The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1020 Soul Warrior Base

"Really?!" Bo Qiu was stunned.

"Senior, don't you have information about purchasing Li Yun? How come you forgot that he is an Kong Kong Pirate?! Look at the huge amount of trees in this forest area. It takes more than ordinary space treasures to clear them all. Only air pirates can do this easily, and with Li Yun's current ability, it must not be difficult to calm this space." Xing Shuanzi analyzed.

"In this case, it is really possible that Li Yun did it!" Boqiu said thoughtfully.

"It can't be wrong! Because Li Yun has been active in the world of beasts before, he must have heard about Chi You's formation. It is normal to come to check. Now it seems that if senior wants to find Li Yun, he only needs to go here Look nearby or within the realm of beasts, maybe you’ll come across it at some point!”

"It makes sense! However, it is a bit difficult to determine what happened to Chi You and the people from the demon world after they were thrown into the realm..." Boqiu sighed.

"Haha, they'd better ask for their own blessings!" Xing Shuzi laughed.

The two of them were talking and wandering around here...

Li Yun and the other three laughed loudly. Their idea of ​​finding Li Yun in the world of beasts was basically impossible.

However, Xing Operator's analysis and judgment greatly impressed them. Unexpectedly, this little girl was quite intelligent. From the situation at the scene, she associated it with the Kong Kong Pirates and then with Li Yun.

"It seems that this boy's training in this world has been quite effective, and his ability has been greatly improved!" Xiaohou praised.

"Haha, this kid just likes to show off, otherwise he's quite cute!" Xiao Xiang laughed.

"Pretending to be cute is part of being cute! After all, Xing Suanzi is a good person." Li Yun said with a smile.

"If you hadn't saved him, this good man would have been swallowed by the volcano!"

"Haha, these are two different things. Tianji Palace has a lot of talents, and their methods of cultivating talents are worth studying and learning from..." Li Yun thought.

"What you said is absolutely true! Xingchen has worked hard in this regard!" Xiao Hou agreed.

"Well, many people in the Tianji Palace have the ability to analyze and infer independently, which needs to be honed through long-term practice. Therefore, we people in the Universiade Palace cannot always stay in the palace, and we must go out more and bear independent responsibilities. That’s the mission!” Li Yun nodded.

"Sir, many of us have taken missions and gone out now! There are not many people left in the palace." Xiao Xiang shouted.

"Yes, we contributed to this unintentionally. However, now we need to consciously arrange more tasks for them to do and increase training opportunities so that they can grow faster and better..."

The three of them chatted, drank and ate happily.

The speed of Xingyun No. 1 is extremely fast, but in order to have a good tour of this world, Li Yun deliberately slowed down the speed...

This time I came out because I was very restful and wanted to have a good stroll in the human world, so I accepted the immortal attendant just by the way. However, this acceptance made Li Yun discover a problem.

Although various human realms have recruited a large number of immortal attendants, the speed at which they can transform from immortal attendants to soul warriors is limited. According to Li Yun's previous estimate, Ren Yu, Zhu Rui, Qiao Xiaodie and others could train ten people in one month. Ten thousand soul warriors is already very good. Even if we work harder, we can at most double the efficiency. In this way, there will be a large number of immortal warriors piled up at Wuyou Peak. This problem is actually very big, because its reception capacity is also Limited, the daily consumption of millions of people is by no means something Wuyou Peak can easily handle.

"Sir, we might as well open up a space in the Universiade Palace to cultivate soul warriors, and let some slaves take over the tasks. This way the efficiency will definitely be greatly improved!" Xiaoxing suggested.

"It makes sense! In this case, when immortal attendants are recruited from various human realms, they can be sent directly to the Universiade Palace, eliminating the pain of traveling back and forth.

"Li Yun agreed.

"Yes, on the one hand, this can reduce the pressure on Wuyou Peak, and on the other hand, it can improve the efficiency of training. In the future, the task of training soul warriors can be transferred to the Universiade Palace." Xiaoxing said.

"Okay! Let's start with the training of these one million immortal attendants!"

Li Yun quickly opened up a huge space in the Universiade Palace, called the "Soul Warrior Base", and moved the one million immortal servants into it first.

Xiaoxing is distributing tasks in the mission palace, and the slaves in the palace will take over the tasks and be responsible for training.

Since there is already a set of most effective methods for transforming the immortal servants, these little slaves, under the guidance of Xiaoxing, will soon be able to perform their tasks!

The establishment of the Soul Warrior Base has put the cultivation of Soul Warriors on a fast track, and has reserved talents for the future construction of Xing Yun 3 and Xing Yun 4. At the same time, it can greatly shorten the expected time for Li Yun to leave this world.

Xiaohou was the happiest when he saw this move, because the shorter the expected time, the more time he could spend with the adults. The benefits are self-evident.

"Sir, if this soul warrior base had been established earlier, it would probably have enough soul warriors for Xingyun No. 2 now, right?" Xiaohou asked.

"Indeed. This problem has not been noticed before. The number of immortal attendants recruited in various places in the human world has reached nearly 10 million, and most of them are piled up in Wuyou Peak, where only 100,000 souls can be cultivated every month. Scholars, this is like a bottleneck, tightly locking the training of new Soul Scholars!" Li Yun nodded.

"Haha, although those guys from Worry-Free Peak are very diligent, how can they compare to the slaves in the palace? Now that we have arrived at the soul warrior base, I am afraid that the new soul warriors will be in a state of blowout! According to Xiaonu, your Excellency is still We can restart the construction tasks of Xingyun 3 and Xingyun 4!" Xiaohou laughed.

Li Yun shook his head and said with a smile: "Well, I'm not in a hurry. Because No. 3 and No. 4 must be improved on the basis of the operation of No. 1 and No. 2. What you want is not what you want. What I want is quality, not quantity. , we must build the most powerful battleship!”

Xiao Hou was dumbfounded and said in surprise: "Sir, a battleship like Xingyun No. 1 is almost invincible in the spiritual world. Aren't you satisfied?!"

"It can't be an invincible existence, right?" Li Yun was startled.

"Sir, don't you know how powerful the Xingyun Ship has reached? Xingchen made an estimate of the Xingyun No. 1 last time and believed that even if it is the best warship in the Treasure God Realm, its power is estimated to be So. And Xiaonu knows that when Xingyun No. 1 was in trouble last time, it was far from reaching its maximum potential! It can be seen that Xingyun No. 1 is already the best battleship in Xuanling Continent! " Xiaohou said.

"This...even so, in my mind, Xingyun No. 1 still has many shortcomings that need to be improved. Relatively speaking, Xingyun No. 2 will be much better! However, these two battleships are still a long way from being top-notch battleships. Walk…"

"What? Is what the adults said true?!" Xiaohou asked in shock.

"Of course! If a battleship reaches the top level, it will be equivalent to an interface or even a planet. Only then can it be capable of long journeys in the universe and have incomparable combat power!"

"Wow!!!" Xiaohou and Xiaoxiang were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that adults' vision of battleships has reached such a level!

" this impossible? How much energy is needed to make a planet-sized warship fly?" Xiao Hou asked in shock.

"Haha, of course this needs to be done step by step, through continuous design and practice, and continuous progress, in order to reach this level! The energy supply method must be changed. In my new design, the large-scale spirit gathering array has been Replaced by a new energy array, this energy array is not only much smaller in size, but also provides much more energy to the battleship, which is very worth looking forward to!"

"Really?! Can I let Xiaonu take a look first?!" Xiaohou said anxiously.

"It's still in the experimental stage. It is estimated that there will be no problem in applying it to Xingyun 3."

"This..." The two of them were startled, with a look of fascination on their faces.

Li Yun smiled and said: "If it is as you said, Xingyun No. 1 ranks high in the spiritual world, then our new battleship will turn its attention to the universe. You know, outside the Xuanling Continent, There are also many interfaces, including fairyland, demon world, demon world, soul world, and many extraterrestrial spaces. The level of cultivation and civilization in those places is beyond our imagination. Maybe their battleship level has reached an incredible level. Therefore, we must Only by raising the level of battleships can we compete with them. "

"Sir, you are thinking too far..." Xiaohou muttered, his face turning red.

He did not expect that he had lived for millions of years, and his thoughts could not keep up with Li Yun, who had only lived for about twenty years. Thinking about these years, he had simply lived like a dog.

"Haha, we don't want to be far away! Now the Soul Machine Palace of Great Soul Lord Tuke is closely watching every interface, and even sent people to extraterritorial space. In my opinion, these actions of theirs not only pose a threat to us, At the same time, it is very likely to bring new disasters to this universe, and the consequences are unpredictable!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?! Why do you say that, sir?!" Xiaohou was shocked.

"Is extraterrestrial space a bad thing?! The vastness of those space worlds is beyond our imagination, and it is unknown what kind of advanced life forms exist in them. The fairyland is only the strongest realm we know, but in Are there higher forms of life outside the Immortal Realm? If the Soul Machine Palace leaks our information to them, it is equivalent to telling them that there are life forms like us here, then it is possible to If they provoke us, we will be in big trouble!!!" Li Yun sighed.

"Is this... Your Excellency really convinced that there is an extraterrestrial space that is more powerful than the Immortal Realm?" Xiaohou said in shock, his face changing drastically.

"I am extremely convinced! Because, not long ago, I got a so-called faith travertine. It came from an extraterrestrial space. The star map contained in it revealed a strange starry sky world. This faith travertine is from their sect." Came out to explore the way..."


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