The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1673 The Origin of the Power of Bloodline

"Indeed! It seems that the bloodline level of each race is born with its own specific level. It is difficult to surpass or improve. Of course, if an individual breaks away from its group, it will degenerate after a period of time." Xiaoxing said .

"Well, this phenomenon seems to have been solidified. Just like the bloodline of the South Vietnamese royal family in the past, it can still maintain its advanced attributes when it goes to the lower world. This is even more true in the spiritual world. Each race has its specific bloodline level. The dragon race If it had not been under a spell, its bloodline level might be similar to that of the Lin clan. In my opinion, to explore this solidification phenomenon, we must first trace back to the cause of the formation of bloodline power." Li Yun nodded.

"what is the reason?"

"Blood vessels are composed of blood molecules. They are different from the energy molecules of mysterious energy, spiritual energy, fairy energy, and chaotic energy. Each drop of blood molecules not only contains energy, but is also a medium and container, just like miniature Bodies, they have functions such as memory, thinking, cultivation, and inheritance, so they can store and generate power, which is called the power of blood."

"This... what you say makes sense. Our Xingyun blood has these characteristics and also has the power of blood." Xiaoxing agreed.

“In addition, these blood molecules do not exist in isolation, but interact with each other and depend on each other. Only in this way can larger information be preserved and form an organic logic body, just like brain cell molecules, which play a role in thinking, cultivation and inheritance. The organic logic formed by all the blood molecules forms an organic whole through the vascular system. Its function is like the golden elixir of the human race, which can continuously develop and grow, contain energy, and enhance the Tao. Starting from the golden elixir avenue, the human race can create peace and harmony. Develop their own Jindan Dao Dao, while other races integrate everything they have experienced and understood into the organic whole of the bloodline to achieve their bloodline Dao. Because the bloodline Dao has the function of memory and inheritance , therefore, most of the experience and understanding of the previous generation of these races can be passed on to the next generation, allowing their bloodline levels to stand on almost the same starting line. If viewed horizontally, the bloodline levels of many races are different. It was formed because of this." Li Yun analyzed.

"Sir, are you saying that in addition to storing spiritual power, the power of their blood is also a kind of Tao power?"

"Yes! It goes without saying that blood molecules store spiritual power and form strength, but the Tao power in it is the key to the level of their bloodline. This Tao power includes the various experiences and insights of the race since its birth. Each generation In addition to inheriting the Taoism of the previous generation, people will also add some to it. Of course, they may also degenerate due to lack of talent. In short, these Taoisms are unique to a race, and other races cannot learn them even if they want to. Come, therefore, the level of this Dao will basically determine the level of its bloodline." Li Yun said.

"So, if a race has more experiences, more insights, and is passed down from generation to generation, the bloodline level may be extremely high?"

"Usually, you can say this, but it also depends on the quality of what the race has experienced and perceived. If what it has experienced is the status of a weakling,

Although there are many truths realized, they are all superficial and even take detours, which will affect the maintenance of bloodline level. "

"It seems that it is not easy to maintain the bloodline level. If there are no geniuses in a race or a family, the inheritance of the previous generation may be lost, and it will not bring benefits to the next generation. Generations below, It will be downgraded!" Xiaoxing said.

"It's true! Geniuses are extremely important to a race or a family. The more they are produced, the more the next generation will benefit, and the race will benefit more, just like Delong's inheritance this time. Obtaining Huo Yan's bloodline is not only important to him, but also a big deal to the Huo Lin Clan."

"Sir, if you put it this way, it is very likely that the human bloodline level in the spiritual world will be improved in the future." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh, you might as well tell me."

"Hey, let's not talk about you, sir. It's enough that the human race has such geniuses as Xing Zun, Huang Yimiao, Wang Huaixu, Yan Shi, Luo Li, Fairy Youmeng, Ning You, Kate, and Ji De. According to Fairy Zhuque, It is said that their Taoism is even stronger than that of many intermediate immortals. If such Taoism can be passed down, it will be impossible for the human race's bloodline level to be improved." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Well said! Of course their Taoism will be passed down, because their Taoism is condensed in their works, pills, singing, dancing, flying boats, treasures, treasures and other things. These things are very important to a group of people. They are all treasures, and other human races can gain a lot of money by studying their works, not to mention that their disciples and disciples are passing on it. Therefore, it can be said that their Taoism has contributed to the improvement of the human race's bloodline level. A great contribution!" Li Yun praised.

"Sir, you are now making contributions to the entire spiritual world. You must know that the slaves in the Universiade Palace come from various races. They are affected by your Taoism and will naturally have a great impact on the improvement of their own bloodline. help!"

"This matter depends on the future situation. If the Universiade Palace is to be disbanded and they return to their respective races, it will of course expand the impact. If they want to follow me to the fairy world, then there will be no such problem. "Li Yun said with a smile.

" seems that all the tribes in the spiritual world do not have this blessing. Of course, the slaves of the Universiade Palace will follow you to the fairy world! However, your influence on the spiritual world is still huge, for example..."

"For example, your experience in the Qingyuan Sect, the Tianyin Zunding you left on the Great Zhou Shiding Mountain, the nearly a hundred large formations you left in the lower realm, and the lotus platform for meditation with Zhida... These have all been taken over by the Tianji Palace. Burned into your message, it circulated in the spiritual world and was spread wildly by people. Now, many people will recite and sing your poems and learn many of our business tricks! Of course, when you changed your name to Liufeng, you were in Zen The Zen Taoist couplets left by the domain, dozens of ten-level formations, the new evil-proof elixir provided to the Dragon Domain and the demon-suppressing elixir provided to the Feng Domain, our robe display team... If someone studies these things, I believe The harvest must be great, but..."

"Just what?"

"Hey, many of our products are locked and have backdoors. Some of our products are too high-spirited and no one can research them. Therefore, they can only despair!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Well, there is no need to brag about our own affairs. I also hope that someone can crack the research, but now it seems that it is difficult for anyone to do it..." Li Yunzhen said.

"Of course! Sir, after saying so much, why don't you use the Eye of Time to study some of the secrets of Fairy Suzaku's bloodline?" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Okay, since you just need to take a look, then there is no intention of harming her, so I will satisfy your curiosity..."

Li Yun said with a smile, opening his eyes of time, bursts of light and shadow quickly passed through his eyes, but nothing unusual could be seen on the outside, and Fairy Suzaku had long been addicted to the Tao of Tea Sea, observing Li Yun Not aware of anything.

In fact, Li Yun's Eye of Time has been continuously improving since he was trained. At the beginning, there will be more obvious phenomena when using it, such as flashes of light and shadow, faint spiritual light, and misty spiritual fog. , but as the level of the Eye of Time increases, these phenomena slowly fade away and become less and less detectable. He can completely tell the other party's past and racial intentions without the other party noticing. See them all!

The Suzaku clan is worthy of being one of the pinnacle bloodlines in the Xuanling world, and its racial moral meaning is extremely powerful. Therefore, it took Li Yun nearly a day to read all the racial moral meaning contained in the bloodline of Fairy Suzaku into Xiaoxing's think tank. Of course, By the way, I also read the past of Fairy Suzaku...

"Sir, that's great!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Now you are happy, but now my head is as big as a bucket and I need a good rest." Li Yun sighed.

At Li Yun's speed, the amount of information in one day's reading is as large as the vast ocean. Moreover, the information quality of the Suzaku clan is extremely high. The same volume of blood contains much more information than other races. Therefore, Reading the information of one Suzaku Fairy is equivalent to reading the information of three virtues, which of course requires a lot of effort and energy.

"Sir, quickly drink the golden soul liquid prepared by Xiaonu, and then take a 100,000-year life-extending pill." Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun quickly took the soul liquid and longevity pill and adjusted his breathing.

While adjusting his breath, he continued to communicate with Xiaoxing, mainly about the origin of Fairy Suzaku.

What Li Yun didn't expect was that Fairy Zhuque's identity was so noble that she was actually the little granddaughter of the Immortal Emperor. She was also quite favored by the Immortal Emperor and often received rewards from the Immortal Emperor, such as the jade hairpin on her head and the necklace on her neck. The jade pendant, the jade ring on the wrist... were all given by the Immortal Emperor!

Of course, these things are not ordinary ornaments, but extremely powerful immortal weapons. This makes Xiaoxing salivate. He wishes Li Yun could peel them off so that he could study them...

Of course Li Yun would not do this. Although he was also very interested in the fairy weapons in the fairy world, in fact, almost all the treasures he refined were fairy weapons. Therefore, there was no need to be too urgent. As long as Xiaoxing's system If it continues to operate, it can be said that the artifacts refined in the future will be immortal artifacts. There is no doubt about this.

"Sir, it seems that Fairy Suzaku met Du Lin in her father's Panlong Immortal Peach Garden. That Immortal Peach Garden was not as big as the Immortal Emperor's, but it was not too small in scale." Xiaoxing checked the information. , said.

"Oh? Du Lin and his master are visiting Fairy Suzaku's house?"

"Yes. It was his father who invited his master and apprentice to go there. At the same time, there were many alchemists from the immortal world. The discussion was about the cultivation of medicinal materials..."

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