The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1594 Red Flame and Fire Flame (6)

Chi Yan sighed: "Stop praising me! Li Yun has made it so clear. If I still can't react, I'm afraid I won't be qualified to discuss the issue with him."

"Hey, senior's speculation is exactly what Li Yun thought. Of course, he has further explanations for this." Huo Yan said.

"Oh? What is it? Tell me quickly." Chi Yan said anxiously.

"Senior, through careful research, Li Yun discovered that the brain is most efficient when it is in a more perfect spherical shape!"


"Well, actually, intelligence is expressed in many aspects. For example, how many things have you accumulated? How many things have you remembered? Can you think of it quickly when you want to use it? When you think about a problem, can you think of other things? Many things related to this problem? What thinking methods do you use when solving a problem? When you think about a problem, can you imagine the consequences if you cannot solve it, or the scenario after solving it? Will there be repetitions? Possible? In short, whether your imagination is reasonable or not is also a manifestation of intelligence to a large extent...and these all involve a question..."

"what is the problem?"

“It’s just about thinking about efficiency.”

"Thinking efficiency? Do you mean thinking fast or not?"

"Whether it's fast or not is just one aspect. The other thing is whether your idea is correct, and whether what you come up with is the most effective one..."

"Oh my god, is this too much to ask for?"

"How else can we call it high intelligence?"


"Hey, the people of the Sun Clan face problems like this all day long, so they have to find ways to make their thinking process more efficient, more thorough, more comprehensive, and more high-end... In this way... Over time, their intellectual level has become higher and higher. From the beginning, they think about a stone, a tree, a lake, a mountain... Gradually, they will think about the ins and outs of these things, past and present lives, and future development. They think There are more and more things, and the accumulated information is naturally countless, so they have to find ways to make their search for this information faster, more reasonable, more relevant, and more integrated..."

"Wait, wait..." Chi Yan shouted.

"Senior, what's the problem?" Huo Yan asked curiously.

"Can you speak slowly? I find that you speak too fast now, and your mind can't turn around anymore!" Chi Yan sighed.

Huo Yan was startled,

A look of shock flashed across his face, and his heart was pounding so hard that he couldn't believe his ears.

Unexpectedly, a powerful person like Chi Yan can no longer keep up with Li Yun's thinking speed. Moreover, this is the result of what he relayed. If Li Yun and Chi Yan were to have a face-to-face conversation, Chi Yan would probably be confused!

"No problem! Senior, you can digest it slowly. If you have any questions, just ask them directly."

"The question...forget it, just speak slowly, I am all ears...By the way, do you understand what Li Yun said? How can you say it so clearly?" Chi Yan finally realized this problem and asked in confusion .

In his opinion, it was so difficult for him to understand. How could Huo Yan speak so clearly and smoothly?

Could it be that his intelligence level is also very high? This is hard to tell.

"Well...senior, let's regard this junior as Li Yun himself. You also know that I am his little slave. There is telepathy between us. His meaning can be said clearly from my mouth." Huo. Yan said vaguely.

"So that's it..." Chi Yan suddenly realized and finally understood what was going on.

With his brain after living for so many years, he finally realized that Huo Yan might just be Li Yun's narrator.

He thought carefully about what Huo Yan just said and asked suspiciously: "Is thinking efficiency related to the shape of the brain?"

"Yes, the correlation between the two is extremely high! When the brain is in the shape of a relatively perfect sphere, the reading of various stored data and the interaction between them are extremely close and efficient, which helps to improve personal intelligence. Memory and association ability, thus making thinking more efficient." Huo Yan said affirmatively.

"Is this... real? How is it done?"

"Senior really has the spirit to break the casserole and get to the bottom of it!" Huo Yan praised.

"Haha, who made me so interested in this topic?"

"Hey, there is actually no absolutely clear answer to this question from our seniors, because brains have different shapes and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we can only say that the advantages of a spherical brain are greater and the disadvantages are smaller. For the spherical brain, first of all, its force is the most uniform, so it can also be better protected, which is extremely important for the Sun people who have no body and only a soul state. Secondly, the memories it stores will be arranged It is more compact, and the search path is relatively the shortest. You must know that the search speed of memory is also a major manifestation of intelligence. The faster the search speed, the higher the intelligence. In addition, a short search path can Saving time can also save energy. If there is an extremely large intellectual problem that needs to be thought about, then when two people are thinking, one of them saves paths on each subdivision problem, saving time and energy. Then, in the long run, , his advantage will become bigger and bigger, and in the end he will win!"

"Oh my seems to make sense..."

"Finally, there is another benefit. Since the memory molecules are tightly arranged and search is fast, their mutual stimulation will become more frequent and effective. Therefore, when thinking using the storm method, it is easier to generate associations. , get more creative solutions, sometimes, the benefits it produces are definitely not comparable to the step-by-step solutions!" Huo Yan said loudly.

"Storm method? Does it create a storm in the brain? Isn't this extremely dangerous?" Chi Yan's huge eyes widened and he said in surprise.

"This is a more vivid way of saying it. It is actually a way of thinking that allows the brain to imagine freely. Many times this way of thinking does not work, but once it works, it can definitely bring a completely different refreshing effect to people. It greatly improves the level of thinking. Just like the existence of the Sun Clan, Li Yun came up with it during a free thinking process in his brain, and slowly took shape in the subsequent careful reasoning, and finally formed such an analysis result." Huo Yan explained.

"Wow... I can't judge this anymore, just think of it as listening to the story..." Chi Yan muttered.

"Hey, senior's mentality is so good! According to Li Yun's inference, people from the Sun Clan will definitely find that after turning into a sphere, their intelligence level will rise faster after long-term thinking, so they will slowly The earth is evolving towards this form, and in the end, they will gradually turn into energy balls." Huo Yan continued.

"Well, what I am most concerned about is not what they have become, but what their cultivation is like. If we really go to the sun, can we defeat them? Or will we be easily controlled by them?" Chi Yan sighed.

"Haha, good question!" Huo Yan praised.

Chi Yan proudly stroked his beard and said, "Of course! The idea of ​​going into the sun is shocking enough. Let's not talk about whether we can go in. If we go in and it turns out to be a food delivery, then why go inside?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint my senior!"

"But why? Didn't Li Yun deduce it?"

"No, but Li Yun deduced that almost everyone in the Sun Clan is an absolute master. I am afraid that even the seniors in the past are not their opponents at all. In front of them, the lives in our Xuanling World are simply extremely weak. ." Huo Yan sighed.

"Oh my god! How is this possible? There are always weak people, right?"

"Senior, the Sun Clan has developed so far that they have almost stopped reproducing, because everyone alive is immortal and there is no need to reproduce. Their lifespan follows the sun. As long as the sun does not die, they will have enough The energy supply ensures that their energy balls continue to exist. Therefore, each of them has lived for infinite years. Even if they were as stupid as a pig at first, they will now be people with extremely high intelligence. Such people How can your cultivation not be high?"

"This...makes sense! What's more, pigs are not too stupid and have dreams..."

"Haha, what the seniors said is absolutely true! With the superb wisdom of the people of the Sun tribe, they have long been able to figure out the relationship between energy and matter. If necessary, they can use unlimited energy to transform it into extremely powerful magic weapons or For other terrifying weapons to attack and defend, their energy shield must be extremely strong. It is simply impossible to break through with the level of weapons in our Xuanling world. Therefore, if we really enter the sun, according to the seniors, we will just deliver food. Yes!" Huo Yan laughed.

"So, of course we won't go to the sun, and we will also pray that they don't come to our Xuanling world." Chi Yan sighed.

"Actually, that's not the case!"

"Oh? Why not?"

"Senior, think about it, if those people who entered the wild world did not damage the environment, but just wandered around and then went back, would you argue with them?"

" long as they don't disturb my dream, I will not take them seriously, and of course I won't care about their life or death. On the contrary, I won't mind crushing them like a spirit ant." Easily erased.”

"Okay! This is the difference in thinking between the strong and the weak. For the Sun Clan, their level is far higher than the beings in our Xuanling World. Whether it is intelligence or cultivation, they are incomparable to us. , it can be said that in front of them, we are just pitiful spirit ants, and they don’t care about our existence or life and death at all. The problems they think about have long been far beyond our imagination. Maybe all the problems we worry about, It doesn't exist for them..."

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