Seeing the master risk being hacked to death and break through the interception of the nearby people, and shoot the hidden weapon with great difficulty, the audience was so nervous that they could not speak.

You know, this is the last attack he will make at the cost of his life, and success or failure depends on this one move.

If this can't kill the ninja leader, then he can only die here in vain!

Bad World, Hidden Weapon Valley.

Yuan Tiangang clapped his hands and applauded:"Excellent, a blow with the determination to die, and it was danced beautifully!"

Jing Xinmo also praised, and then whispered:"Marshal, do you think he succeeded?"

Yuan Tiangang:"A little bit off!"

Jing Xinmo asked in surprise:"How could it be, this kind of assassination method has been prevented by someone?"

Yuan Tiangang:"But, I guess he has a back-up!"

With Yuan Tiangang's three hundred years of experience, how could he not see that Tang Jiaren's last move was just a cover, and the killer move must be hidden behind it, otherwise he would have no reason to pull within 20 steps.

However, he didn't know what the move that was enough to kill with one blow was!...

In Xueyue City,

Tang Lian frowned and said to himself,"Could it be that the flying needle is the last blow of the master? This move is indeed very powerful, but it may not be able to kill people 100%?"

Hearing this,

Lei Wujie asked in surprise,"Big Brother, this move is not powerful enough?"

Sikong Qianluoye followed and said,"At such a close distance, the ninja who lives a good life will definitely not be able to block it!" The old fox Xiao Se took another sip of wine and focused all his attention on the light curtain.

He knew that the last blow of the master was about to appear!......

Facing the master's flying needle, the ninja raised his wooden cane to block it.

In response,

Tang Jiaren did not show disappointment on his face, but instead showed a weird smile.


【Allen: How is it possible? I missed it.】

【Luffy: Almost there!】

【Ichigo: Even the attack I made with the intention of ensuring my death failed?】

【Saitama: What a pity!】

【Lolo: This shouldn’t be the ending!】

【Conan: Master, I lost!】

【Han Li: It's impossible to kill someone by just blinking, right?】

【Xiao Yan: It’s also possible that he has explosives hidden in his body!】

【Number 10: Do we have to die together by self-destruction? That's a good idea! 】

The mood of the audience suddenly became depressed. Everyone knew that Tang Jiaren, who had lost an arm and a leg, could not make a decent attack.

Once he died, the assassination mission was declared a failure.

But why did Tang Jiaren laugh?

Could it be that his body could really explode?......

Ninja Head:"Brilliant! He sacrificed himself to complete the final blow, very brilliant!"

Tang Jiaren was a little surprised:"You can speak our language?"

Ninja Head:"That's stupid too."

In response to the taunting of the Ninja Head, Tang Jiaren sat up and grinned:"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's over anyway."

Seeing this, the Ninja Head mocked again:"It's really stupid. When I found you, you should have known that the assassination would not succeed....

If I had left at that time , I might have been able to escape."....."

Ninja leader:"Nothing to say?"

Tang Jiaren:"I have two questions. The two kids behind me are pretty good, and every move is deadly. You trained them well, why are you in such a hurry to bring them here to die? You are much more loyal than the other ninjas!"

Hearing this, the ninja leader laughed crazily.

"Loyal? We are just tools created by the big guys! We made a deal with them, using military merits in exchange for acceptance into the new world! And your heads are the stepping stones for my children to see the sun again!"

【Naruto: Tools! Tools again! Who said that we ninjas can only be tools!】

【Kakashi: Naruto, calm down!】

【Naruto: How can I be calm! My purpose of being a ninja is not to become a so-called tool. I want to be recognized by everyone in the village and then become a Hokage! If a ninja is just a killing tool for some people, then I would rather give up the dream of becoming a Hokage!】

【Jiraiya: Don't worry, we in Konoha are different from that Bihei Ninja! 】

Tang Jiaren seemed to be thinking:"The second question, I am a little confused, I am here to kill you, since you think I have failed, then just kill me quickly and that's it, why are you wasting time talking to me?" While speaking, he crushed the Guanyuan that recorded his Qi with his hands.

The ninja leader sighed:"Yes, this is indeed not like my style, maybe I was attracted by your amazing skills, and I think we are very similar. I met excellent people of the same kind in a foreign land, even the enemy makes me feel very kind."

"And since you're like this, it seems like I don't have to worry about my head now, right?"


Hearing this,

Tang Jiaren proudly replied:"First of all, our Tang Sect does do some shady business, but the members of the Tang Sect have never been anyone's tool!"

"Everything I did was completely in my heart. I really wanted to wipe out all of you invaders."

"Secondly, I really look miserable now....You really don't have to worry about your own head....."

Then, he touched his head with a smile and said kindly:"Because from the moment you let me get close to this range, you are already dead!"

Hearing this,

Shinobu was shocked and said in disbelief:"What did this guy say, I am already dead?"

Then, through the perception ability of"Lotus", he realized that Tang Jiaren did not seem to be bluffing, and hurriedly shouted:

""Sakon! Ukon! Kill him!"

But it was too late.

Tang Jiaren was surrounded by numerous Dan-devouring creatures, which directly infected everyone within a 20-step radius.

Sakon, Ukon, and Madam Jing were in unbearable pain. Shiny lines like earthworms appeared on their bodies.

"Old man, introduce yourself....."

"Tang Sect - Laughing King of Hell, Tang Jiaren!"

The next second,

Tang Jiaren was hacked to death by a sword, but the head ninja, Lady Jing, Sakon, Ukon, and the translator also died painfully under the torture of Dan Shi.

At the same time,

Li Ding was killed by the big stick warrior at the age of 43.

Tang Mingyi was killed by the chasing ninja at the age of 44.

Wang Li was killed by the chasing ninja when he saved Tang Mingyi at the age of 48.

Tang Tongbi and Du Fusong died at the hands of Eita at the ages of 35 and 39!

Gao Yingcai died in the battle with Liang Ting Eita at the age of 46!......................................................

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