The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1048 Opening a Zen Forum (5)

??With the abilities of these four people, the answer must be extremely amazing. People are ready to marvel and scream, and they want to dedicate it to these four Zen monks!

The four people were ranked in order, and Master Zhihui answered first.

Just listen to Zhihui say: "In the past thousand years, the poor monk has been walking outside every year. The goal is to save more than a hundred lives. The good people will be saved and the evil people will be rescued. Over the past thousand years, this goal has been achieved every year. It can be completed successfully in a year!”


There were bursts of screams at the scene!

Master Zhihui's actions are really admirable. Saving a hundred lives a year seems not difficult, but considering his great ability, it seems insignificant.

However, masters do things differently. It is not difficult to do something like this for one year, two or three years. It may not be difficult to do it for ten, twenty or thirty years. But doing it for a thousand years, year after year, is not difficult. Simple thing.

Without a great compassion, perseverance, and perseverance, it is absolutely impossible to do it!

Everyone felt admiration in their hearts and looked at Master Zhihui with admiration.

Everyone knows that if he had not told the truth to the Zen Pagoda in front of the Zen Pagoda, I am afraid that Master Zhihui would not even say anything about it, because he has already regarded it as part of his Zen practice. It's your own business, so why bother mentioning it to others?

After Master Zhihui finished speaking, the aura of the Zen Pagoda became bright and shining. After a while, three rays of light shot out from the top of the tower, circled in the air, and slowly fell on Master Zhihui!


There was an uproar in the field!

Unexpectedly, the Zen Pagoda actually awarded Chihui three strands of light of Zen Taoism. For Zen practitioners, this is the most precious thing. Even if Chihui is not selected as the abbot in the end, it will still be a huge gain!

Looking at Zhihui again, his expression is still calm, as if these three strands of Taoist light are dispensable to him, which shows how peaceful his mentality is.

Then, it was the turn of Master Zhiming. He stood up, first bowed to the people watching around him, and then faced the Zen Pagoda and said: "In the past thousand years, the poor monk has been walking outside every year, and he has seen Where there is a water shortage, help build a sweet spring well there. The water output of each well can meet the living needs of 10,000 lives. For thousands of years, this goal has been successfully achieved every year!"


Everyone in the field exclaimed loudly!

What Master Zhiming has done has saved hundreds of times more lives and brought more blessings than what Master Zhihui has done!

Digging a well may seem ordinary, but don’t underestimate a well. It is not easy to build a sweet spring well that can meet the needs of 10,000 lives. Especially in some areas with serious water shortages, building a well requires not only extremely high Ability, and need to overcome countless difficulties, it only consumes much more time and energy than directly rescuing people.

Thousands of wells have been built for thousands of years, and countless lives have benefited from it. It can be said to be a great blessing.

People look at Master Zhiming with more admiration, worship him involuntarily, and express their gratitude to him for his actions that benefit the world!

Sure enough, as people expected, the reaction of the Zen Questioning Pagoda this time was even more violent. Five rays of Zen light were shot out from the top of the tower and circled in the air for everyone to look up to before slowly falling on Master Zhiming!

The shining light of the Dao makes people feel respectful, and many believers have ecstasy on their faces, and they respect Chuanyun Temple even more.

After Zhihui and Zhiming told what they had done in the past thousand years, people were looking forward to the next answers from Zhiqing and Zhifeng.

Although they are ranked lower, they can be selected as candidate abbots by Chuanyun Temple, and their spirituality and actions are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


People have also discovered that what Master Zhihui and Master Zhiming did previously were not earth-shattering and spectacular events. Instead, they were extremely ordinary things like rescuing people and digging wells. What makes them valuable is that they last a thousand years. Such as persistence year after year, it is this persistence and perseverance that has created the profound Taoism of these two masters.

It can be seen that it is not difficult to create a blessing. What is difficult is to persist in creating blessings. Although blessings come in different sizes, small blessings should never be ignored. As long as you persist, small blessings can also accumulate into big blessings!

Therefore, although what I talked about before asking the Zen Pagoda is all about Zen, such Zen principles are also suitable for the world of cultivation and the ordinary world, and its inspiration is great!

Hearing such Zen teachings, everyone who came to watch the ceremony felt that their trip was worthwhile.

Soon it was Master Zhiqing's turn. He stood up and bowed, facing the Zen Pagoda and said: "In the past thousand years, the poor monk has been walking around the outside world every year. Everywhere he went, no matter how big or small, he would plant a tree. Set up a stone tablet under the Bodhi tree, carve Zen scriptures on it, and open an altar under the Bodhi tree to lecture on Zen and preach sutras. For thousands of years, this goal has been successfully achieved every year!"


As soon as Master Zhiqing finished speaking, there was already an exclamation of exclamation on the scene!

"No wonder I feel familiar when I see Master Zhiqing. It turns out that the Zen lecture I heard last time was from him!"

"Yes, yes, I've heard of it too!"

"Yes, it was after listening to Master Zhiqing's Zen lectures that I came to Chuanyun Temple to offer incense!"

"Master Zhiqing is proficient in Zen principles. A layman like me can understand it at first glance. It's really amazing!"

"Zhiqing! Zhiqing!! Zhiqing!!!"

There were screams outside the venue, and countless pilgrims shouted in support of Master Zhiqing.

This situation made the monks of Chuanyun Temple dumbfounded. They did not expect that Master Zhiqing would be so popular among the people and have such a high support rate. Could it be that he had foreseen such a Zen meeting a thousand years ago?

Spending thousands of years sparing no effort to spread scriptures and sermons to the outside world, its influence can be imagined. No wonder the popularity of Chuanyun Temple has been rising steadily in the past thousand years, and the efforts of Master Zhiqing must be attributable to this.

A bodhi tree, an inscription, and a Zen lecture may seem neither big nor small, but their coverage is so vast that it is unimaginable, and they have had a great impact on the spread of Zen. It can be said that what Master Zhiqing did Because of his outstanding achievements, he is undoubtedly the leader that Zen Tao needs.

Perhaps, it was precisely because of the emergence of figures like Master Zhiqing that the original abbot, Master Duxin, felt that he could retire with peace of mind and go all out to attack the Immortal Tribulation.

Most of the monks in Chuanyun Temple are actually well aware of this matter. Many have already determined that the new abbot must be Master Zhiqing. The reason why they selected the other three is not only that they are indeed very good, but also because of this. It is the practice of the Zen Questioning Conference that there must be at least four candidates before the Zen Questioning Tower can be activated and the selection can be carried out successfully.

Everyone was extremely excited at this time, staring closely at the Zen Pagoda to see how many rays of light it would emit this time.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhiqing's words, Wenzhan Tower's spiritual light flashed and the spiritual mist filled the air. It was an amazing sight!

After a lot of brewing, just when the Dao Light was about to be emitted, the Wenzhen Pagoda suddenly shook and began to tremble, slowly converging on the spiritual light and mist. In everyone's surprised eyes, the Wenzhen Pagoda finally returned to peace!

"what happened?!"

"There won't be anything wrong with asking the Zen Pagoda, right?"

"How is it possible? This is the innate treasure of Zen Taoism!"

"Then why, with Master Zhiqing's actions, can't he even get a single ray of light?!"

"This...I'm afraid only it knows..."

People outside the ceremony were talking a lot, and the monks of Chuanyun Temple were also extremely shocked. Du Xin and other Zen Taoist elders stood up in surprise. They looked left and right around the Zen Pagoda to see if it really looked like they were observing the ceremony. What people say is that there is something wrong with the Zen Pagoda.

Zhiqing himself was also extremely shocked. He did not expect that what he did was not recognized by Wenzhen Pagoda, which made him extremely disappointed. Although he was still calm, a trace of sadness flashed across his face!

Du Xin and other elders carefully inspected the Zen Pagoda and found that there was nothing wrong with it. It could be seen that the tower spirit really did not approve of Zhiqing, but judging from its initial reaction, it did not seem to be the case.

Because, if it really didn’t recognize it, there wouldn’t have been such a big reaction at the beginning!

This can be seen by everyone present with their sharp eyes.

The vibrations and changes that occurred during the process must be caused by some reason!

What could be the reason? Can it actually affect Wenzhen Pagoda's evaluation of Zhiqing? !

This filled everyone's minds with doubts.

However, although there seems to be a problem with the Zen Questioning Pagoda here in Zhiqing, the Zen Questioning Conference must continue, and the results must come out.

There is only one person left, Master Zhifeng. He is the youngest among the four, and he is also the youngest among the Zhi generation.

In fact, Master Zhifeng is much younger than many juniors in the temple, so much so that he has not yet left the temple to do anything.

Being selected as a candidate was beyond everyone’s expectations!

Except for his master, almost everyone believed that Master Zhifeng became a candidate entirely because of his master.

His master is Master Du Zhen, the person with the highest level of cultivation and the deepest Taoism in Chuanyun Temple. He has already cultivated into a semi-immortal body. He is highly virtuous and respected, and he is a man of great integrity.

As Zhifeng was his only disciple, his status had naturally risen. He was very close to the elders such as Master Duxin, so it would be unreasonable not to choose him as a candidate.

At this time, Zhifeng was extremely surprised when he saw Wenzen Pagoda's reaction to Zhiqing. He even forgot that he was also here to run for the election and went to Wenzen Pagoda to check.

Seeing the condition of this pagoda, he believed that the reaction to the Zen pagoda just now was not that there was something wrong, but that he really judged it like this. It was really surprising!

I wanted to comfort Zhiqing, but I heard Master Duxin say: "Zhifeng, tell me about yourself!"

When Zhifeng heard this, he suddenly woke up, quickly returned to his seat, straightened his red cassock, and saluted the surrounding spectators...

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