The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1675 Auspicious Beast Formation Spirit

Li Yunzheng was chatting with Xiaoxing while reading the bloodline meanings of these people. Suddenly, his consciousness locked on a point in the space, and saw a flash of light there, and a light curtain slowly popped up!

"Wen Hui, the youngest daughter of the Thirteenth Son of the Immortal Emperor, King Shang! One rice dumpling!"

This message flashed for a while and finally disappeared...

"Sir, this guy Yuan Yi is a Qilin with a big mouth. Such a little information costs a rice dumpling, not to mention that we already know it!" Xiaoxing shouted.

"That's not true. After all, it was us who asked him, and it does cost a lot to send information from the fairy world."

"Although the cost is high, it is definitely not as good as one of our rice dumplings. Didn't Fairy Wenhui tell Du Lin? She feels that this rice dumpling can extend people's life by at least 50,000 to 200,000 years. Yuan Yi must have heard this That’s why I decided to ask for rice dumplings!”

"Your guess should be good. He must have heard it. In short, this guy has no profit and can't afford it early. Let's mark him down first." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, the message he replied to Huo Yan was that he was under investigation and had a piece of low-grade immortal stone."

"I hope he can receive a low-grade immortal stone from Xiao Yan." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, it would be great if he could receive a rice dumpling from the adults. How could Xiao Yan give him another low-grade immortal stone? The low-grade immortal stone he deceived last time has not yet been settled with him!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Li Yun was overjoyed when he recalled what Huo Yan said about being deceived by Yuan Yi into getting a low-grade immortal stone. Yuan Yi seemed to be even more money-crazed than Xiao Xing. If the two of them met in the future, I don't know what trouble would happen.

The information he just received from Yuan Yi was completely consistent with what he saw from Fairy Wenhui. This made Li Yun more confident in his Eye of Time technique, because this was an excellent verification process. Although he felt The training has been successful, but I don't know to what extent it can be achieved. Now it seems that even the Suzaku clan of the peak bloodline of the immortal world can see through it, which shows that his eye of time can almost see through the Taoist meaning of all bloodlines. Therefore, Li Yun is happy Under the circumstances, I felt that it was not an exaggeration to reward Yuan Yi with a rice dumpling.

He calmed down and continued reading, and time passed by bit by bit...

Three months later, Li Yun finally recovered from his practice. He looked at the small space full of tea guests and couldn't help but smile. As soon as these people came in to see what was going on, they were fascinated by his way of tea. Live, and by the way, I have contributed my bloodline and Taoist meaning to myself, and I am still in the process of comprehending it now.

"How's the situation outside?"

"They... are quite quiet.

That plump and plump Ma Yuan made a fortune, and almost every force bought the Lord's information jade slips from him, and now everyone is in a daze after seeing it..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"A bit exaggerated, right? I hope there won't be too serious consequences..."

"According to your will, it is easy to charm them, so the initiative lies in your hands. The little slave also discovered something..."

"What's up?"

"After the two demons Tie Mu and Feng Hou discovered this scene, they stole two jade slips to watch when no one was paying attention. As a result, they are now..."


"I guess I have become obsessed with adults. I spend the whole day in that small space sometimes laughing, sometimes sighing, and have no intention of practicing..."

"Isn't it? However, these two demons still have some value. If you can catch them first, they will be more useful in the demon world later." Li Yun thought.

"Yes! It's better to let Xiao Yan catch them first to avoid trouble."


Xiaoxing quickly sent a message to Huo Yan...

"How are the formation spirits recovering?" Li Yun asked again.

"My lord, I haven't recovered yet!"

"Oh? Isn't it okay after such a long time?" Li Yunqi asked.

The last time I caught that formation spirit was three months ago. With Xiaoxing's current medical skills, as well as his own life-extending pills and other medicines, it is unlikely that he has not been cured yet.

"The formation spirit of the great formation is a life form. Its race is the Baize tribe, another auspicious beast in the spiritual world that Bizhi mentioned earlier. It has a very high level of cultivation. It should have been corrected and trained by the formation master of the Lin tribe. Array Spirit. After being hit by the star power, he has been unconscious for an extremely long time. His body has deteriorated and his cultivation has dropped sharply. It would be good if he could save his life. Therefore, Xiaonu is just reviving him first and letting him slow down. Slow recovery. If he is allowed to improve to his original state all at once, he will definitely take too much medication and leave sequelae." Xiaoxing explained.

"It makes sense! Disease comes like a mountain and disappears like a thread. Don't act too hastily! However, now we need to repair the formation. This formation spirit..."

"Don't worry, sir. I will develop another formation spirit for them to use. In fact, this Baize tribe's formation spirit is not up to par at all. Even if he recovers completely, his formation power still cannot guarantee that he can perfectly control this twelve-person formation." It is inevitable that there will be problems again when the time comes.”

"If he could control it perfectly, he wouldn't be knocked down by the star power..." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, so, although he is awake now, but Xiaonu asked him if he would like to be a formation spirit again, he refused even to death." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's so?! Then how did he cooperate with Correction in the first place?"

"He was the person sent by the clan to learn from Jiancong. In fact, all the formation spirits who were in charge of the Lin Clan's formation were such people. Since there were many contacts between auspicious beasts and birds, Jiufeng had a great reputation at the time. Other tribes sent people to learn the formations from him. Some of these people returned home with success, while others continued to follow him. Later, when he created these formations, they were all obsessed with it and would rather The formation spirits did not want to return to the clan, so they signed an agreement with Jiu Chong, and the Lin clan paid a huge price to their clan in exchange for them becoming formation spirits," Xiaoxing said.

"Is there no formation spirit from the Lin clan among them?"

"Really not! It seems that there are no geniuses among the disciples or disciples who correct the mistakes, so when they need formation spirits, they have to ask other auspicious beast clans for help." Xiaoxing sighed.

"This should be the reason why the Lin clan themselves cannot properly maintain these formations!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

I learned from the information that after correcting the mistakes and creating these formations, he directly ascended to the fairy world. It seems that he is an unparalleled formation wizard from the Lin tribe, but he is only good at himself and does not pay much attention to teaching others. There is no formation genius in him, so most of his formation methods were learned by other auspicious beasts, and he even became an formation spirit.

Anyone who can become a level 12 great formation spirit is of course a genius in formation. I am afraid that just one of them can be more powerful than the most famous formation master in the spiritual world. This shows that among the auspicious beasts, Genius cannot be underestimated!

No wonder auspicious beasts and auspicious birds often become the patron saints of the spiritual world. This is of course for a reason. Their bloodline level is extremely high, and the bloodline they inherit is very strong. It can guarantee the birth of a certain number of geniuses. This is a a natural advantage.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for backward races to surpass them, and it requires continuous efforts from generation to generation.

Now, in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, the human race has a strong momentum of development in the spiritual world and has given birth to a group of amazing geniuses. As their Taoism continues to spread and be passed on, the human race's bloodline level will definitely accelerate. , it should only be a matter of time before we catch up and surpass other races.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Xiao Xing laughing and saying, "Sir, Xiao Yan has already arrested Tie Mu and Feng Hou!"

"Not bad, the speed is quite fast..." Li Yun praised.

"This matter is not difficult for him, because those two people have already been completely addicted to the adults' information and can't extricate themselves..."

"To be honest, I really can't imagine that they can see it to this extent when they read the information. Are our things really so attractive?" Li Yun said in disbelief.

"For people in the Xuanling world, many of the things we do are extremely novel, bringing them completely different ideas and causing an extremely powerful impact, just like a person suddenly went to an alien world, so What he sees and hears is very likely to completely break his original thinking world, not to mention that we are standing at the highest level of the former universe. In Xiaonu's think tank, everything in the former universe is still evolving and developing. , the height is still rising, so it is expected that they are attracted and addicted..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Actually, we are not completely copying everything from the previous universe, but taking the essence and combining it with our own continuous exploration in the mysterious world to reach this point." Li Yun added.

"That's true. If you apply it mechanically, you will definitely get a bloody head." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Now we must not be careless. I think we have begun to contact the upper part of the Xuanling world. Although we already have a certain strength, we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and be careful about sailing the ten thousand year ship. We must not If you make a mistake, even if you really make a mistake, you can only make a small mistake, not a big one, because now we are not only responsible for ourselves, but also for so many people in the Universiade Palace." Li Yun said seriously.

"Don't worry, sir! I understand, little slave!"

"Okay, let's repair the formation as soon as possible. Next, there are other formations of the Lin clan that need to be repaired. Of course, there are also robe exhibitions and other things. By the way, are we going to the Dragon Horse God's Domain? "Li Yun thought.

"If you want to travel in Lin Territory with peace of mind, you might as well send someone to Longma God Territory to have a look first. If Sima Kong needs help, help him." Xiaoxing suggested.

"What a great idea! Who should we send?"

"Actually, the strength of Sima Kong and the eight Venerable Longma are already at the pinnacle of the spiritual world. Even people like Dechun couldn't easily defeat them in the past. Therefore, if even they are in trouble, it must be the big one. Trouble! Only by letting Xiao Yan pass can we ensure that nothing happens!"


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