The Last Commander of The Red Police

Chapter 1399: The feeling of being stared at

Ju Ling simply brought everyone directly to the planet. In order to prevent them from being attacked by the other side, they were all gathered together without being scattered.

This is a world that is all black, and everything they see is all black.

The most weird thing is that they actually saw some cities on the planet, these cities are probably the level before the end of the earth, but everything is black, which is very strange.

"Have you found a living life?" Ju Ling asked as he walked.

On this planet, she found that her strength was somewhat suppressed, and she was directly suppressed to the ninth order of the small galaxy.

Not just her, the strength of other people has all been suppressed to this level.

"Not for the time being, this planet has a great suppression of the strength of life. It stands to reason that it should be the planet of life, but this planet is absolutely impossible to give birth to life in the dark universe." At this point, Tan Ya was confused. Up.

A group of people walking in a city, if not all around is black, they feel as if they are back on earth.

Even if only the strength of the ninth rank of the small galaxy remains, they are still checking the cities at a very fast speed. These cities are intact and there is no sign of war. The only strange thing is that they can't see a living life.

The city couldn't find it, they simply found a flower that was emitting a dark light.

The light of these flowers appeared after the super weapon was used. Ju Ling noticed that once there were some cracks around these flowers, this was the damage caused by the super weapon.

If it were outside, it would be easy for a super weapon to destroy a small galaxy, and here it would only leave a small part of cracks on a planet, and these cracks are still being repaired by flowers.

This is a very strange planet.

"Considering the current situation, our strength is suppressed, and the opponent's strength may also be suppressed. We can be divided into three groups, so that even if we encounter them, we are eligible for frontal combat." Yuri said very calmly.

After a brief discussion, they decided to divide them into three groups.

The members of the first group are Ju Ling, Shao Touqiang and Tan Ya, and they still go to various cities.

The members of the second group are Yuri, Bruce Lee and Natasha. The places they are looking for are some wild mountains,

The members of the third group are Libra, Yuriko, Daha and Kreis. The place they are looking for is even more dangerous, that is underground

The three groups separated directly and began to look for the trace of the woman.

"Daha, use your nose to smell it and see if there is any smell of them." Libra said.

Daha tried it, but he was helpless, "No, all the smells and breaths here will disappear automatically, even the smell we just came here is gone."

"My psychic power is suppressed very much here, and there is no way to cover a large area. What kind of planet is this?" Libra frowned slightly.

"The same is true with my superpowers, here is very unfriendly to any power." Yuriko's face was a bit solemn.

"At the beginning, I felt that the planet was not right. I didn't expect it to be up for so long. Where do we start to look for?" Kris asked.

"Of course it's here" Libra pointed at his feet.

The three teams searched for them all, and found nothing for several hours, as if the woman and the black king had really disappeared on this planet.

But this is absolutely impossible, spy satellites have been monitoring here, they will never escape, they are still on this planet.

After arriving on the planet, the contact with Alice was intermittent, but there was no problem with the contact with the commander.

As I walked, my bald head suddenly stopped "how do I feel like someone is following us"

"It is impossible that although the strength of the three of us is suppressed, the perception ability is still there. Who can escape our perception?"

Tan Ya even teleported to a few places behind, but didn't find anything, and returned directly.

"There is no one."

The bald head scratched his head forcibly. "It seems that I felt wrong."

Continuing to search, it was Ju Ling who stopped at this time.

She didn't say a word, and directly summoned Die Ling, and shot at a diagonally opposite corner behind her without hitting anything.

If one person with a bald head feels wrong, it may be wrong, but when both people feel wrong, there is a problem

Tan Ya teleported and appeared at the location where Ju Ling shot, but still found nothing. After she came back, she asked "What did she feel?"

"It feels like being stared at. This feeling is very faint, it's just a moment." Ju Ling said with a frown.

"Yes, I also felt that way before." Bald Qiang followed.

Tan Ya pondered for a moment, and gave the two a wink. They didn't say anything, and went on.

As they walked, the three of them suddenly broke out, aiming directly at somewhere behind them, bursting out with all their strength


The huge explosion sounded far away, and when the smoke dissipated, they found that the place where the three attacked was only a very small wound, and the building here was so hard.

Of course this is not the point. The place they are aiming at is not a building, but a place of perception.

"Nothing at all."

When the three of them came here to see, they knew that they had either missed the attack, or there was nothing here.

Just now the three of them felt the feeling of being stared at, and it was definitely not fake.

"There really is a problem with this planet, why other planets have disappeared, and this planet can still exist in the dark universe" Ju Ling said through a voice transmission.

"There is too little information. That woman must know more than us. Did she observe us just now" Tan Ya said.

Shao Touqiang has always been in charge of tanks, so naturally he didn't need to use his brain, so he didn't participate in their conversation.

In fact, after their analysis, it is almost close to the truth.

They felt stared just now, indeed because of that woman.

That woman contributed a lot to this planet being able to become like this.

At this time, Leng Yuwei had a piece of useful news, that was in a very early period, she didn't know exactly when.

At that time, many people were studying how to make planets exist in the dark universe and doing a lot of experiments.

Once there is a planet that can exist in the dark universe, it will be of great help in conquering the dark universe. In this case, a special planet has really appeared.

This planet is called Lingxing

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