The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1021 Star Battleship Concept

"Oh my god!!!" Xiaohou exclaimed.

Such a thing was completely beyond the scope of his imagination. In his extremely long life, he had never thought that there might be a more advanced realm world outside the fairyland.

And after Li Yun revealed this, he was already aware of the super risks contained in it!

You know, these extraterrestrial worlds have begun to penetrate into the Xuanling Continent, but the people of Xuanling know nothing about them, and can be said to be defenseless...

For the Xuanling Continent, it is not only facing the huge threat from the soul world, but also the faint danger of other extraterrestrial space worlds...

"Sir, do you need to tell Xingchen about this?" Xiaohou asked urgently.

"It's okay to talk about it. However, we don't need to worry too much about the extraterrestrial space world at the moment. You must know that there is a high support when the sky falls. If it really makes me unlucky, I will be the one to bear the brunt. It's the Immortal Realm, so those experts in the Immortal Realm will naturally have to think of a solution!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes!" Xiaohou and Xiaoxiang suddenly realized.

The Xuanling Continent develops under the shelter of the Immortal Realm. If those higher-level realm worlds really arrive, they will of course go to find trouble in the Immortal Realm first, rather than attack the lower-level Xuanling Continent directly. .

After thinking about this, the two of them immediately felt relieved, feeling that there was no need to waste any soul power on such things.

"Sir, what you are thinking of is too far away. We have not even been able to enter the Immortal Realm, let alone a realm higher than the Immortal Realm. The abilities of those immortals are very high, too high for us to imagine. So, even if Tuke does cause trouble, there will be immortals to solve it, so we can just enjoy ourselves! Haha!" Xiaohou laughed.

"Hey, you can't say that. If you don't have long-term worries, you will have short-term worries! It is precisely because I have considered this that I am not satisfied with the Starship and try every means to continuously develop it to the ultimate level. Otherwise, seriously If a disaster strikes, I'm afraid we might be caught off guard!" Li Yun said.

"This... what you say makes sense! If you can really make the starship look like an interface or a planet, its combat power will be unimaginable. By then, even if there are really powerful beings When I arrive, I’m afraid I’ll have no choice but to bow down!” Xiao Hou complimented.

"Yes, sir, is it really possible for a starship to be built like a planet?" Xiao Xiang asked suspiciously.

The adult's imagination is definitely beyond the scope of his cognition, and even now, he is still dubious.

"Haha, look at the sun or stars in the sky. Although they seem to be stationary, they are actually moving very fast. It's just that they are so far away from us that the distance they fly can be ignored. Never mind. If we shrink them down to look like an aircraft, can we say they are a spaceship?" Li Yun said with a smile.


"Aircrafts are ever-changing, and their appearance does not have to be like Xingyun No. 1. In fact, this design is just to adapt to flying in a spiritual environment. In such an environment, its penetrating power is extremely strong, and its speed can be To reach the extreme. But if it reaches the fairy environment, the design must be changed, otherwise there will be huge problems!"

"what is the problem?!"

"Well, with the good material of the boat, I believe that the huge pressure of the immortal energy will not affect it, but it will have a great impact on the life forms in the boat, because it is impossible for the soul warriors in the world in the boat to Everyone can cultivate into an immortal body, so the soul warriors must be effectively protected. In other words, a new design must be made for the core area of ​​the ship. Of course, there are also other slaves. If they fail To cultivate an immortal body, you also need to be protected."

"Not bad!" Their eyes lit up.

It is impossible for ordinary monks to be in the fairy boat, let alone soul warriors. Therefore, if the current star ship arrives in the fairyland, it will undoubtedly be greatly restricted.

Xiaohou and Xiaoxiang can certainly figure this out.

"However, even if the star transport ship can adapt to the fairy environment, if it goes to the universe, it will be a different story. There is almost no gas in the vast universe, only some light star dust, then the star transport ship will The current design has no advantages, it is just a small aircraft at best, and it even has to try to avoid the star stones in the interstellar space." Li Yun continued.

"Star stones? Of course you have to avoid them! Do you want to build a battleship that is not afraid of meteorites?" Xiao Xiang said in surprise.

Xiaohou also looked at Li Yun with a look of disbelief.

"Haha, have you seen the planet and are you afraid of meteorites? It also attracts meteorites for food!" Li Yun laughed.

"This..." The two of them looked at each other in shock.

"Okay, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Let me show you the design video of Xingyun 3 first!"

After Li Yun finished speaking, he fired dozens of light curtains, above which was the model of Xingyun No. 3 designed by Xiaoxing.


When the two saw each other, they couldn't help but scream.

What was displayed on the light screen was not a picture of a battleship at all, but a spherical object!

The shape looks exactly like a big round ball, but when flying, it seems to become somewhat oblate, and sometimes it turns into an oval...

"Sir, is this...the shell of a battleship?" Xiao Hou asked suspiciously.

"No, this is a battleship!" Li Yun said with certainty.

"What?! How can this battleship... transform?!"

"Haha, of course, only by being able to deform can it adapt to various environments. When it is a large sphere, it moves like a planet and has no problem adapting to the universe. When it is oblate, it can adapt to the gas environment. When it is When it is oval-shaped, it can adapt to the water environment. When it is sharp-pointed, it can adapt to the civil environment. When it is sword-shaped, it can adapt to the stone environment..." Li Yun said with a proud smile.


The two of them were stunned and stood up in shock.

"Sir, where are the ordinary monks and soul warriors?" Xiaohou came to his senses and asked urgently.

"Of course they are in the core area of ​​the ball. There are many protections here. Any changes in the outside world will not have any impact on them."

"I see!"

"Well, you can take a look inside the sphere. The design inside is still very complicated. You know, such a huge sphere already has potential energy. Just like a planet, it will have a significant impact on every life form on it. Therefore, if it is not built well, not only will it be impossible to drive it, but it may also self-destruct, which must be avoided!" Li Yun explained.

"Self-destruction? Will such a thing really happen?!" the two people were shocked.

"Of course! Any huge object has such a possibility! Every star in the starry sky may self-destruct due to its own size and the influence of its own potential energy. Compared with them, what we built is The star battleship is too small, and the possibility of self-destruction is almost zero. However, in some special circumstances, such as being affected by other stars, or suffering a major blow and unable to weaken the blow as much as possible, of course, this possibility may occur. !”

"Then how to weaken this kind of blow?" Xiaohou asked.

"Of course there is a way! For the influence of the potential energy of external stars, the main method is to adjust the flight through the ship spirit to avoid getting too close to it and keep it at the best distance. For external strikes, the best way is of course to Using the energy transmitted from this strike for your own use is actually applying the principles of the 'Way of Devouring' to battleships."

"This..." The two of them were speechless, their mouths opened wide, and they were speechless.

"Of course, if the force of the blow is too great and cannot be swallowed up at all, then you have to find ways to move it out. This is actually the rationalization of the 'Way of Excretion' applied to the battleship!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Way of excretion?!"

"That's right. Speaking of which, the method of excretion is much more advanced than the method of devouring, because 'draining' is a better way to control disasters than 'blocking'!" Li Yun nodded.

"Then how to excrete it?" Xiaohou asked suspiciously.

"For this kind of situation, the best way to eliminate it is naturally to eliminate the old and bring out the new! Because such a powerful power must be at an extremely high level. Therefore, once it really enters the star battleship, of course we must use it as much as possible. Try to keep it in the ship, but discharge some of the energy with lower levels of our original power. In this way, high energy comes in through the front door, and low energy is discharged through the back door, which can make the energy level in the warship higher than before. If you improve, your abilities will naturally increase accordingly!" Li Yun explained.

"Um... Sir, energy seems a bit elusive. How can we be sure that we have received high energy and eliminated low energy?"

The two of them were actually confused and didn't quite understand the true meaning of what Li Yun said. However, Xiao Hou still grasped a key question and raised it.

Li Yun praised: "That's a good question! Energy is indeed elusive to us, but under the control of the ship spirit, it becomes traceable. You must know that energy and matter can be transformed into each other, and advanced energy can be transformed into To produce higher-level substances, for example, some elixirs need to be cultivated with spiritual crystals, but not with spiritual stones. Therefore, the energy level of spiritual crystals is higher than that of spiritual stones. In the same way, the energy level of spiritual stones is higher than that of spiritual crystals. , and Immortal Crystal is higher than Immortal Stone! Under the control of the ship spirit, high-level energy can be converted into high-level substances such as elixir, spiritual wood, fairy medicine, and fairy wood. Of course, if this energy is too strong, even the ship will be destroyed. If the spirits cannot be transformed properly, the only way is to drain the original energy first, let this energy replenish them, and then slowly transform the rest..."


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