The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1767 Dragon-horse battle

Xiaoxing cast several screens of light in Li Yun's mind and said: "Someone invaded the Dragon Horse God's Domain, and the target seems to be the little dragon horses that were cultivated..."

"Oh my god... Where are Erlin and the others?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"They haven't arrived yet. Longma God Realm is too far away from Linyu! And Xingyun 2 is not flying at full speed."

"What about Sima Kong?"

"He and the eight Venerable Longma have arrived at the Dragon Horse God's Domain, and are now organizing manpower to fight against the foreign enemies. However, it seems that more and more powerful foreign enemies are coming, and they seem to have some connection with the Longma clan..." Xiao Star said.

"What? This happened?!" Li Yun screamed.

He stared closely at the light screen, observing the intruders, and a look of shock soon appeared on his face!

Yes, as Xiaoxing said, those people look almost the same as the people of the Longma clan. If there is a real difference, it is only in hair color, body hair, and facial features, but other appearances The features are basically the same.

In other words, they are just under the same category of the Longma clan, with some slight differences in image, just like the people of the Lin clan are divided into various Lin clans.

"Where did these Longma tribesmen come from? Are there still different Longma tribes in the Longma God's Domain?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Sir, they are not the Dragon Horse tribe living in the Dragon Horse God's Domain, because Sima Kong and the eight Dragon Horse Lords have long unified the Dragon Horse God's Domain and taken control of it. All the resources and dragon horse populations in the God's Domain are in their area. They live under arrangements. These intruders come from the outside world, and the ground network has not found their specific area yet, but judging from the direction, they came from the northeast of the Dragon Horse God Realm." Xiaoxing said.

"It seems that it was indeed a foreign invasion! However, Sima Kong heard the call for help in the wild world at that time, and it took a certain amount of time to rush there. The coming and going took a long time. It can be seen that these foreign tribes did not launch this invasion deliberately. It's been a long time, but it's more like a temporary idea..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes, if the foreigners had planned it for a long time and launched it suddenly, with their current strength, they could easily occupy the Longma Divine Realm without Sima Kong and Venerable Longma, but now they are blocked by Sima Kong and Venerable Longma. Yes!" Xiaoxing agreed.

Li Yun observed while saying: "There are too many powerful foreigners. It is difficult for Sima Kong and the eight Longma Masters to resist for too long. When will Erlin and the others arrive?!"

"Don't worry, sir. After Xiaonu discovered the danger, he has already ordered them to move forward at full speed. They should be approaching the Dragon Horse God Realm now!" Xiaoxing said.

"Okay! It seems that the first person to stir up trouble should be someone with a lower cultivation level.

After that, the strong men from both sides started to fight one after another, but now the strongest men from both sides have started to collide head-on! However, judging from the current battle scene, there are more and more powerful foreign warriors, and Sima Kong is almost finished..." Li Yun sighed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Sima Kong and the eight Dragon Horse Masters each throwing out a glittering Qingyuan Ship and ducking in. Soon, the nine people formed a fleet and fought with the foreign Dragon Horse Masters. Let’s fight!

"Eh?!" Li Yun was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, Sima Kong actually used this move. It seemed that he had practiced it before, but they definitely didn't expect that this move would be used.

Although the Qingyuan ship is of a lower level, the God-concentrating stone in it can increase their spiritual power. In addition, the ship's other configurations are also extremely advanced, which greatly increases the combat power of the nine Sima Kong people. Suddenly the momentum of the disadvantage was reversed and the counterattack began!

Divine Consciousness Thorn, Divine Consciousness Spear, Divine Consciousness Peak...all the divine consciousness weapons were thrown at the strong opponent as if they were free of charge. The scene was extremely spectacular and thrilling!

With the strength of Sima Kong's nine people, they can control the Qingyuan ship like an arm and a finger, and they are flexible and maneuverable. The level is much higher than when Li Yun first started to control it. This makes the fleet appear elusive, disperse and attack together, as one, and can Concentrate all your strength to attack one or two of the opponent's strong men, causing the opponent's strong men to fall down one after another!


Not only Li Yun and Xiao Xing were excited to see it, but everyone else on the battlefield was stunned!

Everyone on the Longma Divine Realm side was extremely excited to see it, while the foreigners were all frightened!

The Longma clan relies more on personal physical strength and natal skills when fighting, and rarely uses this kind of weapon refining treasure. In their eyes, the use of external weapons is inferior, and they look down on it at all. They trust their fists more.

However, after encountering the Qingyuan fleet, these foreign invaders finally tasted the power of external weapons and did not dare to fight anymore. With a shout, everyone swarmed back, panicking like a lost dog!

How could the Qingyuan fleet let these foreigners go? It pursued them all the way and defeated countless enemies. In the end, only a few strong foreigners escaped from the Dragon Horse God Realm...


Sima Kong and eight Venerable Longma appeared. Looking at the foreigners who were fleeing for their lives, their faces showed great pride and they laughed wildly!

This time it was really fun and exciting!

But after they laughed, their faces darkened, because foreign enemies almost never appeared in the Longma God's Domain. What they didn't expect was that the foreign enemies who appeared turned out to be the Longma tribe!

This makes them feel a little bad!

The Dragon Horse God Realm is isolated in an interstellar space outside the spiritual continent. It is difficult to be discovered by outsiders, so it has been able to stay safe for so many years. But now the situation is different. It has been exposed, and it is the Dragon Horse tribe that has been provoked.

Although the Dragon Horse Divine Realm is also dominated by the Dragon Horse tribe, these dragon horses are actually domesticated by the human race, and after a long period of integration between the human race and the dragon horse, a unique dragon horse tribe has been formed, which can be called the "Long Horse Human Race". Their bloodline is the fusion of the dragon-horse tribe and the human race. It can be said that the bloodlines of the three tribes merge into one!

Even the human race in the Dragon Horse God's Domain is actually the blood of the three races united into one, but the human race is the main one in appearance.

Of course, Sima Kong is the main representative. Although he usually considers himself human, if he transforms into a dragon and horse, he can be comparable to other dragon and horse masters!

In the Dragon Horse God's Domain, the Dragon Horse tribe has maintained the uniqueness of its bloodline, but now that it is discovered by foreigners, this bloodline will definitely arouse the covetousness of other Dragon Horse tribes. To them, these Dragon Horse tribes are like a fresh and delicious dish. No matter what, I came here to have a taste.

In addition, the tribesmen in this God's Domain have never seen foreigners exist before, and their thoughts are extremely simple and easy to manage. But now that foreigners appear, it is like breaking through a layer of window paper, allowing them to see that there are people outside who are similar to themselves. Quite different tribesmen, those people are certainly a new dish compared to themselves, so there must be some people who want to communicate with foreign tribes.

In fact, many people from the Dragon Horse God's Domain were captured in the internal space of those strong foreigners who escaped. It can be said that the blood of the Dragon Horse Human Race has been leaked out, and it is difficult to keep it.

This is tantamount to a major blow to Sima Kong and the eight Longma Venerables!

Therefore, this battle seems to be the final victory of Longma God Realm, but in fact it also suffered heavy losses, and it was the most serious blood leakage...

No wonder Sima Kong and the others stopped laughing after laughing for a while. They looked at each other with extremely heavy expressions on their faces!

"Sir, what should we do now? Many people escaped from them..." Long Yi sighed.

"Yes, they also captured many of us. It's impossible to rescue them!" Long Er agreed.

"Exactly, now that the blood of our tribe has leaked out, we will be in trouble in the future!" Long San said sadly.

"That's right..."

The rest of the people echoed.

Sima Kong felt quite depressed and sighed: "It's a pity that our training on the Qingyuan Fleet was not proficient enough and we were unable to use the Divine Consciousness Network. If we had this sharp weapon, we would definitely be able to catch them all..."

When he got Li Yun's Qingyuan ship, he also got several basic training methods that Li Yun gave him, including how to use the spiritual consciousness net to catch the enemy, but after he got the Qingyuan ship, he almost I never thought that one day I would use them to fight the enemy, so I never trained them well. I just played with eight Venerable Ryoma for a while.

"Sir, it's too late to regret now. We must understand where they come from, and then exchange the prisoners for our people." Long Yi suggested.

Sima Kong's eyes lit up when he heard this. Yes, our side also defeated countless enemies in this battle. We haven't taken a good inventory yet!

There should be no problem in exchanging prisoners with the other party at that time.

He immediately cheered up and led them back the way they came...

"Prisoner exchange? Fortunately they could think of it..." Li Yun couldn't help laughing and chuckled.

"Hey, people like Sima Kong are so arrogant. They think they can exchange for their own people by taking prisoners. Little do they know that what the other party wants is their blood. Now that they have finally captured a group of people, how can they exchange them back easily? Even if they are exchanged, I'm afraid The blood in their bodies is about to be drained!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"That's right! Even if it comes back, the blood of the Dragon Horse people has leaked out and is no longer mysterious! We can protect them once, but we can't protect them more times in the future, because their unique Dragon Horse people have been exposed, and there are countless foreigners. There is no way to get their blood, it's hard to guard against." Li Yun sighed.

"Sir, do you want Erlin to give the captured foreign warriors to Sima Kong?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Hold it for the time being. These strong men also have prisoners of the Longma tribe. They have both bloodlines and are of research value to us. Besides, as I just said, the Longma tribe has been exposed. No matter how much Sima Kong protects him, it is impossible. It will prevent the blood of his clan from flowing out, so returning it to him will be of no use at all," Li Yun said.

"That's true..."

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