The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1595 Mysterious Disappearance

"Although what you said makes sense, it is still too dangerous! If they have a temper like me, they may take action at will when they are in a bad mood. Wouldn't they die extremely unjustly?" Chi Yan said.

"Hey, senior, don't worry, they will never take action randomly!"

"Why? How can you be so sure?" Chi Yan asked curiously.

"Because... seniors may not know that people with high intelligence are also very curious. If they see something new, their first reaction is not to kill them, but to study their ins and outs."


"Yes. For the Sun Clan, they have studied countless things and thought about countless truths, but if we suddenly appeared in front of them, I am afraid they would be extremely surprised, because we are a new thing to them. They are worried that they can’t find research subjects!”

"This...If this happens, wouldn't we be caught by them and use various methods to study it? This would not be a pleasant feeling..."

"Senior's concerns are very true! This is indeed the helplessness of the weak when facing the strong. Therefore, if you want to go to the solar space, of course you must have a certain ability to protect yourself, otherwise you will really be delivering food!" Huo Yan sighed.

"So, we'd better not go to the solar space. It's not a place that people from the Xuanling World should go!" Chi Yan said proudly.

"Senior, are you afraid?"

"Afraid? I have never been afraid before!!!" Chi Yan gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Actually, seniors don't have to worry so much. For the Sun Clan, we are not necessarily a new thing. Because the sun has been shining on the surrounding world for such a long time, the Sun Clan should have a certain understanding of many things around it. Maybe we The information about the Xuanling World is already stored in their memories, so they don’t necessarily have to conduct research on us to know about the Xuanling World.”

"What you said makes sense..." Chi Yan said suspiciously.

"Senior can observe that our universe is all within the sphere of influence of this sun. In fact, there is not only this sun in the vast starry sky, but countless suns, just because they are too far away from us. , so from here we can only see a few stars, and among those particularly bright stars, I bet most of them are the sun."

"Really?!!!" Chi Yan said in shock.

"I can guarantee this! Therefore, the Sun Clan is not alone.

They exist in countless places in the starry sky and are an extremely huge force. Li Yun guessed that there must be some mysterious way of contact between the various Sun clans that allows them to stay in touch and exchange information! "

"Wow...if this is true, it would be so scary!" Chi Yan shouted in disbelief.

After hearing Li Yun's bold guess, Chi Yan felt that his imagination was really open today. His understanding of the Sun Clan had skyrocketed, and he couldn't help but decide to take a look.

"Hehe, this possibility is of course extremely high. With the sun's huge and unparalleled energy level, it can do many things that we can't even imagine, such as..."

"Like what?"

"Senior knows that the powerful spiritual consciousness in the Xuanling world is extremely powerful, and its coverage area is much larger than that of people with low cultivation levels. Therefore, powerful and powerful people can communicate with each other in extremely remote places. With the energy level of the sun, the solar family can completely use its energy to build an energy information bridge to achieve the purpose of interconnection. Therefore, from our perspective, there seems to be no connection between the two extremely distant suns, but maybe there is a connection between them. There is a close connection." Huo Yan said.

"Energy Information Bridge?" Chi Yan was stunned again. Such a wild guess was really beyond his intelligence, so he could only listen.

"The so-called sea of ​​stars produces suns, and if they are adjacent to each other at the end of the world, each sun may seem far away, far away from the end of the world, but in fact they exist like neighbors in the vast interstellar space. Perhaps, they are quietly talking about us at this moment It’s also possible that this conversation…”

"Seriously?! It's impossible, right?"

"Hey, if the energy information bridge that Li Yun guessed exists, then it means that the Sun Clan can use the powerful energy of the sun to sense the places that the sun's light can reach. These places are their sphere of influence, and everything in them It is possible that we are under their induction. If we have been noticed by them, it is possible that we are being monitored by them..."

"This... Li Yun's conjecture is too mysterious..." Chi Yan muttered.

"Oh, senior, this is just a conjecture. Since it is a conjecture, senior does not need to worry too much. For the Sun Clan, they are collecting information all the time. This information comes from an extremely vast sphere of influence, and the amount of information is extremely huge, so processing It also takes a certain amount of time to get up. With their intelligence level, their processing efficiency must be extremely high, but in the face of such a huge amount of information, it will take a long time to notice us, and..."

"And what?"

"Their current level of thinking may not be what we can imagine. Their attention is most likely focused on interstellar space, which are extremely grand issues. Perhaps every issue they are thinking about may involve a certain race. , a certain space, a certain planet, the outcome of a certain interstellar war, the rise and fall of a certain interstellar civilization... Such big issues, and the Xuanling world has existed under their eyes for countless years. In their view, Maybe all the problems have been studied, but we have been ignored..."

"Well, no matter what Li Yun guesses, I believe that it is absolutely impossible for this Sun Clan to come to our Xuanling World to cause trouble. Therefore, what I am interested in now is not them, but how did Li Yun come up with this? Is he like the Sun Clan, thinking non-stop all day long?" Chi Yan changed the subject.

"Well... Senior seems to be right to think so. Junior found that Li Yun seems to be thinking almost all day long!" Huo Yan agreed.

"Really? Then how come his body didn't degenerate and instead seemed to have succeeded in refining it?" Chi Yan teased.

"Haha, although the senior's question is reasonable, it ignores one issue."

"what is the problem?"

"That's the environment! No matter what kind of life it is, it grows and evolves in a certain environment. The Sun Clan is nestled in the sun and has unlimited energy supply. They don't have to worry about material and energy problems at all. Going out to work hard, they can get everything they need just by lying down. It is precisely in this way that their bodies have degraded, leaving only the state of their souls. And Li Yun is in the mysterious world. No matter how much he thinks, it is impossible for him to be like this. Do the Sun Clan also abandon their bodies?"

"I forgot about this..." Chi Yan's face turned red. Fortunately, his face was already red, so it only looked purple.

"Senior, Li Yun has another amazing idea..."

"What? More?!"

"Not bad! Senior, do you want to listen?"

"Wait a minute! My head is all muddled right now and I can't think clearly. Why don't you go back with me and listen to me when I wake up?"

After Chi Yan finished speaking, without waiting for Huo Yan's reply, he carried him and disappeared from the southern entrance. The entrance was slowly and completely sealed, as if it had never appeared...

"Sir, Xiao Yan was taken away by Chi Yan!" Xiao Xing said.

"Ok, I know."

"What should we do?"

"It doesn't matter! Didn't Xiao Yan just want to practice with Chi Yan for ten thousand years? Just let them stay here." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Isn't... ten thousand years a bit long?" Xiaoxing said.

"For them, ten thousand years is almost like sleeping! Besides, didn't Chi Yan say that if Huo Yan is more talented, a thousand years would be enough if the time is short."

"Hehe, then let's let Xiaoyan go! I'm afraid the worst one will be Xiaoxiang."

"Xiao Xiang? That's right... Ignore him, with this kid's flirtatious behavior, I wonder who he will hook up with..."

"That's what the adults said! Now we can concentrate on watching the live broadcast!"

Xiaoxing immediately called up the multi-faceted light screen, which played the situation of the major forces entering the wilderness world, which quickly attracted everyone's attention...

However, it was said that after Wang Huaixu and Yan Shi came in on a painting boat, they easily crossed the flint rain belt and stopped at the edge.

Wang Huaixu had a suspicious look on his face, and his consciousness searched a wide area. He felt even more puzzled in his heart, and murmured: "It's weird! It's so weird!"

"Sir, what's so weird?" Feng Zun Rongliang asked quickly.

"Look at the people who came in before us, why didn't we see any of them? Logically speaking, we should have seen them in the rain of fire, but we didn't see any of them. And after we came here, they were within the scope of my consciousness. , is also a stranger, isn't it surprising?" Wang Huaixu analyzed.

"This... what you said makes sense! This matter is indeed very strange. How could they disappear mysteriously?!" Rong Liang reacted and said in surprise.

Mi Jian, Fairy Ruyan, and Yan Shi also looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

It was better not to mention this matter. After Wang Huaixu reminded it, everyone suddenly felt a little uneasy. They all said that there must be a monster if anything goes wrong. It was really terrifying that so many people disappeared without a trace. The expressions on everyone's faces All became gloomy.

"No! I have long said that there seems to be a very powerful evil spirit in the wilderness world, and it is not suitable to enter casually. Facts have proved that the disappearance of these people is most likely related to this evil spirit. We must be careful!" Wang Huaixu said loudly .

"Yes! Sir!!!" Rong Liang, Mi Jian, Ruyan Fairy and others all responded loudly.

"We don't have to go deep. We'll just stay here for the time being and wait to meet up with Tianshang, Taohua and others..."

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