The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1575 Xiao Jing and Xiao Fei


Everyone's eyes widened when they saw it. They didn't expect that Fang Zijing was actually a master of taking advantage of others. His skills were so nimble and impressive!

He had made such an understatement just now and gained countless wealth in one fell swoop. In addition to the valuable items at the scene, the treasures on those demons all became his, which made people jealous.

You know, these demons have been plundering each one for so long, and they have robbed countless people, so their wealth must be extremely considerable.

"Okay, Xiao Jing, after making such a big sum, I must let him treat me next time!" Xiao Xiang shouted loudly.

"Isn't the treat too cheap for him? At least he will take us somewhere to have fun!" Xiaoxuan agreed.

"Indeed! This vote is too big!"

"If I had known, we would have joined in the fun..."

"That's right..."

These slaves talked and encouraged Li Yun to arrest people and steal the treasure.

They don't know the real secret of the Wild World, so it's normal to have this idea. With such a good opportunity, if you don't grab it, you can't grab it. With the current strength of the Universiade Palace, you can grab as much as you want.

Li Yun smiled and said: "We can just take a look and not participate in this fight."

"Sir, there are so many treasures in the wild world, let's at least get some!" Xiao Xiang said with some reluctance.

"Although there are many treasures in the wild world, they all actually have owners, so they cannot be taken." Li Yun explained.

"It has an owner? I don't know whose it is?!" Xiao Xiang said in surprise.

Xiaoxuan, Xiaodong, Xiaoshun and others were also a little shocked and looked at Li Yun.

Ao Changtian said proudly: "Your Majesty is right! In the final analysis, the Wilderness Realm is the territory of our Dragon Territory. All the treasures here belong to our Dragon Clan of course!"

"Exactly..." Changyang, Changyue and Changxuan of the Wind Dragon Clan all agreed.

Xiaoxiang said happily: "So, I also have a share?"

"Of course! The eldest brother is also from the Dragon Clan and has a share." Ao Changtian continued.

"Great! It seems I would be embarrassed if I didn't go with it!" Xiao Xiang grinned.

"What do you say, sir?" Ao Changtian quickly turned to Li Yun and asked.

He had already seen it with great envy, especially Huang Yimiao's group who were plundering it and collecting fairy grass and elixir from time to time. Anyone who saw it would have a look of envy on their face.

Li Yun explained: "How to put it, although the Manghuang Realm is within the scope of the Dragon Territory, it is actually a realm of its own. It is extremely vast and is naturally separated from the Dragon Realm and becomes a forbidden area. So, the Manghuang Realm is It is the Wilderness Realm and does not belong to the Dragon Realm, so of course the treasures it produces do not belong to the Dragon Realm."

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but be stunned and looked at each other.

Ao Changtian said anxiously: "Sir, if the Wilderness Realm does not belong to the Dragon Realm, then where does it belong? And who is its owner?"

"Everyone might as well continue watching. Maybe it won't take long before its owner appears!" Li Yun said in surprise.

Everyone's hearts were shocked. They didn't expect that there really was a master in the wilderness, and he was about to appear. This had to make them all feel their hearts pounding and become slightly nervous.

You must know that the Wilderness World is a famous forbidden land in the spiritual world. In the past, countless people broke in and lost their lives. It can be said to be extremely dangerous. If such a place has an owner, then it is easy to know how powerful and fierce the owner is. !

This is really no joke!

Xiao Shun said: "Sir, the wilderness world is so dangerous, we might as well withdraw first!"

"Xiao Shun's words make sense! Sir, please don't stay in this dangerous place!" Xiao Dong agreed.

"Exactly! The wilderness world is extremely dangerous, many people have been trapped here before..." Ao Changtian also advised.

"Sir, retreat quickly!" Xiaoxiang Xiaoxuan said in unison.

Li Yun waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, I know it well! In fact, I have a good relationship with the master of Manghuang Realm, so don't worry!"

In order to reassure the slaves, Li Yun revealed a little secret.


"So that's it!" Everyone suddenly realized it and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and let go of their hearts.

With this relationship, there was no need to worry, so everyone watched with interest...

The previous battle between Goatee and the Demon Man was just a microcosm of the current disputes in the Wilderness World. As the power of the flint rain belt weakened, more and more people came in. In this area of ​​the Wilderness World, On the vast land, a massive murderous and treasure-grabbing operation began, and the first ones to bear the brunt were the small forces that had been here for a while.

These small forces came in earlier and gained a lot of money. However, due to their limited strength, they became the little fat sheep in the eyes of many medium forces. In the eyes of those who came in behind, they were the big fat sheep. As long as they were captured, they would be able to make big gains. Make a fortune!

As a result, some middle-level forces would rob these little fat sheep when they encountered them, while those who came late would target these people while hunting for treasures themselves.

Murder and treasure grabbing operations began to take place in every corner of the southern wilderness, and gradually escalated...

The little sheep were not unaware. In the process of complex information transmission, they gradually realized their unfavorable situation, so they began to save themselves. Some clever ones took refuge in the big forces when they encountered them, and took the initiative when they encountered the medium forces. Offering treasures, in short, as long as it can save your life.

But some people are not willing to have their hard-earned treasures taken away, so they will rise up to resist. In the process, many characters emerge, making the people on Xingyun No. 1 excited and dizzy!

In a vast jungle, the trees are tall and leafy. Although it is daytime, the sunlight that can be transmitted is extremely limited, making the forest look quite dark.

Suddenly, the trees in the distance rustled, some branches snapped and fell, the evil spirit was messy, and the quiet jungle became commotion!

The forest apes on the canopy ran away like crazy. Countless little beasts appeared in the forest, running away one after another in a panic. Some even bumped into tree trunks and fainted!

These forest beasts all appeared after they were reborn in the wild world. They did not grow for a long time and almost all of them have not reached the stage of transformation. Their strength is low and their value is not too high. Therefore, in the eyes of foreign experts, they are It’s just a small meal that you can take for granted.

After this commotion, a group of monsters appeared in the forest. They were all strong, wearing short leather robes, with sharp teeth and claws, and were extremely fierce.

Some of them were holding an animal leg in their hands and chewing it. It was dripping with blood and seemed to be chewing it deliciously...

The leader had a broad forehead, a big nose and a wide mouth, and the sharp teeth in his mouth shone with a cold light, which made people shudder. There was a word "王" looming on his forehead. He was obviously a powerful tiger monster. He was looking around with a suspicious look on his face.

"Where are the people?! Where did they go?!" the leading tiger demon murmured.

"Your Majesty, that little girl is very slippery. It would be hard to find her if she got into the forest!" A banshee from behind said.

"Hmph, smell it for me one by one. If you can't smell her, you will be punished!" the leader tiger demon yelled.

"Yes...yes! Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

The group of tiger monsters in the back were all twitching their noses and sniffing the scent...

The banshee said softly: "Your Majesty, it's a mess here. I'm afraid it's hard to find. Why don't we get out of the forest first! It's too dangerous to stay in there. We've already lost four people!"

"Hmph! We, the Black Wind Tiger Clan, are still afraid of staying in the forest? It would be a joke to say that! I won't give up until I catch that girl and eat her one bite at a time!" the leading tiger monster said fiercely.

"This..." The banshee was suddenly speechless.

I sighed inwardly, my previous decision to rob that girl was such a miscalculation!

Now, not only has the person not been found, but four members of her group have been killed by that girl, and she still doesn't know what method she used to kill those four members. This is what worries her most now. .

If you know the opponent's methods, you can still take targeted defenses, but now it feels a little hard to guard against, which makes people feel uneasy.

Just when the banshee and the black wind tigers behind her were feeling uneasy, a scream suddenly sounded, which was terrifying!

All the tiger monsters turned and ran towards the place where the cry came from, and found another tribesman lying in a pool of blood. His body was twitching continuously. After a while, he was completely dead...

"Oh my God!"

"what is going on?!"

"How on earth did this person sneak up on us?!"

"Yeah, suddenly appeared without even a hint of smell?!"

"It's so terrible..."

Everyone kept screaming, their faces were pale and pale, and they were shaking violently. Even the leading tiger demon was not calm anymore, because the tribesman who had just died was very powerful, and even he could not kill him with one blow. , but now that the lurker can do this, doesn't it mean that he is much more powerful than himself? !

"It's over, it's over, how is it possible..." He murmured in his mouth, beating a drum in his heart.

If he was still angry before, he finally felt a little scared now.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the dead tribesman and said loudly: "Get out first! I have memorized her scent, and I will definitely avenge her if I encounter her in the future!"


All the tiger monsters responded quickly and followed him as he fled out of the forest in embarrassment...

A graceful figure slowly appeared. Looking at the footsteps of the tiger monsters leaving, he shook his head and snorted: "You want to rob me? You really blinded a pair of tiger eyes in vain!"

The body jumped up, like a phantom in the dark night, and quickly disappeared into the jungle...

"Xiao Fei?!" A cry erupted from Xingyun No. 1.

"It's her!" Li Yun nodded.

It turned out that this person was Le Fei, and the assassination techniques she demonstrated made everyone's hair stand on end, with cold sweat covering their backs!

Unexpectedly, such a delicate woman could kill people without changing her expression, and she was so fierce!

This made many powerful people in the ship take a breath of air, feeling that they had underestimated the human race before!

In their view, the human race is extremely weak. Except for a limited group of masters, everyone else can be bullied at will. But after seeing the performance of Fang Zijing and Le Fei, they have begun to change this idea...

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