The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 102 Planning (1)

"Master, there are still scraps!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Scrap? Don't worry, come back after receiving the mission." Li Yun knew in his heart that he should leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. If he stays for a long time, there may be changes.

You must know that theft from the warehouse is a big deal. If waste materials are lost at the same time, it is inevitable that some people will associate the two together, which will be detrimental to their future tasks of cleaning up waste materials.

After flying out of Beastless Peak, Li Yun returned directly to the cave and cleaned up various harvests.

This time we got a large number of beast eggs and insect eggs. Naturally, we couldn't keep them in a cave. We put them all in jade, identified their owners with blood one by one, and then built a hatching place.

With the time-extending effect of jade and abundant spiritual energy, the vitality of these spiritual eggs is much stronger than those at Beastless Peak. Li Yun is confident that he can raise spiritual beasts and spiritual insects that are much better than those at Beastless Peak. Then your strength will take a big step forward.

After finishing these tasks, I immediately started my own practice plan, sitting cross-legged on the high platform of black soil and adjusting my breath.

"Master, it's not good!" Chen Feng, the eldest disciple, rushed into Wushouzi's room and shouted.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Wushouzi was teasing a parrot he raised.

"The warehouse...the warehouse was stolen!" Chen Feng's face turned green.

"Stolen?! Stolen?!" the parrot imitated loudly.

Wushouzi turned around, looking slightly stunned.

"It's over, it's over..." Chen Feng suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted on the ground.

After a while, loud roars came from the Beastless Peak, and the level of the formation was raised to the highest level. People were flying in the formation, and the spirit beasts were walking all over the ground, creating chaos.

"Check! Check for me! No one is allowed to leave until the thief is found!" Wushouzi's angry voice echoed in the mountain peaks.

After Li Yun completed his training, he would wander around Wuyou Peak. Although the area here was huge, he had become very familiar with the entire mountain in a few days.

At the same time, he also had some unexpected gains. In this almost pristine fairy peak, there were many spiritual grasses growing, which he had never seen before. Referring to Wuliangzi's classics, he found that there were "Chicken Bone Flower", "Chicken Bone Flower" and "Chicken Bone Flower". "Chuanxinye", "Danmugen", "Dragon Scale Grass", "Lingwu Tea", "Xiaotian Peach", "Bone Erosion Grass"... Some of the spiritual grasses were quite old, and they were all transplanted into the jade space by him. .

There are also some whose names cannot be found at all, but they are full of aura and I believe they are valuable.

"Why do those senior brothers and sisters turn a blind eye to these spiritual herbs, but are so keen on going out to do tasks and earn so few pitiful points?"

Li Yun felt a little incomprehensible. Just a slightly older spiritual grass here might be able to be exchanged for a lot of spiritual stones.

"Master, they don't understand spiritual grass at all, and they have no interest in learning about it. Moreover, people are often easily trapped by the trivial matters in front of them. If they do too many small things, they will easily focus on the immediate benefits and only look at what they can directly gain by doing tasks. points, thus lacking long-term vision and planning." Xiaoxing said.

"What you said makes sense. It's terrible not to have knowledge. They are too busy every day and only think about doing tasks to earn points, so they have no time to improve themselves. If things go on like this, they will just lose sight of everyone."

Li Yun has a little understanding of why so many people are as busy as dogs every day, constantly trying to make money, but their cultivation does not increase as expected. Instead, they waste away their energy and years, and finally end up with One person died before being promoted to extend his life.

Just like these days, he doesn't have to do any tasks at all. He only needs to realize the harvest in front of him, which is worth their hard work for several years.

"I'm really embarrassed. I've been able to take advantage of these easy gains." Li Yun smiled secretly.

However, he picked the big ones and left the small ones, and also sowed some spiritual grass seeds on top to ensure another harvest in the future.

"Master, among these free new spiritual herbs,

‘Chicken Bone Flower’, ‘Chuangxinye’ and ‘Danmugen’ can be used. They can replace the original three varieties of raw materials, greatly increasing the spiritual energy in Xingyun Wine. "Xiao Xing said.

It turned out that Li Yun had already asked Xiaoxing to analyze and study the newly acquired spiritual grass and adjust the original formula of Xingyun Wine.

In principle, the spiritual objects produced in his jade space must not be exposed, because these are top-quality spiritual herbs. Therefore, Wuyou Peak's own resources must be fully utilized to improve the quality of Xingyun Wine.

He had already had an idea in his mind, and through these days of field investigation, a plan had slowly been formed.

Yes, a brand new plan, a plan that can make Wuyou Peak rise.

In fact, this plan also originated from the conflict at the "Routou Hotpot" restaurant. The reason for the conflict was nothing more than the quality of the wine.

Maple Leaf Gang's "One Mouth" is known as the best wine of Qingyuan Clan, so gang leader Xu Feng and deputy gang leader Ye Bo cannot tolerate others belittling its quality.

Hearing Ren Yu's public comments, they couldn't help but feel angry, and later they took action to teach him a lesson.

There is a cause and an effect. If Li Yun had brought out Xingyun Wine at that time, he would not have been afraid of not knowing the product, but he would have been afraid of comparing the products. After Xu Feng and Ye Bo drank it, they would probably have to throw it away.

However, since Li Yun had already told Ren Yu that he didn't have the wine at that time, it was inconvenient to take it out later. Besides, the situation changed very quickly at that time, and he had reached the stage of challenge before he had time to react, so it was impossible to fight as he imagined. The wine situation.

The plan brewing in Li Yun's mind is also related to wine.

Through understanding in Fangshi, Qingyuanmen not only allows the existence of gangs, but also controls the largest business and encourages free competition.

Among the more than 100 peaks in the Qingyuan Sect, the top dozen peaks own 70% of the wealth. Their disciples do not have to go out to do tasks. Their products have great advantages, and even sales are low. Without their help, there are people rushing to come to your door to act as agents, forming business chains one after another.

All of this means that there is a huge market in front of Li Yun. Relying on his life experience in his previous life and relying on Xiaoxing, a cosmic-level think tank, he can completely turn his hands into clouds and rain here.

Based on his knowledge in Fangshi, he can clearly find many loopholes in these business chains. Compared with his previous life, too many business opportunities have not been tapped. As long as he is willing, there is a lot of business that can be done.

But now, he just found a small entry point and used it as an opportunity to integrate into the huge market of Qingyuanmen. This entry point is Xingyun Wine.

There is no need to overstate the quality of Xingyun Wine. Even the Xuanqi version of Xingyun Wine can knock out the so-called "one mouthful of boredom". If another spiritual version of Xingyun Wine is launched, it will definitely attract huge amounts of money.

Cultivation of immortality relies on wealth and resources. Without sufficient resources, running around for petty profits every day will make you exhausted. How can you calm down and practice?

This problem is a problem that troubles everyone in Wuyou Peak, and it is also a problem faced by the vast majority of monks. Why are many people keen on hunting for treasures, digging tombs, killing people, robbing people, and exploring adventures, not just to make a fortune so that they can have a good life? Enough time to practice and understand the magic of immortality?

If Li Yun's plan succeeds, he can lead everyone in Wuyou Peak to make money together. As long as they have money, they can have more cultivation resources, and everyone can quickly practice and advance, and their strength will be greatly improved. By then, they are afraid that they will not be able to find Go back and earn some face?

However, ideals are full, but reality is skinny. Li Yun is worried about marketing and production issues. Marketing also requires money. Among other things, advertising fees may account for a large amount of the budget. If the market is open but there is no supply, then you are ruining your own brand.

Li Yun knew that this matter should not be rushed, so he prepared slowly, and it would eventually come true.

At this moment, he was quite interested in the newly discovered spiritual grass "Lingwu Tea".

I have never seen this type of tea before, and the spiritual energy is not an ordinary strong aroma. If you use the method of the previous life to make tea and brew it, the effect will be good.

You must know that tea and wine are two luxury goods of almost the same level. If good tea varieties can be cultivated, the spiritual tea made will definitely be valuable.

Moreover, I have collected a lot of tea species. If I can graft and cultivate them, it is possible to make a unique tea in an environment like the Jade Space.

"Xiao Xing, start the tea experiment, we must cultivate the top spiritual tea."

"A piece of cake!"

"Okay, Lingcha can be used as a reserve product after Xingyun Wine. Can you come up with a plan for the promotion of Xingyun Wine?"

"Leave it to me! If you can't even handle this, I'll just turn off the phone!" Xiaoxing shouted.

"Hehe, don't talk too much. I have to do more research these days. The more I know, the better chance I have of winning." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course, any plan cannot be based on fantasy. It will become a castle in the air. It is okay in the world of cultivation, but it will fall in the mortal world!"

Xiaoxing was talking when he suddenly said in surprise: "Hey, Master, I discovered a benefit of 'Dragon Scale Grass', which may be very helpful to your cultivation!"

"Oh? Say it quickly!"

"The reason why Dragon Scale Grass is called Dragon Scale is because of its fruit. This fruit is not big, similar to dates, and has scaly fruit pieces. It is called 'Dragon Scale Fruit'. Its main effect is to enhance physical fitness. Maybe a Two are nothing, but if there are one hundred thousand or one million, its effectiveness will be cumulative, and your physique will be significantly enhanced, making it as indestructible as dragon scales!" Xiaoxing said.


"Of course, my detection and inference cannot be wrong. The reason why ordinary people ignore this is just because the yield of dragon scale fruit is low, and its effect of strengthening the body is not too obvious. Many people may just I just ate it for fun, but I didn’t expect that its effectiveness would increase.”

"So that's it! If I supplement Dragon Scale Fruit from time to time every day, its effect will continue to transform my physique. In this way, while I am practicing the mind method, I will not forget to refine the body... Is this the result? ?!" Li Yun asked loudly.

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