The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1585 Dragon Spirit

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Sima Kong stroked his beard and laughed, extremely proud.

Yimei's face turned pink with shame, and she glared at Fairy Cuixiang fiercely, and said: "Why are you talking like this? Don't listen to Taohua's nonsense! How could I be a couple with this rough guy? I'm just with you You guys are just along for the ride!"

"Ouch, I didn't expect Master Yizun to be so thin-skinned! Where can I find someone as powerful, profound, powerful, and rich as Master Sima? Master Yizun must be secretly happy in his heart, Master Sima, but You have to work harder!" Fairy Cuixiang's sweet mouth never stopped.

"Haha, sister Cuixiang, your little mouth makes my heart almost burst into bloom! Here!" Sima Kong threw something, and a spiritual light flashed across it, and it landed on Cuixiang's hand.

"Wow...thank you Lord Sima for the reward!" Cuixiang shouted in surprise, holding the gift in her hand.

"Do you know what this is?" Sima Kong asked.

"This is..." Fairy Cuixiang looked at the shiny object in her hand, with a look of suspicion on her face.

This object looks a bit weird in shape, quite similar to...

Fairy Peach Blossom and Fairy Baiqiao were hiding their mouths and laughing. These two people were also teased by Sima Kong. Now they both want to see Cuixiang's joke.

"This is a unique treasure of our Dragon Horse God Realm! You can't even recognize it?!" Sima Kong said in surprise.

"This...this treasure must be an extremely rare thing. I am ignorant and ignorant, so it is understandable that I don't recognize this treasure! I wonder if Lord Sima can tell me?" Fairy Cuixiang asked sweetly.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck..."

Yi Mei laughed so hard that she waved her hands and said, "Cuixiang, throw it away quickly!"

"Why? This is Lord Sima's treasure!"

"Giggle, giggle, it is not Lord Sima's treasure, but it is the treasure of the eight Dragon Horse Venerables outside. Can't you see that it is a waste pulled out by the dragon horse?!" Yimei covered Tan's mouth with her delicate hands and smiled. I was out of breath, almost out of breath.

The Peach Blossom Fairy and Baiqiao Fairy on the side laughed so much that they almost collapsed on the ground...

"What?!" Fairy Cuixiang's eyes widened in surprise, her delicate hands trembled, and the treasure actually fell to the floor.

"Haha, hahahaha! How can this be true? Is the treasure of these eight brothers an ordinary thing? Although it doesn't look very good, it is definitely a big treasure!" Sima Kong laughed.

Fairy Cuixiang resisted the discomfort in her stomach and said with a charming smile on her face: "Lord Sima, I wonder what the use of this treasure is?"

"Do you know that Longma is actually a member of the dragon clan?" Sima Kong asked.

"You know... you know, just hearing the name makes you inseparable!"

"Okay! Then do you know that the dragon clan is a clan of strong sexual beings?"

"I know more about this! If the dragon clan didn't have strong sex, how could they have caused such great disasters and been cursed by heaven?!"

"That's right! The sexual organ of the dragon clan is called dragon ketone. Many dragon clan powerful men went crazy because of the dragon ketone disaster and committed countless crimes. However, I, these eight brothers, will not have such worries!"

"Why is this?" Fairy Cuixiang asked cooperatively.

"Haha, this is the trick of the Longma clan! They can condense the excess dragon ketone together and excrete it along with some wastes in the body, so there is no need to worry about the disaster of dragon ketone!" Sima Kong laughed. .

"So that's it! So, this treasure is actually the crystallization of dragon ketone?!" Fairy Cuixiang's eyes lit up.

"That's right! It contains a lot of dragon ketone. Ordinary people will get excited just by smelling it. Cultivators will also get excited if they eat a little bit. Do you think it is a treasure?"

"Of course... I don't know how many treasures like this Master Sima still has. Why don't you give me a price? Cuixiang Tower wants as many as you want!" Fairy Cuixiang said excitedly.

After understanding the ins and outs of this treasure, Fairy Cuixiang quickly realized how extraordinary this treasure was, especially for a power like Cuixiang Tower.

It is a rare treasure!

Because it is much more powerful than the aphrodisiacs currently available in Cuixiang Tower. If you can store more of such treasures, you will be invincible. Keep them so that the guests who come to Cuixiang Tower for consumption will have their bags full. Finally left with nothing!

"Haha, this kind of treasure is called 'Dragon Essence' in our Dragon Horse God's Domain. It has a certain reserve and is priced at different levels. The one I gave you is the product of these eight Dragon Horse Masters. It is of course the highest level. , It’s a priceless treasure! Ordinary people can’t buy it at all.” Sima Kong said proudly.

"Wow..." Fairy Cuixiang exclaimed when she heard this. She quickly picked up the piece of dragon essence that fell on the ground, wiped it carefully, and carefully stored it away.

"Well, if you want to buy, you can check out this information and order as much as you want. I have plenty here!" Sima Kong threw a jade slip to Cuixiang.

Cuixiang took it and quickly sensed it, and found that it was indeed information about dragon spirits. It also listed various varieties, levels, prices, inventories, etc. She couldn't help but think, it turned out that Sima Kong's flying boat was so big, and there was actually something inside. It has a lot of dragon spirits installed, so it can do business at any time!

This time I was saved by him, and I was thinking about how to repay him, and how to get involved with such a powerful person, and doing business with him was the best way. Once the dragon spirit was very important to Cuixianglou, A good product, and secondly, you can use this opportunity to get close to Sima Kong, what a deal!

She thought carefully and immediately took action, ordering a large number of dragon essences of various varieties and levels to meet the needs of different customers.

"Master Sima, I need so much, I wonder when you can deliver it?" Cuixiang asked sweetly.

Sima Kong looked at the order and said happily: "Pay with one hand and deliver with the other!"

"Oh my lord, how can I bring so much money with me on weekdays? This time I traveled a lot and spent almost all my money. I got a lot of treasures in the wild world. I wonder if I can exchange them? If not, I'll have to worry about it. The adults and juniors are going home..." Cuixiang said coquettishly.

"Oh? I'm too busy and won't go to your place now. You can exchange part of it, and it won't be too late to ask for the rest when I pass by your place in the future." Sima Kong mused.

"Great! Most of the harvest this time was left at the door, how about letting them come in too?"

"no problem!"

Cuixiang quickly called her disciples and subordinates into the Longma Feizhou and started business with Sima Kong...

Fairy Peach Blossom and Fairy Baiqiao also joined in, preparing to make large purchases and resell them to their own interfaces...

Li Yun and Xiao Xing were both stunned when they saw this scene.

Xiaoxiang, Xiaodong, Ao Changtian, Ao Changyang and others were even more stunned. They admired the eight Venerable Longma so much that they couldn't be more impressed.

Everyone in Xingyun No. 1 was discussing enthusiastically, and the topic was of course surrounding these dragon spirits. Such products really opened their minds, and they were amazed at Sima Kong's shrewdness.

"Sir, Sima Kong actually sells this kind of thing?!" Xiaoxing said in disbelief.

"It is indeed as he said, this is a product unique to Longma Divine Realm." Li Yun said with a smile.

"We have so many dragons in the Universiade Palace, but we can't pull out any of them?! It's such a waste..." Xiaoxing sighed.

With the current number of dragons in the Universiade Palace, if such a dragon spirit can be drawn out, it will be a waste of money. Countless profits can be made without having to develop any territory.

Unfortunately, I have never heard of anyone from the dragon clan being able to pull out any treasures, which made Xiaoxing lament.

"Please, if the dragon clan can pull out such a dragon essence, they will become a dragon horse! Besides, we don't need to let them pull it out, but directly extract the dragon ketone essence from their dragon ketone organs, and the produced dragon ketone cannon is worth I don’t know how many times higher than this dragon spirit like him!" Li Yun said.

"Hehe, of course! Although the name of Dragon Spirit sounds nice, it is extremely impure. There are too many waste materials in it, the quality is not good, and the smell is bad. The Dragon Keto Cannon made by Xiaonu is the real treasure!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"If the extracted dragon ketone essence is made into such an aphrodisiac, the price will definitely not be comparable to dragon essence." Li Yun agreed.

"It seems that our Universiade Palace products will add another trump card, but Sima Kong's Dragon Horse God Realm will be in disaster and will be directly hit by us." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Don't worry, our products are mainly targeted at high-end customers."

"Yes. The dragon ketone essence extracted by Xiaonu is simply a poison among poisons for ordinary people. It cannot be used at all. Even if it is used at most, it must be smelled and must not be taken. Generally speaking, only king-level or Only people above the venerable level can use it.”

"Yes, you can make some samples first, and then pick them up and make them when you have an order."

"No problem. We have already stocked up on countless dragon ketone essences. You can have as much as you want, but the little slave is still reluctant to sell it! The dragon ketone cannon is extremely powerful, and it is not cost-effective to convert them into spiritual crystals."

"Well, I think so. The dragon ketone cannon is a strategic reserve. It will definitely be useful in the future. If it is not worth using a place like Cuixiang Tower to arouse love, let's forget it and let Sima Kong make a fortune. ." Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, this is a small fortune for us. Do you want it or not? Put it aside for now. Now the problems of these fairies have been solved, but there are too many chaos in the wild world. It is impossible for us to control them all. what to do?"

"We only care about the core. The most important thing is to prevent people from entering the core area and learning the secret of the Scarlet Flame Pearl." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Sir, there is another problem. After entering the wild world, these people looted wildly, and now they have begun to rob others. There have been many fights, and they have become more and more intense, which has greatly damaged the environment here. Although the Scarlet Flame Pearl I didn’t say anything, but if this continues, it will definitely have an impact on him, and we still have to stop it.”


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