
Is the master really going to break into the camp alone?

This is no joke!

You know, during the day, more than a dozen people didn't rush to the ninja leader. Now it's almost impossible for him to kill the ninja leader alone!

However, when the audience saw the scene where the master said that he would not step on the 73rd, they immediately understood that he was serious. It is really admirable that he is so calm in the face of death!

【Tang Lianyue: This is what people of my generation from the Tang Sect should be like!】

【Tang Lian: I admire you!】

【Tang San: Awesome!】

【Tang Miaoxing: What's going on? Why are there so many people from the Tang Sect? Who is this Tang San?】

【Zhang Wang: I don’t know! The name was chosen so casually, maybe it was some scoundrel who wanted to pretend to be a Tang Sect disciple! There are many such people, I am not surprised!】

【Tang San: You have already found a way to die!】

【Tang Lan: Tang San, you are an outer sect disciple, you secretly learned the"Xuan Tian Bao Lu", and you dare to act so presumptuous?】

【Tang San: Can what scholars do be called stealing?】


The audience of the World of All Heavens was amused by Tang San's shameless words. This guy stole things and was justified in stealing. What a despicable villain!

Compared with the real Tang Sect people like the Great Master, his character is really low!

It is suggested that this guy should watch the Great Master more and learn how to be a good person!

At this time, the video about the Great Master was played again....

At 5 p.m.,

Du Fusong, Tang Tongbi, Dong Chang and nine others attacked together.

In the fierce battle,

Tang Jiaren used the illusion barrier to quietly move towards the direction of the ninja leader, and soon saw the ninja leader.

Suddenly, the ninja leader discovered his whereabouts with the help of"Lotus" and fired a kunai directly in his direction.

After being discovered, the master showed his true form and was surrounded by the ninja leader's subordinates Zuo Jin and You Jin.

"How on earth can you see through my illusion? Am I in a desperate situation?"

【Inuzuka Kiba: What! Sakon Ukon? Orochimaru is not the ninja leader, right?】

【Shikamaru: Don't overthink it! Isn't Sakon already dead?】

【Shino: If you had taken me with you to chase Sasuke, we would never have failed! Sakon and Ukon are no match for them!】

【Neji: You are still upset about that incident....】

Tang Jiaren found that Zuo Jin and You Jin wanted to have some fun with him, and he immediately smiled slightly.

"Teasing the mouse like a cat?"


Although it was easy for him to kill the two men, it would be meaningless if he scared the ninja leader away.

Then, he began to show weakness so that Sakon and Ukon could have more fun.

At the same time, the ninja leader also wanted to be willful and said excitedly:"There is no doubt that he is a powerful assassin. I sympathize with this person and envy this person. Everyone's life will come to an end one day."

"Today, this is the stage for this person’s best scene, it’s so gorgeous!"

"Let me, as a spectator, enjoy the show until the end!"

"And the stage where I end my life will be this road burning with flames of war!" Tang Jiaren was even happier about this! Although he didn't understand what the ninja leader said, as long as the other party didn't leave, that was enough!


Seeing that the ninja leader not only had no fear in the face of the assassination of the big master, but also acted as a spectator as if nothing had happened, everyone was speechless. Does n't he know the joke that"the villain dies because of talking too much"?

However, perhaps he does not think of himself as a villain, but a warrior of a country, so he dares to be fearless!

The world of aliens, Tangmen.

Xu Xin:"It turns out that the big master's infiltration was also discovered at that time! It seems that this ninja leader is really good!"

Tang Miaoxing:"He actually looks down on the big master so much! He is really not far from death!"

Zhang Wang:"Fortunately, he is too arrogant, otherwise the assassination mission of the big master would not be so smooth!"

Tang Miaoxing:"Tangmen disciples listen to the order, all put down the work at hand, and watch the glorious battle of the big master!"

At the same time, the Tangmen disciples of the Young Song and the Tangmen disciples of Douluo Xiaolu all widened their eyes, wanting to see the last dance of the big master!......

During the fight, although Tang Jiaren did not use his full strength, he still poisoned Sakon and Ukon.

However, his poison was quickly cured by Madam Jing.

At this moment, he was not far away from the ninja leader. As long as he could get 20 steps closer, he would be able to kill the opponent.

However, with Sakon and Ukon and Madam Jing blocking him, it was not easy to rush over!

Originally, he wanted to get closer and then attack. As long as he poisoned the ninja leader and ran away when they underestimated him, he might be able to escape. But now it seems impossible.

"The cat's interest in playing with mice is also limited. Once it is discovered that this is a dangerous mouse, it will do its best to kill it."

"If you open it now, it will affect your actions....There's nothing we can do about it."

""Go ahead, the toll for these twenty steps will be very expensive!"

The next second,

Tang Jiaren rushed towards Zuo Jinyou Jin in a desperate manner, avoiding the fatal blow at the cost of losing his right arm and left leg, and fell heavily within twenty steps of the ninja leader.

At the same time, the flying needle with Qi poison in his hand also shot out, pointing directly at the ninja leader's head................................................

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