The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1766 The Harmony between Heaven and Man 1

Xiaoxing continued: "Although Shi Yue's injury is serious, it is not a problem if the master and the slave take action. The situation is similar to the last time Situ Heng was injured after Zhanshan's counterattack. As long as the master can remove the internal organs in his body, , blood, blood vessels, spiritual veins, immortal veins and other organs are straightened out, and then fed with longevity pills, they can recover in a very short time. However, Bian Yingyi does not have such a powerful spiritual power as an adult and cannot observe And control and straighten his body, and there is no high-grade life-extending pill to powerfully restore the vitality in his body. Therefore, as soon as he saw Shi Yue, he almost sentenced him to death..."

"What happened next?"

"On the one hand, it is the pleading of Guidong and others, and on the other hand, such a case is also a treasure for a good alchemist. If he can conquer such a case, it will definitely be helpful to his medical knowledge. , so Bianying began to think about how to treat..."

"What did he think of?"

"Bian Ying discovered that Shi Yue was already extremely weak at that time, and his body could hardly accept even one more pill, otherwise he would most likely die from the poison. In addition, any means of rescuing him would be too weak for him. Another cut on the body will increase the damage and not benefit him!" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! At that time, Shi Yue's body should have been like an extremely fragile ice-cracked body. It could be completely broken if you were not careful. Even if I were to operate it, I would have to be very alert and proceed with caution." Li Yun sighed.

"Yes, so Bian Ying did not act rashly. After observing and thinking, he decided to leave Shi Yue idle and let it recover on its own!" Xiaoxing said.

"Idle? Fortunately, he really thought of it!" Li Yun praised.

"Indeed, it can be seen from this that Bian Ying's medical knowledge has reached a certain height! He believes that the human body is a life form that is very consistent with the cycle of heaven and has a strong self-healing ability, as long as he does not interfere too much with its operation. , the human body is able to repair the damage it has suffered. Therefore, Bianying decided to put Shiyue intact in this small valley with excellent natural environment, allowing him to completely relax and not think about or do anything. It's best to blend in with everything around you...The result is what adults see now!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"This treatment method is really unique, and its guiding ideology of the unity of nature and man is worthy of our careful study, because I can tell that Shi Yue's current state is not particularly bad. On the contrary, he has already recovered!" Li Yun sighed.

"Your Majesty is right. Shi Yue's internal organs have recovered from damage and have returned to their original positions. The blood flow and spiritual energy circulation in the body have gradually recovered. It can be said that there is no problem if Bian Ying wants to treat him now. ." Xiaoxing said.

"It took less than half a year to restore Shi Yue to such a state. Bian Ying has indeed found the best natural path to recovery. It also proves that the human body's self-healing ability is extremely strong.

If we re-examine many medical treatments, it would actually be better not to do them at all! "Li Yun commented.

"Hey, that's exactly it. After many people get sick, they either ignore it and get more serious until they are terminally ill, or they are eager to be cured, regardless of the costs they may have to pay in the treatment process. At a heavy cost, neither attitude is the best way to seek medical treatment. The latter, in particular, is often misled by quack doctors. They treat headaches in the head and foot pains in the feet. As a result, one area is treated, but it leads to worse symptoms in other areas. For serious problems, for example, in the previous universe, there was a kind of surgery called puncture surgery, such as gastric puncture, liver puncture, kidney puncture... The quack doctors would usually say that they just make a small incision, go straight to the lesion, and then treat the lesion. It will not cause any harm to the stomach, liver and kidneys...As everyone knows, this treatment method is a typical method of treating headaches and foot pain. The lesions may not be treated well, and the internal organs are also punctured. It will leave a terrible legacy in the future..."

"Well, this is indeed not worth the loss, because there are many reasons for the formation of lesions, and treating them from the outside after puncture can only have a temporary effect, but if the cause is not removed, it may not take long for larger and more serious lesions to appear. Terrifying lesions, in addition, the damage caused by puncture will block the overall function of the internal organs, reduce the ability by at least 30%, and form new lesions at the wound..." Li Yun thought.

"Yes, so the most important thing is to find the root cause of the disease, treat it from the root of the disease, and use the body's self-healing ability to overcome the disease. This is a treatment method that is in line with the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature."

"Okay, if you find that Bian Ying is going to start treating Shi Yue, be sure to remind me to watch it at the same time." Li Yun said with a smile.

"no problem."

Li Yun is very interested in Bian Ying's idea of ​​the unity of nature and man. This idea is consistent with his own way of vitality to a certain extent, because his own way of vitality is also in the study of the natural way of things themselves. If you don't follow the laws of nature, you won't be able to get the Taoist meaning of life.

If we can sublimate and summarize Bian Ying's medical knowledge, in Li Yun's opinion, it is to regard the human body as a small world, with each organ and veins performing their respective duties, endless circulation, and endless life. This small world can continue to It is developing, growing and full of vitality.

And if this small world is hit and damaged and comes to a temporary standstill, as long as the rules of the world are still there, the cycle can slowly recover on its own, and vitality will slowly grow in this cycle, nourishing various organs and making them rejuvenated. vitality.

However, if someone forcibly intervenes in treatment after the small world is injured, it would be best if the entire system of heaven and earth can be straightened out and cured. But if only local organs are cured but the rules of heaven and earth are destroyed, then the internal The circulation system will be irreversibly destroyed, and the vitality will gradually disappear, and then this small world will fall into silence...

Therefore, it is best for the alchemist to intervene in the treatment to comply with the circulatory system of heaven and earth in the body, and add a push to help it circulate and regenerate better, instead of adding a resistance to artificially cut off the circulation in the body. If this is done, even if Even if the superficial symptoms are cured temporarily, problems will still arise in the future and bring about other problems.

There are countless related cases stored in Xiaoxing Think Tank. Many of them were caused by unreasonable and forced intervention by doctors in the early stage, which made many injuries that could have healed slowly become more serious with treatment. This not only cost money, but also eventually led to catastrophe.

For example, there is a small case in which a child suffered a bone fracture. Based on the child's self-healing ability, as long as the nutritional care can keep up, the child will be able to heal on its own in about a month without any major problems.

But the parents loved their children so much that they sent the child to a so-called famous doctor. As a result, the famous doctor treated the child according to the symptoms of broken bones. He cut open the skin and flesh, flattened both sides of the broken bones, put steel nails in them, locked them, and said that they would wait until they healed. Years later, the skin and flesh will be cut open to remove the steel nails, and then wait for healing...

As a result, the child suffered multiple injuries, and his minor illness turned into a serious illness. He did not recover for a year, and he could only lie in bed and be taken care of...

There is another example, which is also related to bones. It is said that someone has bone spurs on their legs and it is very uncomfortable. For the human body, it is normal to have bone spurs at a certain age. As long as you use some external means to take care of them, you can make them more comfortable. He slowly adapted and healed on his own, but this person went to see a famous doctor, who showed him the terrible situation of bone spurs, which scared him to death. Finally, he had an operation to remove all the bone spurs that had grown out. Removed!

However, this person's disaster also began. Due to the severe damage to the periosteum, his entire leg was in excruciating pain and he could not walk. He had joint effusion and needed to be cared for in a wheelchair, making him a disabled person...

There have been so many examples like this in the past universe that it can be said to be too numerous to list.

These cases are an excellent explanation of the principle that medical ethics should be consistent with the operation of the human body, instead of treating headaches in the head, foot pains in the feet, treating the symptoms but not the root cause. Such treatment will only bring greater pain and suffering to the patient. disaster.

Of course, part of the reason why those so-called famous doctors and quack doctors have a market is that some patients do not understand medical theory, blindly believe in famous doctors, and have eager expectations for a cure. They wish that their illness will be cured tomorrow. This is of course inconsistent with the development of the disease. Yes, you must know that illness comes like a mountain and goes away like a thread. If you want to get rid of it overnight, you will definitely pay a heavy price in other aspects.

For example, some people use a variety of methods to treat minor cold symptoms, such as intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. As a result, the symptoms may not recover quickly. Even if they recover, the body's vitality will have to be sacrificed. The cost is huge, leading to a decline in one's own immunity, making it easier to catch colds in the future...

This kind of treatment simply treats human life as trivial. Medical practitioners only focus on money and have no respect for human life at all. This is the most taboo thing for doctors with medical ethics!

This information quickly passed through Li Yun's mind. He sighed slightly, came back to his senses, and respected Bian Ying even more. A person who can practice the medical way of integrating nature and man will definitely not be any worse in medical ethics. There is no doubt about it.

Shi Yue was able to find him for treatment, which meant that his life was saved.

Li Yun believed that Shi Yue would be able to recover, but he would not dare to use the method of time to avoid that major injury, because the situation in the wilderness world was extremely complicated at that time, and even if he avoided Sima Kong's palm, he might still fall. Enter other more dangerous situations. For example, if he happens to fall within the control of his Xingyun No. 1, he will be caught by himself and he will not even have a chance to escape...

"Sir, something big seems to have happened in Longma Divine Realm..." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Say it quickly!"

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