The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1584 Cuixiang who knows how to act

"Is there anyone chasing after you?" Shi Yue asked with difficulty.

"Sir, I didn't find anyone chasing me. Could it be because we are too far away?" Guidong said worriedly.


"It's the adults who have already reached the fastest speed."

"" Shi Yue finally couldn't hold on anymore and fainted.

Sima Kong did not chase Shi Yue's time boat. The palm he just sent out was still at an extremely long distance, otherwise the palm might have destroyed Shi Yue.

That palm contained the power of him and the eight Dragon Horse Masters. It could be said to be one of the top powers in the spiritual world. With Shi Yue's cultivation level, he could not withstand its power.

Although Shi Yue is also a loose immortal, he is only a low-level loose immortal. In terms of cultivation alone, he is not as good as Zhiqing and Tongqing, but he controlled those two people with the power of time.

However, the power of time is extremely special, and his power in this area is not too deep. He cannot see through a person's past at a glance like Li Yun, or even calculate a certain future.

Therefore, facing Sima Kong's powerful power level, Shi Yue failed to control his soul thread and natal magic weapon, so he could not pose a threat to him.

Even, because the level of Sima Kong and his Dragon Horse Flying Boat is far beyond Shi Yue's endurance, under one blow, Shi Yue will be killed immediately without even a chance to survive. Therefore, even if he really possesses Sima Kong's soul, Silk or the magic weapon of life must be controlled remotely while far away from him. If he is facing the enemy face to face, he will have no chance to use the way of time and will fall immediately, and he will be helpless.

This is the typical principle of defeating ten groups with one force. Under the absolute power attack, the weaker party does not even have a chance to dodge, let alone a chance to counterattack.

Above the waterfall, a graceful figure slowly fell. The outer robe had long been shattered, revealing a pink robe underneath. This robe was the Universiade Palace robe designed by Xiaoxing. After resisting Sima Kong's palm, After that, the robe's spiritual light flashed and quickly returned to normal, protecting Fairy Cuixiang perfectly.

Fairy Cuixiang floated on the edge of the pool, staring blankly at the boat of time going away. She felt the great sense of security brought by this robe and was filled with emotions in her heart.

"It's so exciting to hang out with these powerful people." This is what she feels the most.

Today, I met Shi Yue for a show, and there was a spring breeze. During this period, pain and joy coexisted, and various dramas continued to be performed. In the end, I had to fight to escape from Sima Kong's palm.

Fairy Cuixiang's thoughts were spinning rapidly. She felt that if she continued like this, even ten of her would collapse.

Her face flushed with a strange blush, and she suddenly remembered something. Throughout today's entire process, Ling Daozi kept reminding her of various things in her ears. Doesn't that mean that she was in this scene? Performed in front of him

Moreover, he also said that he was rushing over with Li Yun, so Li Yun also watched the scene between him and Shi Yue.

"Oh my God, I've almost lost all my face." Fairy Cuixiang screamed, her delicate body trembling with excitement and almost paralyzed.

If she knew that this scene was being staged in front of hundreds of favored slaves and maids in the Universiade Palace, I am afraid she would even have the heart to die.

"Hey, sir, this little girl finally woke up." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Alas, this live broadcast is indeed a bit excessive. If the situation was not particularly urgent, I would definitely block it." Li Yun sighed.

Today's live broadcast was a feast for the eyes of the people in the palace. Just look at their nosebleeds and drools, and you can tell that fortunately the scope is limited and limited here. Otherwise, if it spreads, Fairy Cuixiang will no longer have to be a human being.

"Oh my lord, don't think they've seen less of it. They've seen much more of this kind of scene than you, but they haven't seen anything as beautiful as Cuixiang." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh, then their concentration is really bad." Li Yun glanced at the people in the palace and teased.

"Actually, their concentration is quite good, mainly due to the influence of the violent energy field of the Red Flame Pearl.

Everyone's passions are aroused to some extent, and therefore they are more susceptible to such scenes. "

"Yes, that's true." Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, now that Shi Yue has escaped, should we take this opportunity to catch him?"

"Your proposal to seize Shi Yue is very tempting, but"


"Didn't we discuss the issue of Shi Yue last time? There are still quite a few dark forces lurking in the Zen Territory. There is no turmoil and it is not known to the outside world. As their leader, Shi Yue, although he is injured and in desolation, has no influence on them. He still has intimidating power and can restrain them. If we arrest him and the news leaks out, then there is a high possibility that these dark forces will start to cause chaos on their own and disrupt the current situation in the Zen Territory. This will definitely It will affect the implementation of our Zennet plan." Li Yun analyzed.

"My lord is most worried about letting this kid run away. It just so happens that Sima Kong didn't chase him." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Yes, Sima Kong didn't kill Cuixiang with his palm just now," Li Yun said after realizing it.

"No Cuixiang has already put on the high-end robe she bought from Ling Daozi after my reminder." Xiaoxing smiled.

"The good thing is that it was not easy to escape from the palm just now. If this scene was turned into an advertisement, it would be difficult to sell our robes."

"Hehe, your Excellency's suggestion is good, but the robes that can achieve such a level of protection are high-end robes. Only a few people can afford them, and the protection of ordinary robes is still not enough."

"Cuixiang is just the domain lord of a small domain. She can afford even low-level loose immortals. There should be many people in the spiritual world who can afford this robe," Li Yun said suspiciously.

"Oh my Lord, why have you forgotten what Cuixiang does? She is in the human flesh business. The profits in this industry are extremely high. Compared to a domain like the Treasure God's Domain, she is simply sitting on a mountain of gold and silver counting. In fact, the Universiade Palace Robe Exhibition Hall in the Tianshang Realm has only sold one high-end robe so far, and it was bought by her."

"Oh, where are Huang Yimiao's clones and others?"

"Those super powerful clones only ordered a batch for the people under the sect, and did not order for themselves. Although Tianshang Fairy, Peach Blossom Fairy, Baiqiao Fairy and others are very coveted for high-end robes, they are not as coveted as Cuixiang. I can’t buy it with my financial resources.”

"So it seems like it's better to have money. In today's situation, if Cuixiang didn't have this robe, the consequences would be disastrous." Li Yun said with some fear.

"Indeed, it was Xiaonu who knew she had this robe that made her act like this. Otherwise, she must find other ways to escape from Shi Yue's control." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Hey, Sima Kong is here," Li Yun looked at the curtain and said.

I saw the dragon-horse flying boat flashing in the distant sky, growing from small to large, and soon reached the water waterfall, and stopped with a "swipe".

"This is" Fairy Cuixiang was stunned when she saw this dragon-horse flying boat.

The eyes of the eight incarnated Lord Longma in front of her were not focused on her at all. Instead, they held their heads high and looked into the distance.

The flying boat at the back is as long as you can see. I'm afraid the space inside can accommodate just a few people.

Li Yun also smiled when he saw this scene. He remembered that Sima Kong had ordered Xingyun Wine from him before, and he ordered one hundred thousand bottles and two hundred thousand bottles. At that time, he thought he was going to resell it. A lot. Now it seems that he was right. He ordered so many to reserve for banquets. A flying boat like this can accommodate 100,000 people at a time. 100,000 bottles are not too much at all.

Fairy Cuixiang was shocked by the momentum of the dragon-horse flying boat. She didn't react for a moment, but she saw a body leaning out of the boat. It was Fairy Peach Blossom.

She screamed "Cuixiang, come up quickly"

"Peach Blossom" Fairy Cuixiang was stunned and couldn't believe her eyes.

When will the Peach Blossom Fairy be able to ride on such a tall flying boat? How is this possible?

"Yes, Lord Sima saved you just now. This is his dragon horse flying boat. Come up and thank him," Peach Blossom Fairy said loudly.

Fairy Cuixiang suddenly realized, and then she remembered what happened just now. The person who made the sound and palm was probably the Lord Sima mentioned by Fairy Peach Blossom.

"Lord Sima, could it be that he is Sima Kong from the Dragon-Horse God Realm? If not for him, who else could have such a dragon-horse flying boat?" Fairy Cuixiang finally understood.

Another superpower, today is so exciting

She didn't know what kind of shocking luck she had experienced today. She met powerful people one after another, and even went back and forth on the line between life and death several times. Her heart was pounding and she couldn't calm down.

Although the eight Longma Masters were very powerful and ignored her at all, Fairy Cuixiang was well-informed and did not feel dissatisfied at all. She quickly straightened her pink robe with her hands and chose the most beautiful figure to come forward. When he came to the eight people, he stopped, bent his body and said blessings, and said softly, "Cuixiang has seen the eight venerables. Thank you for saving your life. Cuixiang will always chant sutras and pray for the eight benefactors."

When the eight people heard this, they immediately turned their heads elsewhere and ignored her.

Cuixiang was bored, but she wasn't annoyed. She chuckled and floated to where the Peach Blossom Fairy was and got into the boat.

"Oh, it's Lord Yizun!" Fairy Cuixiang screamed, which sounded extremely artificial to Li Yun's ears, but such a reaction seemed extremely natural in the eyes of others.

"Giggle, then who do you think it could be? Master Sima and Master Yizun are a couple," Peach Blossom Fairy said with a sweet smile.

"Oh, it turns out that this junior wants to congratulate the two adults. One is a dragon among men, and the other is a phoenix among foxes. It is truly a match made in heaven, which is enviable to everyone."

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