Hurry up! Damn, I haven't been this excited since the end of the world."

"There weren't such exciting shows before the end of the world, hahaha! So cool. It would be even cooler if I could enter the Free City again. It's safe and I can surf the Internet every day."

"Free City, please do your research faster and upload all the movies and TV series from the Old Empire. Oh, and those with restricted ratings too!"

"Damn, I won't fight zombies these days. I'll finish watching the show first."

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