The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1771 Li Yun’s aura

The dance of the Huolin tribe not only reveals the origin of the Huolin tribe, but also reveals the origin of the entire Lin tribe, because the development process of other Lin tribes is somewhat similar to that of the Huolin tribe. The only difference is that each of the small worlds in which they live has their own uniqueness. Therefore, Corresponding skills and abilities have also been developed.

But the principle they uphold is no different from the peaceful coexistence of all races, and a common Lin domain has been formed around the powerful Fire Lin tribe, and the world is extremely vast...

Lin dancers from all walks of life in Linyu jointly performed this exciting ethnic dance, which opened the eyes of the viewers and made them stand up and cheer!

This dance has formed a profound Taoist meaning and deeply infected people of all races in the spiritual world, allowing them to understand the important reason why the Lin tribe has become an auspicious beast.

The first reason is naturally the Lin people's natural bloodline advantage, which gives them the capital to stand out from the rest. The second reason is that they are both peace-loving, but are not afraid of bravely fighting powerful enemies when danger comes, which allows them to overcome They faced many difficulties to become the masters of this land. In the end, they had rules, laws, and bottom lines in doing things, which made all races willing to deal with them and develop together...

With these three advantages, the possibility of becoming an auspicious beast is still very high.

For the Lin people, this ethnic dance, the ancestors Jianchou and Huoyan, should have been watched many times. Therefore, this dance is mainly danced for people of all ethnic groups in the spiritual world, especially Li Yun. Now it is performed The effect was good, and it received warm applause from people of all races in the spiritual world. However, Li Yun, who was sitting in the chair, did not seem to be very involved. He still had a very indifferent expression. Could it be that such a dance could not catch his eye? ?

Observing this, Dechun felt a little uneasy and his self-confidence was somewhat affected. However, he had long discovered the scene where Li Yun was treating the patients on the Vulcan Stage, and he suspected that this was the reason.

He quickly stood up and saluted: "Thank you Lord Yun for taking the trouble to treat the plague patients of our clan! I wonder how the clan dance performed just now?"

Li Yunzhi was multitasking. In addition to treating patients, he was also observing the progress of the Longma Divine Realm incident, the actions of Nian Lun and Huang Yimiao, the whereabouts of the young Immortal Emperor and Xiao Yi, as well as Wenhui, Du Lin, and Wen Qing. , Zhuantian Mountain and the endless information coming from the Boundless Sea. In addition, there are all kinds of information collected by the earth network from everywhere. When things get busy, the attention to the clan dance is naturally not as high as that of various people in the spiritual world. The people of the clan were so tall that they did not show the enthusiasm they should have.

Hearing Dechun's words at this time, he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "Treating plague patients is just a casual act. I was attracted by the nobles' clan dance just now and was deeply moved. If you hadn't asked Me, I’m still immersed in it!”

When Dechun heard this, he suddenly understood and said with great joy: "Thank you very much, Mr. Yun, for the compliment! The dance of our clan is indeed performed by the best people in the clan, and the level is extremely high!"

"There is no doubt about it!"

Li Yun nodded and praised,

As soon as his right hand fell, a ray of light fell on all the dancers like a waterfall, which refreshed the spirits of these already somewhat exhausted dancers. They suddenly felt like blood was coming back, and their energy recovered quickly. It didn't take long for them to completely return to normal, and they It feels like the vitality in the body is still flowing like a spring, coming in an endless stream. It is almost intoxicating!

"Wow..." All the dancers screamed and looked at Li Yun in shock, with a look of reverence on their faces!

In their view, this is the method of the immortal family. The gap between immortals and ordinary cultivators is not generally large, but is as unbridgeable as a chasm...

Seeing Li Yun's methods, Huo Yan's face showed a look of pride, while correcting the mistake seemed a bit embarrassing.

He knew that Huo Yan had recognized Li Yun as his master, and the master's methods were so magical. Huo Yan had reason to be happy, but he felt a little bad when he made mistakes, because as the ancestor of the Lin tribe, he was more powerful than the master. Huo Yan has even higher qualifications and is the number one member of the Lin clan here. It would be unjustifiable if he didn't express anything.

But Li Yun's auspicious light reward almost pushed him into a desperate situation, because he couldn't give him a similar auspicious light reward anyway, and other items were either of extremely high value and too expensive to use as gifts, or they were of too high a grade. Low, compared to Ruiguang, it can't be used at all.

While he was in a dilemma, gritting his teeth and trying to come up with high-value items to reward the dancers, he heard Li Yun say: "Senior, the clan dance is over, why not let them drink by themselves, how about we go see those plague patients?"

"That's...okay! Okay!" After hearing this, he quickly responded.

The three of them left immediately and disappeared in a flash, leaving everyone in the hall stunned.

When Dechun heard that they wanted to see the plague patients, he quickly asked Dexin to take charge of the banquet. He took Bizhi, Fanhui, Shali, Zhuheng, Kunzhi and others out of the Tiande Hall, and soon discovered that Li Yun and the others were on the Vulcan Platform, so they rushed over.

As soon as they arrived here, Dechun and others were stunned!

They were surprised to find that the patients who had been suffering from the disease seemed to be recovering one by one. They were full of energy, looked good, and had some vitality on their faces.

Zhu Heng was extremely shocked and rushed forward to investigate. With his medical skills, he quickly determined that the plague in these people's bodies had weakened a lot, and the symptoms of essence deficiency had been greatly reduced!

As for the substance Jingyuan, it is actually the energy stored in the human body. It is mainly stored in some major organs of the human body, such as internal organs, golden elixirs, Dantian, etc. When the human body needs it, it can be extracted from blood, spiritual energy, immortality, etc. The gas is transported out.

The energy material in the human body is slowly transformed by a cultivator after long-term and arduous practice. It cannot be made up by one or two Jingyuan Pills. Therefore, after these plague patients contracted the plague, their bodies The massive loss of Jingyuan has caused substantial damage to their internal organs and cultivation. The Lin Clan can only replenish this situation by letting them swallow Jingyuan Dan, which is also a kind of The method of treating headache and foot pain is to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

After Zhu Heng arrived, in addition to letting them take Jingyuan Dan, he also prepared some elixirs to strengthen their roots and restore their vitality. Finally, they were back on the right track.

However, this kind of treatment of strengthening the body is extremely slow, and the effect will take a long time to be reflected. Compared with the terrifying loss rate of the plague outbreak, Zhu Heng's treatment can only make these people breathe a sigh of relief. It just doesn't collapse so quickly.

However, when Zhu Heng checked these patients just now, he was shocked to find that at least 50% of the essence in their bodies had recovered. This speed far exceeded the original loss rate. It was simply incredible!

"How is this possible? How is this possible?!" Zhu Heng muttered.

"How is that possible?" Kun Zhiqi asked beside him.

Zhu Heng explained the situation a little bit, and then Kunzhi knew what he wanted to say.

"Haha, don't you see Master Yun Zun's auspicious light shining on them? These auspicious lights contain rich vitality, which is the best tonic for replenishing the essence. Even I envy them now!" Kun Zhi laughed.

"Ruiguang?! What is Ruiguang?!" Zhu Heng said in surprise.

"Oh, look, I forgot that you can't see auspicious light. This is a pillar of light that can be formed only after a person has the light of merit and faith. The pillar of light like the one on my family is incredible, it is as solid as a In essence, I heard that he has hidden a large part of it, but some of it still escapes, but even these scattered auras are extremely bright, surpassing the power of our Lin clan..."

"That's it." Zhu Heng suddenly realized.

"Yes, my lord not only has an auspicious light, but also an auspicious ring. It is much prettier than the powerful auspicious ring of the Lin clan. It is colorful, but you still can't see it. There is no way! Now the master is not stingy with his auspicious light, but Sharing it with these patients has given them a vitality supplement, which is of course their blessing! Just like in the Tiande Hall before, those worshipers and dancers were rewarded with the auspicious light of the Lord, and their condition improved. Not just a tiny bit, but a lot of it!" Kunzhi said with envy.

Only then did Zhu Heng understand why the people of the Lin tribe had "kneeled down" to worship and danced extremely hard. It turned out that they were all doing it to get the auspicious light rewarded by Li Yun. He was filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred, and was furious. After a moment of silence, he came to his senses and said, "You said that the Ruiguang of your family can replenish their lost vitality and improve their condition, but it seems that you missed a little bit!"

"Oh? Which point?" Kunzhi asked curiously.

"Under the illumination of the auspicious light, not only have the essence of these patients been rapidly replenished, but the plague scourge in their bodies has been greatly reduced!" Zhu Heng said in astonishment.

"Really?!" came a surprised voice, it was Dechun.

After he, Bizhi, Fairy Fanhui, Shali, Jimu, Jingting, Dianshi and others came to the Fire God Platform, they walked around and found that Li Yun, Jianchou and Huoyan had already gone to the clan. Temple, Zhu Heng and Kun Zhi, on the other hand, kept talking, but what they talked about had greatly shocked the clan leaders of the Lin clan!

The first piece of information that shocked them the most was not about the plague, but when they heard that Kunzhi actually called Li Yun my lord, which meant that Kunzhi had joined Li Yun and became one of his slaves!

Dechun actually knew this news, but the other clan leaders did not. They were so shocked when they heard it that they couldn't believe their ears, but after listening for a while, they finally confirmed this!

This made them petrified on the spot, and they were unable to react for a long time. You must know that Kunzhi is not a small person in the Lin Clan. On the contrary, he is also a Lin Zun-level figure in the Fire Lin Clan. Although he failed to enter the Council of Elders, he still has I am quite a powerful person...

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