The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1398: Dark planet

Su Chen's super arms did not act rashly. After all, a dark planet that even spy satellites could not detect was a problem.

They came to the nearest base and held a meeting.

"The commander's goal is to solve the opponent completely, mainly by catching. The Black King will die if he dies, but the woman can't die," Ju Ling said first.

"Where's the Azure King?" The bald head asked with a strong naive tone.

"The Blue King did not appear this time. It seems that he did not join that woman's camp. The possibility of being trapped is very high, but there is also a very small possibility that he has rebelled. It is just that he did not make a move this time." Tan Ya analyzed. .

Several people are using their own wisdom to think about the various issues of this incident. After all, no one knows what dangers a planet that exists in the dark universe will be.

There are many explanations for why there are no planets and other celestial bodies in the dark universe. One of the most common is that the energy in the dark universe cannot exist for a long time, and the planet is a huge energy collection.

When the planet enters the dark universe, the energy will disappear little by little, and eventually become nothingness.

This is the main reason why there are no celestial bodies in the dark universe, but in front of them, a planet really appears, which is very strange.

Especially this planet cannot even be discovered by spy satellites, which is even more weird.

Ju Ling and others never thought that the constellation-level powerhouses are invincible, and there are fewer constellation-level ones who have died in so many years.

"According to Kreis's intelligence, it once saw a planet in the dark universe, but the location of that planet is not here, or let Kreis come and participate in this mission together" Alice's voice sounded.

Kris, the evil race with thousand eyes, was full of drama when it appeared. Even if it became his own, it was often teased.

However, as a Constellation Grade who has lived for a long time, Kreis's knowledge is much higher than that of them. He has found several dangerous places in the dark universe.

Kris came here, so the number of constellation levels reached ten

"Kreis, come and see if this planet is the one you saw in the first place" Ju Ling waved his hand, and a virtual interface appeared before his eyes.

The human appearance that Kreis has turned into is very ordinary and looks a bit dumb. He looked at it and nodded. "Yes, it is the planet I saw at the beginning. Looking at it from a distance, I feel dangerous. , And then I wrote down the location and left."

Constellation-level powerhouses have a very good sense of space. Basically, as long as they don’t just walk around, they won’t get lost in the universe, as is the dark universe.

They don't need any indicators, they can go wherever they want.

The problem is that the dark universe is too big, and it seems to be bigger than the universe. If you don't walk in a circle and walk too far in such a big place, you may really lose your way.

"Since we are sure that this planet is the one that Kreis saw first, let's try it out first to be on the safe side," Ju Ling said.

"If you want me to say, just rush in and give him a vote"

It’s not who is talking, it’s the only inhuman super unit in the field.

Daha was originally a hunting dog. He didn't like to think too much. He did everything on a rampage and rarely used his brain.

No, it should be said that only when it was weak before, it used its brains a little bit, but now it has no brains at all, and everything is just one word.


"Daha is also right. We have gathered ten constellation levels here. Even if there is something weird about that planet, we don't have to be afraid, we can use the general trend to crush it." Yuri rarely agreed to Daha's suggestion.

"I think it's the safest. It's best to test with super weapons first." Li Shaolong followed.

Li Shaolong's suggestion was recognized by others.

So the temptation of super weapons began.

The first super weapon, they unanimously chose the weather controller, the commander's favorite super weapon.

Thunderclouds are densely covered with lightning and thunder. As the range is reduced to the size of a planet, the power of the thundercloud storm has increased a lot. It can be said that the current thundercloud storm can kill the existence of the second-order constellation, even if it is the third constellation. Above level, some injuries will also occur.


A thunderbolt landed on a sunny day, followed by endless golden lightning, illuminating the entire dark planet.

After a burst of crackling bombing, the thundercloud gradually dissipated, but the pitch black planet was still pitch black, and nothing happened.

"Sure enough, there is a problem with this planet. The thundercloud storm that can kill ordinary constellation-level powerhouses did not blow up this planet."

The faces of a group of people are very dignified, and they know the power of the constellation level best. A large galaxy level powerhouse can destroy an ordinary planet, let alone them.

As long as they are willing, it is easy to destroy a small galaxy.

This planet is very wrong

"It seems that the thundercloud storm did not affect that woman, so use all the super weapons behind."

The second super weapon, the nuclear bomb

A huge mushroom was planted on a dark planet, but the planet was unharmed

Then the various super weapons behind them all missed their faces, and in the end, the dark planet seemed to be a little unsupported, and some changes occurred.

This change is that a little faint light appeared on the surface of the originally pitch-black planet where nothing was visible.

Although and dim, it is already very conspicuous in this dark universe where there is no light.

Through their observation, they found that the light was a bit strange, it seemed to be repairing something.

"The temptation is over, should we rush over?" Daha asked anxiously.

As the person in charge of this operation, Ju Ling will command everything.

She just hesitated for a second, and directly gave the order to "all strike"

In just a few seconds, they appeared around the dark planet. Only at this time did they see clearly what the light on the planet's surface was. They were black flowers emitting dim light.

Everything this week is black, without any exceptions.

At the same time, they also saw that there were a lot of cracks in the place that was bombarded by the super weapon, which shows that the super weapon is still effective, but the effect is not as good as expected.

Of course, their mission was not this planet, but the woman, but they observed various places on the planet, but did not discover the existence of that woman.

"It's not on the surface of the planet. Did she hide in the ground" Tan Ya guessed.

This planet shields them from any energy perception, mental power perception, etc., and can only be discovered with their own eyes.

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