The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 103 Planning (2)

During this period of time, Li Yun mainly practiced the Qingyuan Mind Technique and did not bother with physical training at all. This is the cultivation method adopted by most monks in the world of cultivation, because they believe that as long as the mind technique is improved and they use powerful magic power, they can easily Killing the opponent instantly without any effort to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the opponent is simply too low-end!

However, Li Yun also vaguely felt that if he did not train his body, there might be hidden dangers. If he could train at the same time, that would be the most ideal situation.

Therefore, as soon as he heard Xiaoxing's reminder, he immediately realized the importance of the discovery of Dragon Scale Fruit.

"That's right! Cultivators often neglect physical training in order to advance their skills as quickly as possible. In fact, only with a strong body can you have strong fighting power. Those demons rarely use weapons, but rely on their own bodies. In battle, they rely on their repeatedly tempered demonic bodies," Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! It seems that I must expand the planting area of ​​dragon scale grass in the jade space and increase the yield and quality of dragon scale fruit." Li Yun praised.

"We should also open up some fairy gardens for planting in Wuyou Peak. After all, the land in the jade space is limited." Xiaoxing emphasized.


Just as he was about to return to the cave, a ray of light suddenly flashed in the distance. Li Yun was startled and found that it was the letter talisman of Wuyou Peak. He picked up the induction and said with a smile: "It turns out that the master was promoted by the sect to be one of the deacons and elders. Okay." News!”

This is a letter from Ren Yu, informing everyone to gather at Wuyou Hall to celebrate Master together.

I quickly came to Wuyou Hall and found that the senior brothers and sisters had already gathered together. Everyone was smiling. Such happy moments rarely appeared in Wuyou Peak.

"Haha, junior brother is here!" Zhu Rui had sharp eyes and shouted as soon as he saw Li Yun coming in.

"Congratulations, Master! Congratulations to all senior brothers and sisters!" Li Yun congratulated with a smile.

"Haha, my junior brother is really a lucky star. He just joined us at Wuyou Peak and has brought such good luck!" Ren Yu laughed.

"Otherwise, wouldn't the word "luck" in his name be in vain?" Senior sister Qiao Xiaodie said with a sweet smile.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Yun was just an eleven-year-old child at this time, and he was quite handsome and cute. Therefore, as soon as he came in, he immediately became the target of ridicule.

Wuyouzi had no dignity as a teacher at all. He mingled among the disciples, smiled so brightly, and said loudly: "This position of deacon was earned by everyone together. We must get drunk from it today!"


There was a burst of cheers from the crowd. Everyone was prepared and took out the food they purchased from their storage bags. The table was soon filled.

"Wine, where's the wine?" Zhu Rui shouted.

"On the way!" Tan Guangyu, who was in charge of buying wine, hadn't come back yet, the beautiful senior sister Yu Xin said.

When wine was mentioned, Wuyouzi's eyes lit up, but he immediately shrank back and pretended not to hear. His big gourd contained the Xingyun wine delivered by Li, which was his lifeblood. How could he be willing to take it out and share it with everyone?

"Here comes the wine!"

As soon as the figure flashed, a young monk rushed in. It was Tan Guangyu. He took out a wine bottle from his storage bag and placed it in front of everyone.

"One mouthful! Good wine!" Zhu Rui shouted happily.

Ren Yu's expression darkened when he saw the wine. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and nodded with a smile.

"Although this wine is good, it is far inferior to the Xingyun Wine that my junior brother treated us to last time!" Qiao Xiaodie sighed. She still misses the Xingyun Wine to this day.

"Hey, junior sister, don't mention Xingyun Wine. As soon as I talk about it, I have no appetite for other wines, and I don't even want to eat!" Zhu Rui said loudly.

"Senior brother, do you really feel this way?" Qiao Xiaodie asked curiously.

"Really, just like now, I am no longer interested in this 'boring' thing! What a tragedy!" Zhu Rui's expression changed so quickly.

"Oh my gosh, this feels exactly like mine,

This is how to do? When I think of that aroma, I can’t get enough of these foods! "Qiao Xiaodie shouted.

"That's right, Junior Brother's Xingyun Wine is simply heavenly jade liquid, the best among wines!" Tan Guangyu agreed.

The words of a few people aroused the same reaction from everyone. Everyone's eyes turned to Li Yun, with a look of expectation on their faces.

"It's all Xingyun Liquor's fault." Li Yun snickered in his heart.

"Hehe, brothers and sisters, brewing Xingyun Wine is not easy. It requires a variety of conditions and a lot of patience. Therefore, the stock is very small. The last time I treated you to a drink was my last stock. If I want it again, , you have to brew it again.”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but have a look of disappointment on their faces. However, it was precisely because of the lack of stock that the preciousness of Xingyun Wine was even more obvious. Li Yun was willing to give them the last stock to entertain them, which shows that Li Yun's Sincerity.

Li Yun grasped this psychology just right.

"Let me tell you, how can such a good wine be produced in so much quantity? It's our blessing that Junior Brother used the remaining wine to entertain us!" Qiao Xiaodie sighed.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Actually, if you want to drink this wine often, it's not impossible." Li Yun suddenly said.

One word stirs up a thousand waves!

"Really?!" Zhu Rui stood up excitedly and asked.

Everyone was a little uneasy, even Wuyouzi came closer, "Yun'er, are you telling the truth?!"

"Really!" Li Yun replied affirmatively.

"Junior brother, how can I drink it often? Is there anything we need to do?" Ren Yu asked with red eyes.

Thinking of the humiliation he suffered at the "Rou Rou Hot Pot", he was already extremely sensitive to the topic of wine. He had finally suppressed his anger just now, but this new topic aroused his emotions again.

"Yes, junior brother, if you need us to do anything, just say it and we will definitely cooperate!" Qiao Xiaodie said immediately.

"That's right, junior brother, you're welcome. We at Wuyou Peak are one family. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Yu Xin said with a sweet smile.

The crowd was so excited that they didn't even bother to eat the food, everyone was waiting for Li Yun to speak.

"Okay! With the support of Master and all the brothers and sisters, I will talk."

Li Yun thought for a while and reorganized the plan that had been brewing in his mind.

"This Xingyun Wine is my own creation, my junior brother. However, the brewing of this wine is indeed extremely complicated. It is completely different from other ordinary wine brewing processes on the Xuanling Continent. Not only does it require special techniques, but also good brewing Environment and raw materials, and more importantly, patience and confidence. If there is a flaw in any link, I am afraid that all previous efforts will be wasted! I wonder if all the brothers and sisters are willing to follow my arrangements? "

When Ren Yu heard this, he looked at each other with everyone, understood, and immediately said: "Junior brother, since Xingyun Wine is your original creation, of course we must do it according to your arrangement and do our best."

"That's right! If anyone dares to disobey the arrangement, Senior Brother Ren and I will not forgive him! Uh... except Master, don't you think so?!" Zhu Rui said loudly.

"We must do it according to Junior Brother Li's arrangement!" Everyone said in unison.

"I will do the same!" Wuyouzi said loudly.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"Thank you Master and all the brothers and sisters for your trust and support! This makes me feel relieved." Li Yun said with his hands in hand.

"Haha, it is precisely because this wine is created by junior brother that this is the real value. Only we can drink such a fine wine. Just thinking about it makes me have a sweet dream!" Zhu Rui laughed.


"Not bad!"


Others echoed.


Everyone was startled and couldn't help but be shocked when they found out that it was Li Yun who said it.

"Junior brother, why do you say it's wrong?" Ren Yu asked.

"This wine is brewed not only for us to drink, but also for more people to drink. The more, the better!" Li Yun replied.

There was a silence, a deep silence! Everyone was puzzled.

"Junior brother, can you tell us in detail?" Ren Yu continued to ask.

"Of course! This is a huge plan, and I just want to discuss it with you."

"Junior brother, please speak!"

"I have hardly seen any products produced by Wuyoufeng in Fangshi." Li Yun's words hit the mark.

A look of shame flashed across everyone's faces, and they all lowered their heads and remained silent. Wuyouzi's face turned red and he was speechless.

"Today's gathering is probably the first time I've been to Wuyou Peak in a long time, because everyone has to be busy doing tasks, helping others make money, and also helping themselves earn points. If it hadn't been for the good news about Master, I'm afraid we would have had to wait for a long time Only then can we meet again.”


Several whimpering sounds suddenly came from the field, but they were made by senior sisters such as Qiao Xiaodie and Yuxin.

Many senior brothers were also touched and their eyes were red.

"The entire Wuyou Peak is lifeless and desolate. It has even become a breeding ground for beast-eating beasts." Li Yun added another blow.

"Alas! It's all my teacher's fault..." Wuyouzi sighed loudly.

"Master, you have sacrificed everything for us, but it is us disciples who have failed to become successful and have discredited Wuyou Peak!" Ren Yu cried.

A celebration party suddenly turned into a self-examination and crying meeting.

"Stop! Stop!" Li Yun shouted loudly.

"Master, brothers and sisters, I am not saying this to attack you, but to bring out the current situation of Worry-Free Peak!"

"Junior brother, everything you said is true. Although we usually don't say it, everyone understands it very well! We are just afraid that it will hurt us if we say it." Yuxin cried.

"Hehe, only when the problem is put out for discussion can we gather wisdom to solve it. If everyone keeps it in their hearts and doesn't talk about it, then the problem will always remain a problem, or even get worse!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Solve it?! Junior brother is saying..." Ren Yu was startled.

"Yes, the plan I mentioned is to solve these problems!" Li Yun affirmed.

"Yun'er, tell me! As long as you can change this situation and solve these problems, we will support your plan!" Wuyouzi said loudly.

"Okay! My plan is to let Wuyou Peak have its own flagship product and occupy a place in the market! It is to allow every member of Wuyou Peak to not have to rush around to complete tasks, but to have sufficient resources to continuously Hit the peak of cultivation!"

The powerful words make the blood begin to burn in the heart!

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