The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1770 The Origin of the Lin Clan

Li Yun did not expect that the majestic Lin people would have such an ignorant side. If the Holy Fire was truly omnipotent, it would not be so frightened by him that it would hide in the Vulcan Hall and dare not come out.

Little , the person who proposed using holy fire to treat the plague was Dechun himself. He believed that the reason why the Lin people suffered from the plague was because they were possessed by evil spirits. As long as the so-called evil spirits were driven out of their bodies, the plague would be natural. It can be lifted, so he also held a clan ceremony and invited a holy fire to exorcise evil spirits. It was during that clan ceremony that he used the power of his bloodline, and then he saw what the adults had passed on to him through the Ziwei Star. Information about Xiaofu.”

Li Yun was stunned when he heard this. It seemed that this matter was really wrong. If Dechun hadn't suddenly wanted to use the holy fire to exorcise evil spirits, it was unlikely that he would have used the power of blood casually, and he would not have been able to find out what he had sent to him. of that message.

Now Xiaofu was sent back by him, but the "evil energy" in the Lin patients was still there, and it was getting worse. It could be said that it slapped Dechun hard in the face, making him very embarrassed.

In addition, the status of the Holy Fire in the minds of the Lin people should have declined. They should now know that the Holy Fire is not omnipotent. On the contrary, Li Yun can easily conquer it.

This is another reason why the Lin people admire Li Yun so much.

Li Yun's respect can be attributed to the two things of the middle-grade Immortal Formation and the surrender of the Holy Fire. Of course, he will soon bring another surprise to the Lin Clan, which is to cure the plague.

Just as I was thinking about this, I heard Dechun say loudly: "Everyone, the dance performed by the little girl and the Lin girls is just to attract others. Next, our own dancers will bring the Fire Lin dance performance. Please enjoy it!"

When Li Yun heard this, he felt that it was not easy to interrupt the ethnic dance performance casually, so he had to endure it and continue watching...

"Sir, if you want to relieve the pain of those patients, you can send them out to Tuntiandou for treatment first, and then take pill pills later." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun's eyes lit up. This method was most suitable for use now, so he secretly mobilized his troops and sent out a batch of Tiantian Dou. Each Tiantian Dou was more than enough to treat one person, but it took a long time. Just a little longer.

"Sir, you can send out Tiantian Dou by spreading auspicious light. In this way, the Lin tribe will know that this matter is related to you, and they will not think that this is a mysterious event. Moreover, you can also learn from them logically. Harvest the light of merit and faith." Xiaoxing suggested.

"Okay, just do as you say!"

Li Yun felt that what Xiaoxing said was reasonable.

Sometimes it is not always good to just do good deeds in secret. When appropriate, make the good deeds public to benefit others and yourself.

Moreover, he had previously promised to cure the plague in the Lin tribe in front of Dechun, so it was okay to start from now on.

As a result, his mind moved slightly, and a beam of auspicious light blooming from his body began to refract from high in the sky, shining on the Vulcan Stage. The pure and vibrant aura of light made the people on the stage feel it at once!

"Huh? This is..."

"It's the auspicious light of Immortal Li Yun!"

"Not bad, it's so comfortable!"

"Yes, I feel it..."

"I really didn't expect that he would still think of us at this time..."

Under the auspicious light, the Lin patients seemed to have suddenly regained their vitality, their spirits were lifted, and they started talking one after another.

What they don't know is that along with the aura of light comes the virtual swallowing pockets. As soon as they come into contact with wounds on their bodies, mouth, nose, ears or skin, they can unknowingly integrate into their bodies and begin to devour their souls. insect…

This is the amazing thing about Tiantian Dou after becoming empty!

Unless people with extremely strong spiritual or immortal consciousness are likely to detect their invasion, otherwise they will only be easily attacked. Only when the swallowing sky pocket devours organs and flesh and blood in their bodies can they discover and fight against them, but if If you encounter a group of Tiantian Dou, the outcome can be imagined.

It can be said that the Tentian Dou team is capable of devouring everything in its path. Everything in its path is swallowed up. Such ability is of course extremely terrifying and extremely harmful to Tianhe. This is why the Tentian Dou was later punished by God. , the reason why they were hunted by the soul race and gradually declined. If Li Yun hadn't saved them, I'm afraid this race would really disappear in the Xuanling world.

However, the Tiantian Dou trained by Li Yun are all his little slaves and maids, and they completely obey his instructions and wishes, allowing them to only devour soul worms and never eat any other substances. Therefore, these Tiantian Dou have also been trained by Li Yun. A murderous weapon turned into a life-saving medicine. If anyone knew about this, it would scare everyone's jaws.

It can be seen that whether a sharp weapon is good or bad depends not only on its own condition, but also on who is in the hands of it. One thought can become a Buddha or a thought. There is often a thin line between truth and lies...

The Lin tribe plague patients on the Shenhuo Platform were bathed in Li Yun's auspicious light. They felt that the loss of essence in their bodies was decreasing, but the vitality was increasing. Everyone was full of excitement. Except for some people who were still in coma, the others were I struggled to sit up and began to pray...

Sure enough, just as Xiaoxing expected, Li Yun's actions allowed him to gain countless merits and light of faith. This was not his main purpose, but just the natural result after doing good things.

In the Tiande Hall, everyone's attention was attracted by the dance of the Fire Lin Clan. Except for a few people such as Correction, Huo Yan, Dechun, and Bizhi, he did not notice the situation on the Vulcan Stage.

At this time, this long-prepared grand dance finally officially begins!

In a space where chaos has just emerged, the pure air rises, the turbid matter sinks, and the sky and the earth begin to appear, but everything is gray. It is not until light shines in that amazing changes gradually occur here.

Mountains and rivers are towering, rivers are running, plants are luxuriant, and life is flourishing...

The vitality of this world is enviable, and in the evolution of this world, one kind of life gradually became stronger and formed the later Lin Clan. As this world differentiated into some smaller worlds, the Lin Clan also Various branches began to appear and became different Lin clans.

In the Fire Lin Realm area, the light here seems to be getting stronger and stronger. At first, this area became the largest and most prosperous interface in the Lin Realm. However, these lights are full of the essence of the sun and are scorching the world. It is almost going to burn the world. It melts away, making the surface of the Fire Lin Realm gradually unsuitable for the growth of life, but there are still lives that can survive and develop tenaciously, including of course the Fire Lin Clan.

Later, some kind of compromise seemed to be reached between heaven and earth and the sun's essence fire. The heat brought by the sun's essence fire was introduced into the ground and transformed into a huge underground magma world. The magma erupted, forming countless large and small caves on the surface. Volcanoes make this place a unique volcanic world!

Fire sprayed upwards and water flowed downwards, forming several vast seas underground in the Fire Lin Realm. The underground rivers were criss-crossing, making it inexhaustible.

The Fire Lin Tribe has also slowly shifted the focus of its activities to the underground space. In particular, those extinct volcanoes are natural underground worlds, which are very suitable for the growth and development of the Fire Lin Tribe. As a result, many cities have gradually been formed in these extinct volcano areas. , lush and prosperous…

This evolutionary process is somewhat simple and straightforward to describe, but in fact, in this changing world, it is extremely difficult for the life living in it to adapt to the changes, because the changes in the environment are sometimes sudden, and many Before life has time to adapt to the last environmental conditions, it is forced to face the test of another new environment. The weak are often eliminated, and only the strong are likely to survive...

But even the strong must be cautious, because environmental changes are only one of the factors, and there are also various strong players around them who are eyeing them. They are facing strong competition and the test of blood and fire...

The Lin Clan relied on its own strength to stand out in this large-scale competition and became the overlord of the Fire Lin Realm.

However, what is different from other places in the spiritual world is that here, the competition between the Lin tribe and other races is not a life-and-death battle between you and me. They advocate harmonious coexistence, and those who can act according to the rules will never Kill them all, but give other races a space to survive and develop.

This approach not only allows other races to survive and develop on this vast land, but also brings great benefits to the Fire Lin Tribe itself, because the prosperity of the species also means the flourishing of vitality, and the Fire Lin World seems to be deserted. A piece of land is actually full of vitality, because there are countless life forms living under the surface...

Even in Tiande City now, in addition to the Lin clan themselves, there are many people from other races living in the Fire Lin Realm. The blood levels of these people are not low, and are higher than those of other races in the spiritual world. There are all these. They do not need special invitation or permission from the Lin tribe to come here. Instead, they can come and go freely according to the agreement between the parties. As long as you do not violate the rules, you can go unimpeded.

Each race has its own advantages. Even a small spiritual grass has its own unique advantages within its characteristics. As long as it is used well, it can bring great benefits.

The Lin tribe and other races learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, and promote each other, so that their own bloodline levels are constantly improving. Moreover, their many brave battles to protect the safety of the spiritual world have also been recognized by this world and the fairy court. He was given the title of auspicious beast and had his own auspicious ring.

As a result, many ancestors of the Lin tribe got the opportunity to ascend to the fairy world by helicopter. Even if there was no helicopter club, they would still ascend to the fairy world one after another due to the relatively weak immortal calamity, forming a larger race of fairy Lin in the fairy world...

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