The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1019 Xiaohou eats Xiaozao

"Is that so? Why would that little boy ride an eagle with the adults to watch them fight?" Xiao Xiang asked suspiciously.

"Hey, I was also a child at that time. He was having fun riding an eagle. When he saw me there, he just pulled me to play with him."

"Is there something you are hiding from us, sir?" Xiaohou said.

"Haha, this matter is not as complicated as you think, but Bo Qiu and Xing Suanzi have too rich imaginations!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Xiao Hou looked suspicious and said: "My lord, their analysis is reasonable. The child is by no means simple, and he and the giant sword appeared there at the same time. Such a person and such a treasure cannot come for no reason. This world happened to be with you. Xiaonu remembered that at that time you happened to be solving the folded space in Baishi City. When the star operator arrived, he was still there to solve it. I have also seen some of the space problems. , you are so beautifully broken! And then, the giant sword and the child appeared!"

"What did you think of?" Li Yun asked.

"Xingchen and I have speculations about this matter. We believe that the giant sword and the child are in the folded space. If you break through that space, you will have the opportunity to meet them. There must be some kind of agreement between the two parties. .”

"This..." Li Yun was startled.

"Haha, sir, Xingchen speculated from the magical degree of that folded space that the giant sword and the child came from the fairy world, because it is impossible for anyone in Xuanling Continent to be able to fold such a space. Therefore, the fairy sword and the child came from the fairy world. There must be some kind of special relationship between the little fairy boy and the adults!" Xiaohou said proudly.


"Of course! Xiaonu later confirmed with the juniors of the World Tree here that the little fairy boy later left this world, but the fairy sword did not leave this world, but was collected by the adults!" Xiao Hou continued.

"What?! Can you really confirm this?!" Li Yun was shocked.

"Sir, you made too much noise when opening the folding space. It has long attracted the attention of the boundary tree here. He has been paying attention to the progress of this matter. Later, when he asked the little slave, he informed the little slave. However, don't worry, sir. , Xiaonu didn’t tell Xingchen about this, so only Xiaonu knows.”

"You...well, since you already know this, I have no choice but to admit it, sir." Li Yun said helplessly.

When Xiao Xiang heard this, he immediately became excited and said quickly: "Sir, where is that fairy sword? Can you let me have a look?"

"Yes, sir, that fairy sword is so powerful that it can even split this world in half. Let Xiaonu broaden his horizons!" Xiaohou said anxiously.

"The Immortal sleeping. When he wakes up, I will show it to you." Li Yun said.

"Wow!" the two of them exclaimed.

It seems that you really have a fairy sword in your hand. This is simply shocking!

"Sir, how long will he have to sleep?" Xiaohou asked suspiciously.

"That's not certain. Anyway, since I got him, he has been sleeping until now. Maybe he will sleep for many years before he wakes up."

"That's it!" The two of them couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

However, it is shocking enough to think that the Universiade Palace has an immortal sword.

The two of them were in high spirits again, drinking heavily and chatting excitedly...

Xingyun No. 1 soon arrived at the Great Qin Ding League, including Yan Zheng, Bai Sheng, Gan Mao, Wang Yu, Meng Ao, Zhu Zan, Guan Lie, Ximen Shi, Nie Fei, Fan Yang, Jing Jing, Yiyi, Qing Yi... and other small Nu hurriedly came out and took Li Yun and the others into the Dingmeng and held a big banquet.

Da Qin has a vast territory and a large population, so it recruits the most and most outstanding immortal attendants.

During this period, they have recruited nearly three million immortal attendants, and have sent out two million. They are about to send another million to Wuyou Peak, but they did not expect that the Lord would come to pick them up in person.

Seeing that they had made such a great contribution, Li Yun was also filled with joy and praised them repeatedly.

However, these little slaves had just made meritorious deeds, and their merits had not yet been recorded in their Universiade cards. Therefore, Li Yun asked Xiaoxing to calculate them all and put all the rewards into their cards.

When these people felt the rewards in their cards, they all looked excited. The reason was naturally that in addition to receiving a large amount of Taoist food, they also got the opportunity to sleep with them.

However, they already know that getting the opportunity to sleep with him and fulfilling the opportunity to sleep with him are two different things. At this time, it is best to please the elder brother first.

These little slaves took this opportunity to establish a good relationship with Xiao Xiang and secretly gave him the treasures they had prepared long ago, making Xiao Xiang smile from ear to ear.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hou couldn't help but feel a little envious. It seemed that the benefits of being a big brother were so many that it was unimaginable.

He sent a message to Li Yun and said: "Sir, this kid is going too far by accepting gifts so wantonly!"

"It doesn't matter, those are just some kind of greeting gifts. The etiquette is light but the affection is heavy. As the eldest brother of Universiade Palace, you must have some power!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"This..." Xiaohou was startled.

"Don't worry! It's normal for people to have some shortcomings. The key is to be kind."

"My lord loves Xiao Xiang so much..." Xiao Hou said sincerely.

"Haha, you don't have to envy him, I love you even more..." Li Yun smiled.

I was thinking to myself that I am really thick-skinned now, and I could say these words easily.

"Really?!" Xiaohou said in surprise.

"Of course... the blonde girl you transformed into is very special... very cute..." Li Yun praised.

"Sir... how about we let Xiao Xiang stay here while we go to the palace and let the slave transform into one for you?"

" good!"

Li Yun took Xiao Hou back to the palace and asked him to serve him well, finally turning his somewhat unbalanced mentality around.

"Sir, this little slave can't even bear to go back!" Xiao Hou said with saliva on his face.

"No, your mission is very heavy. If something goes wrong with Xingzun, it will affect the entire spiritual world and the entire Xuanling Continent. Therefore, you can't stay here all the time." Li Yun said hard-heartedly.

"Then after I go back, I must go to the Star Palace to see my slave more often..."

"No problem. If you make good arrangements, you can come to me more often."

"Great! This is what you said, my lord. Xiaonu will definitely arrange things properly before he comes out!" Xiaohou said excitedly.

The two returned to the bridge of Xingyun No. 1 and found that Xiao Xiang was already waiting there. Watching the two appear, there was a look of suspicion on their faces.

"Sir... you..."

"Brother, you usually eat so much Xiao Zao that you can eat so deliciously! It's rare for me to come back, so the adults will naturally feed me Xiao Zao." Xiao Hou said proudly.

"That's it! Congratulations, you look as moisturized as Xincheng Enze. I feel pity for you!" Xiao Xiang said with a smile on his face.

"Your words are too sweet! But I like it! It's just that I haven't given jade dew yet, so don't use words like Xincheng Enze in the future. It seems like you have lost your childishness..."

"This..." Xiao Xiang was startled and his face turned red.

It seems that I am still not good enough and I even used the wrong words when complimenting.

You must know that Li Yun's current cultivation level is at the peak of the third level of Yin and Yang Realm. He has not yet reached the Nirvana Realm. Of course, he cannot give Jade Dew. The so-called favor can only nourish these little slaves with the Taoist Rhythm of Life or the Immortal Rhythm. , of course there will be physical contact, but it is impossible to truly give jade dew.

If you want to be able to control Jade Dew satisfactorily, you must at least reach the Nirvana realm, but Li Yun's goal is to reach the Mahayana realm, so it is too early to talk about giving Jade Dew.

Li Yun turned a deaf ear to the conversation between the two. He scanned the world in the ship with his consciousness and found that the one million immortal attendants were already inside. Xiaoxing had taken over, and he was relieved.

Xingyun No. 1 turned towards Da Zhao.

Looking at a light screen, he found that Xingsuanzi and Boqiu had actually tracked down the place where Chi You and Nibo fought last time, and were looking around.

The two of them were full of doubts about this battlefield, but the blush of the world power in the sky still caught their attention.

"Senior, Chi You and the person from the demon world must have been thrown into the realm by the power of the world!" Xing Shuzi said.

"It seems so, but..."

"But what?!"

"If they were really thrown into the realm by the force of the realm, then the space here must be extremely chaotic now. In addition to the turbulence of the demonic energy, there will also be countless small cracks in the space, but the situation in front of them is extremely calm and not It seems like it can attract the power of the world!" Boqiu said.

"This...could it be that after the world force took action, it took care of this space?" Star Operator guessed.

"No! The world force will never do such a thing, it will only let the space slowly calm down..."

"Oh? Senior, can you be sure?"

"Of course! Those world tree masters are all too lazy to die. They go out because they have no choice. They may be awakened from their sweet dreams or they can't sleep, so they just throw out the troublemakers. This is their limit. , I will never do anything else again!" Boqiu snorted.

When Xiaohou heard what Boqiu said, his face turned slightly red, obviously he was right by what Boqiu said.

Just like himself, he actually does nothing else in the star world, but sleeps all day long. He used to play with Xingzun, but now that he has accepted Li Yun as his master, he plays less. This time he came here, It was really because I couldn't bear the temptation of adults that I came here.

"So that's it! So someone must have come later and taken action to calm down the space environment." Star Operator thought.

Boqiu nodded and said: "This is extremely possible! However, it is not an ordinary person to be able to restore the space environment to normal in such a short period of time."

"Senior, I have already guessed who did it!" Xing Shuanzi's eyes suddenly lit up and he said loudly.

"Oh? Who is it?!"

"Li Yun!"

"How can you see it?!"

"Senior, look, this is a forest area, and the traces of the battle between the two are still there, but what about the trees that were originally here? They have been collected completely, not even a single piece of wood is left! This way All the methods in this world can be attributed to Li Yun!" Star Operator said proudly.

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