The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1047 Opening the Forum to Lecture on Zen (4)

Everyone at the scene was a little nervous!

Unexpectedly, Zen Tao can be so miraculous. It can help people save the world and make their own cultivation and Tao power greatly increase. This is very different from the belief that the strong is respected in the entire Xuanling Continent. .

People are doubtful in their minds, but listening to Master Zhida's personal account, this matter is most likely true.

Therefore, most people believed that this matter should be an exception, because what Lingchen resolved was the cause and effect caused by himself several reincarnations ago. Once the cause and effect was resolved, both the bamboo spirit and Lingchen himself would be in trouble. There are great benefits.

Master Zhida did not continue the debate. With his wisdom, he naturally knew that even for the same thing, different people would have different views. As the saying goes, each flower comes to his own eyes, and everyone has their own preferences.

He opened a forum to lecture on Zen, not to persuade others to practice Zen, but to let more people understand some of the principles in Zen.

The spring breeze turns into rain, moistening things silently. This kind of preaching is most in line with the way of heaven. It is absolutely unwise to use your own spiritual cultivation and Haotian's way to force others to become Zen practitioners.

The more direct benefit is to add some good men and women to Zen Taoist resorts such as Chuanyun Temple, Tengyun Temple, Miaoyin Temple, etc., so that the incense will be more prosperous in the future.

Master Zhida has rich experience and is simply a story library in itself. After the story of Shizhu Temple, he continued to tell other stories, one after another, making the people at the scene extremely fascinated, and their moods fluctuated with the plots of these stories...

Li Yun was also paying attention to Zhida's Zen lectures on Lingxian Peak. He found that listening to stories was also an extremely interesting thing. He could not only learn more about what was happening in all walks of life, but also experience the true meaning of Zen.

Since he became interested in Zen Taoism, he has read and studied all the classics in Zen Tao resorts such as Chuanyun Temple, Tengyun Temple, Miaoyin Temple, etc., and also collected countless classics from the spiritual world through multiple slaves to study. The most important thing is to carefully study all the classics and related examples of Zen in the previous universe.

It can be said that now his understanding of Zen has reached a very high level. Therefore, he can tell which Zen story he belongs to and which branch of the Zen story he tells about Master Zhida. Some stories It seems to belong to Haotian Zen, but it is more in line with other branches of Mahayana Zen.

After listening to it, Li Yun discovered that the Zen Tao taught by Master Zhida did not go beyond the scope of his knowledge, and even many aspects were not covered at all.

If I were allowed to give a lecture on Zen, I could definitely speak in a broader and more Zen-like way than he did. This is because I have not only studied Mahayana Zen, but also the Hinayana Zen, the Middle Vehicle Zen, and the Samsara Zen. , Cause and Effect Zen Way, Good and Evil Zen Way, Zen Way of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Thunder and Ice, Vajra Zen Way, Prajna Zen Way, Hanging Sound Zen Way, Feihua Zen Way, Walking Stone Zen Way...all of them are covered!

"It seems that my research on Zen is really not in vain..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, your knowledge and understanding of Zen is broader and deeper, and your Taoist power is only stronger than Zhida's. If Zhida came to listen to your Zen lectures now, I would definitely benefit a lot!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Despite this, I have also benefited a lot from listening to him talk about Zen. After all, his attainments in Haotian Zen are quite profound. Moreover, more exchanges with each other can enhance each other's understanding of Zen, which is beneficial to both parties. It’s beneficial! By the way, in which lower realm did the story of Shizhu Temple take place?”

"According to the information Xiaohou provided previously, this incident occurred in the 103rd Hua Realm, which is not too far from the 108th Hua Realm where we are now."

"One hundred and three realms? I remember there is a clone there, right?"


"It's better to let him go to Shizhu Temple to see how Chen and Shizhu are doing.


"No problem!" Xiaoxing responded.

He quickly sent a message to Li Yun's clone in the 103rd Realm of Transformation.

Paying attention to Master Zhida's Zen lectures, Li Yun discovered that his ability to sense spiritual consciousness was extremely strong. This ability was different from his own detailed control of spiritual insects, but was more telepathic.

Being able to cover so many people in the audience shows that Zen practitioners have unique abilities in telepathy.

This kind of telepathy is different from the telepathy of a master-slave relationship, because Zhida does not have a master-slave relationship with the people at the scene, but he can also sense what the listeners are thinking, which sounds quite magical.

However, in Li Yun's opinion, this is partly related to Zhida's profound Zen power, and on the other hand, of course, it is also related to his intensive study of Zen classics and Zhida's rich experience in teaching Zen.

A Zen story may cause many different opinions, but there must be mainstream opinions and non-mainstream opinions. In fact, most people's opinions and reactions are cleverly guided by Zhida through some Zen words, tone, tone, Techniques such as cadence, inflection, etc. can lead the way of most people.

Based on Zhida's experience, he has almost all of the main reactions and questions that people may have when listening to a story under his control, and as long as he communicates well with these people, a considerable part of the task has been completed.

It can be seen that although telepathy is magical, it can actually be predicted in advance. What tests more is your knowledge, reaction, reasoning and deduction abilities.

Zen Tao is very magical, but its essence is still not much different from other Taoist ways, and it is related to the degree of brain development.

"Sir, Zhida speaks here with gusto and miraculousness. Maybe after this altar is opened, the incense in the Zen Tao temples in Dazhou will be extremely prosperous. It is better to give him a stumbling block to prevent the cultivation world of Dazhou from being too affected. Big!" Xiaoxing teased.

"This... makes sense. Now the story he told can be used to raise questions..." Li Yun's eyes lit up.

Of course he would not come forward to ask the question himself, so he asked it through Xiong Bing.

At this time, Zhida was sitting on the white lotus platform, pinching orchid fingers with one hand and turning the Zen beads with the other, with a benevolent smile on his face and a slight movement of his lips, telling a story.

Chuanyun Temple in Nalanda Realm is a resort for Mahayana Zen. Many faithful men and women come here to worship and offer incense. Thousands of years ago, there was a grand Zen event here, which attracted countless people to come here for pilgrimage.

It turned out that Du Xin, the abbot of Chuanyun Temple at the time, decided to retire and attack the Immortal Tribulation.

When Toxin retires, it is natural that a new person will be needed to serve as the new abbot. This is a major event in Zen, and a grand ceremony needs to be held to select.

After discussion among the lords of Chuanyun Temple, they decided to select the best among the next generation of disciples to serve.

For Zen Taoism, the best person is not the one with the highest cultivation level, but the one with the best Zen nature. The so-called best Zen nature requires that in addition to being familiar with Zen Tao classics, he must also have extremely high understanding and wisdom. Only in the future will it be possible to guide the monks’ practice, so that the temple’s practice will be deeper and its status higher.

The disciples below the Du generation are the Zhi generation. Among the disciples of this generation, there are more than a dozen disciples who are extremely outstanding. Even people like Master Zhida cannot compare with them.

After several rounds of careful selection, four disciples were finally selected, namely Zhihui, Zhiming, Zhiqing, and Zhifeng.

Not only are these four people similar in cultivation, but their spirituality is also amazing. No matter which one is chosen, it will be acceptable to Chuanyun Temple, and no matter which one is discarded, it will be a great pity.

When the people at the scene heard this, they couldn't help but be extremely shocked by the strength of Chuanyun Temple!

There are so many outstanding disciples in one generation, and all of them are better than Master Zhida. It is really unimaginable.

However, this piqued people's interest even more. Which one should Chuanyun Temple choose?

How to select the best from the best is definitely a big problem.

The reactions of the audience were naturally inspired by Master Zhida. He continued to speak with a smile on his face.

In fact, there has been a precedent for this kind of thing in the history of Chuanyun Temple, and this time is no exception. Chuanyun Temple held a "Zen Questioning Conference", which not only allowed all the monks in the temple to participate, but also invited many good men and women to come to the temple to observe the ceremony. , making the selection process of the new abbot absolutely open, fair and impartial.

When the news spread, the entire Nalanda world was in a sensation, and many people from other walks of life flocked in. The scene was many times bigger than here!

This makes people feel extremely excited just thinking about it. From a certain perspective, life forms tend to stick together for warmth. The bigger the scene, the greater the attraction and the easier it is to resonate. Some people don’t want to be there. I heard that so many people came from such far away places, I would be sorry if I didn’t go and take a look.

The meditation meeting was held as scheduled, and there were huge crowds of people, including all kinds of life forms. Everyone was paying attention to how the new abbot was born.

Under the "Questioning Zen Pagoda" of Chuanyun Temple, four people, Zhihui, Zhiming, Zhiqing and Zhifeng, wearing red cassocks, sat on futons facing the "Questioning Zen Pagoda".

Everyone paid attention to these four people, and saw that although they had different looks, they all looked calm, confident and peaceful, with their eyes slightly closed, while turning the Zen beads lightly, while communicating with the Zen Pagoda with their hearts.

The Zen Questioning Pagoda is an innate treasure of Zen. It is said that this pagoda is composed of countless Zen principles. If you can understand one or several of them, you will undoubtedly become a Zen master!

It is absolutely the most fair and just to ask the Zen Pagoda to ask questions and finally decide who will serve as the abbot. No matter who wins or loses, they will be convinced and have no objections.

Everyone was nervously paying attention to the communication between the four people and the Zen Pagoda. After a while, the efforts of the four people finally received a response. The Zen Pagoda asked a question of its own. The content was very simple. Then It’s “What do you think is the most important thing you have done in your Zen practice over the past thousand years?”

As soon as this question came out, countless answers emerged in everyone's mind. The most mainstream answer was of course the thing that had the greatest impact and greatest contribution.

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