The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1674 The reincarnation of the great immortal?

"That's it. It seems that the shortage of medicinal materials in the fairy world has occurred a long time ago, and it may be more serious now. I wonder what their plan is after discussion?" Li Yun asked.

"First thoroughly investigate the cause of the shortage of medicinal materials, collect seeds, expand medicinal fields, and strengthen protection. In addition, they also suspect that someone is secretly hoarding and controlling the market, so they reported the matter to the Immortal Emperor and asked him to send someone to investigate." Xiaoxing said.

"What happened next?"

"Later... there wasn't much information about this aspect. Fairy Suzaku was too young at the time, so it's pretty good that she could remember so much, but she wasn't interested in it at all. She only thought about how to steal those Panlong Fairy Peaches..."


The two of them did not expect that Fairy Suzaku was still a foodie. As for the Panlong Fairy Peach, Tianyun World now had a piece of it, but it was not yet ripe for picking.

In fact, the growth period of top-quality fruits like Panlong Xiantao can be infinite. For example, the Xiangxi Peach Festival held by the Immortal Emperor uses Panlong Xiantao that takes 100,000 years to bloom, 100,000 years to bear fruit, and 100,000 years to mature. , and then it takes 30,000 years to brew Xiantao Wine!

Does that mean that the Immortal Peach Festival in Immortal Court is held once every 330,000 years?

The answer is of course no. Because the Immortal Family can accelerate time for the Panlong Immortal Peach Garden, generally speaking, the Immortal Garden holds a Fairy Peach Festival every ten thousand years. If necessary, it can also be held temporarily. After all, every time it is brewed There is excess Xiantao wine and it is stored in stock. I don’t know how many barrels have been accumulated in the wine warehouse now!

This information was provided by Fairy Suzaku in her memory, which made Xiaoxing overjoyed!

"Sir, when we go to the Immortal Realm from now on, we will first go to the Immortal Emperor's wine store to extract the Immortal Peach Wine and drink it to our heart's content! Haha!"

"This is a good idea!" Li Yun said with a smile.

While the two were talking and laughing here, they had already decided the fate of the Xiantao wine in the Immortal Emperor's wine storehouse.

In their opinion, no matter how strong the protection of the wine warehouse is, it cannot block Tianyun or prevent Xiaoxing from cracking it. Therefore, it is a certainty to go there and remove some wine.

Li Yun had almost adjusted his breath and was about to continue his previous research when he found that Bizhi had also walked in.

When he went outside, he didn't find Xing Zun, so he felt a little strange. He guessed that he must have come in to look for Li Yun, so he also came in to take a look. Unexpectedly, he saw that there were quite a lot of people here. In addition to Xing Zun, there was also Du Lin. He Dechun, and an unknown fairy, whose faces were not very clear.

"Senior, please sit down quickly!"

"Li Yun,

Who is this fairy? Why haven't you seen it? "

"Senior, she is a friend of Du Daxian. Now she comes to my place to drink tea. Please sit down and have a drink too!"

"Okay...okay...thank you very much!"

Bizhi had no doubt that he had it. When he saw that these people were concentrating on enjoying the spiritual tea in front of him, he did not bother them. He found a seat and sat down by himself. A cup of spiritual tea came in front of him and he took a closer look. , sluggish!

No surprise, Bizhi was also fascinated by Li Yun's tea-making skills, and soon fell into it...

"Sir, there are more and more people. Why don't we also read in the Taoist meaning in the Lin clan's bloodline, as well as Du Lin and Xing Zun's..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It makes sense! Sitting is just sitting anyway..."

Li Yun opened his eyes of time again and looked at...

He was reading the information here. Chi Yan and Huo Yan, who were watching from the Crystal Restaurant, felt quite strange and didn't know what Li Yun was doing.

"Senior, what are you watching them do?" Huo Yan asked curiously.

"Maybe he's looking at that chick!" Chi Yan snorted.

"Oh? Could it be that the Lord has taken a fancy to her? This girl's bloodline is not simple. She is a noble of the Suzaku clan..."

"I don't see that you have some discernment..." Chi Yan gave him a rare compliment.

"Haha, what's the point of sight? I'll know it just by smelling it with my nose!" Huo Yan said proudly.

"Then can you smell my bloodline?" Chi Yan asked.

"I don't dare to smell the blood of this... senior!"

"But why?"

"The power of your bloodline is too strong. If I smell it for a longer time, something may happen. Let's forget it." Huo Yan said with a blush.

"What about Li Yun's?"

"Your Excellency? I've smelled his blood before, but something went wrong after just a while. I don't dare to smell it again!"

"What?! Is this true?!" Chi Yan was startled and couldn't believe it.

"It's true! The power of his blood is extremely powerful. I almost fainted after just smelling it for a while. I felt that the blood in my whole body was about to be solidified, so I stopped immediately!"

"Wow..." Chi Yan's face was truly moved.

Now it seems that Li Yun's bloodline level is high enough to be comparable to his own, and maybe even stronger. How is this possible? !

Although Chi Yan has a long life, his knowledge of cultivation has not increased simultaneously. On the contrary, since he sleeps most of the time, he is only a little better than Huo Yan.

Regarding the origin of the power of blood, his knowledge is not as good as Li Yun's, and it relies more on his perceptual knowledge.

Therefore, he felt incredible that Li Yun had such a high-level bloodline at such a young age, and the reason he thought was almost exactly the same as Xing Zun and the others, that is, Li Yun must be the reincarnation of a great immortal in the immortal world for this situation to occur.

"So, Li Yun has taken a liking to this girl, which is a great benefit to her! He was originally the reincarnation of a great immortal in the immortal world, and now he is so powerful, his future achievements may be even higher than before!" Chi Yan said.

"Oh? Senior, are you saying that you are the reincarnation of a great immortal in the immortal world?" Huo Yan said in surprise.

"Of course! If this were not the case, could his bloodline power be so advanced? You must know that the bloodline power of the human race is extremely weak, not even comparable to that of the demon race, and it is almost one of the lowest life forms in the Xuanling world. "

"This... Senior's words make sense! It seems that I want to find Yuan Yi to check and see which immortal has been reincarnated recently!" Huo Yan said excitedly.

"Can you contact him here?" Chi Yan asked curiously.

"Senior, I don't know. This kid often follows Li Yun. Therefore, as long as I write this information down, he may see it. If he finds it, he will show it to me."

"That's it! No wonder I saw that Li Yun once displayed the words 'Who is the female fairy' on his robe. It seems that he also thought of this method and wanted Yuan Yi to help him check." Chi Yan suddenly said.

"Senior is really smart, he can tell you everything at once!" Huo Yan praised.

"Haha, why don't you dare to come and smell my bloodline?" Chiyan said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Of course…"

Huo Yan complimented, while writing out this information, he released a light curtain on the roof of the building...

Xiaoxing soon discovered this and informed Li Yun.

"Isn't it right? Are they all guessing that I am the reincarnation of a great immortal in the immortal world?" Li Yun was stunned.

"Other than this, they really can't think of any other reasons. If adults tell them the truth, they probably won't believe it." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"In this case, we might as well just use the trick and make it real." Li Yun teased.

"Actually, this is a good idea, otherwise the appearance of adults would be too abrupt and difficult to win people's trust." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Yes, this is indeed a good way to do as the Romans do. However, I don't know who Yuan Yi can find out which immortal is reincarnated..."

"Actually, everyone knows that it is not easy to find out the truth, because if a great immortal wants to reincarnate, he will definitely consider all aspects of the issue. The most important thing is to protect the safety after reincarnation. Therefore, he must be fully prepared. , he won’t let others know, maybe even his followers and disciples don’t know about it.” Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It's difficult to keep the disciples and disciples from knowing. What will he do?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Of course it is better to keep a clone if possible, but maybe during the reincarnation process, the clone will not exist, but will disappear together with the main body." Xiaoxing guessed.

"It makes sense! Since he is reincarnated, of course he will destroy everything before him and transfer it to a new life. Maybe... the magic of body-changing can help him survive for a while..." Li Yun muttered.

"Transformation? Sir, you mean to let someone pretend to be him?" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Yes. It should be safer to find the most trustworthy disciple to pretend to be him, because this disciple must be the person who is most familiar with him, so there will be no flaws. There is no problem in pretending for a period of time. .”

"This trick is really good! Of course, if this person does not have such a talent, there is nothing he can do. After all, the requirements for pretending to be him are extremely high. With so many disciples and disciples, any one of them may discover him because of some details. Abnormal." Xiaoxing said.

"So, after this person pretends to be his master through the magic of body-changing, he must find a reason to retreat or go on a trip. In short, he must find the most suitable reason to disappear from everyone for a period of time. For him, it doesn’t matter how long he can hide it, and it’s best if he can hide it until his reincarnated master comes back, and then he’s done!” Li Yun said with a smile.

"This... actually has an important task for him!" Xiaoxing said.

"You mean..."

"Looking for the reincarnation of the former master! Since the reincarnation process is extremely uncertain, the whereabouts of the former master are unknown as soon as he is reincarnated. Of course, this person has to be searched all over the world. On the one hand, he wants to find him, and on the other hand, he needs to find him. On the one hand, we need to protect him from growing up, which can be said to be a long and arduous task!”

"Hey, it's really like this! I wonder if Yuan Yi can think of this? You know, the immortals who show these abnormal behaviors may be reincarnated!" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he praised.

"With Yuan Yi's wisdom and experience, he should be able to know, right? However, the immortal world is so big and there are so many great immortals. It is not easy to identify those who are reincarnating among thousands of great immortals!"

"That's true..."

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