The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1806 Disaster in Nongjia Divine Realm

In the human cultivation world of the lower realm, if a monk reaches the golden elixir within three hundred years of age, he is a super genius!

In the spiritual world, this standard is reduced to 250 years old. A golden elixir monk who is less than 250 years old is definitely the treasure of every immortal sect, and cannot be valued and favored too much.

Li Si, Cai Cheng, Lin Li and others are all in their fifties, but they already have combat power equivalent to foundation building or golden elixir, and they are still just mortals!

From this perspective, it is not an exaggeration to call them super geniuses, but they are now in the world of the ship and have no chance to show their strength outside. In other words, they are all being stewed in the pot by Li Yun. , maybe when it is shown to the outside world, its light will be enough to blind everyone's eyes!

However, even they themselves are not aware of this problem now, but they are regretting that they cannot have the will of Tao like Wu Zhi and others.

If such a thing were to be known to the outside world, how would it make their own super geniuses feel embarrassed?

Li Si and others were in such a large environment as the Universiade Palace and the Ship World. They did not think that they were super geniuses at all, but thought that they were far behind. Therefore, after some painful experiences, they all began to cheer up. , and threw himself crazily into the new practice plan.

The focus of this plan is of course inseparable from the study of Taoism. Inspired by the new environment created by Xiaoxing, they integrated themselves into an ocean composed of Taoism, floating and sinking, and constantly breaking through themselves...

Xingyun No. 1 continued to fly, but it was controlled by Xiaoxing. There was no one inside. Li Yun had already returned to Lingxian Peak to refine a large teleportation formation.

Li Yun and Xiaoxing were extremely excited to see the new atmosphere in the world on the ship. It seemed that the growth of the soul warriors in Taoism was just around the corner.

"Xiaoxing, the transformation of the world in the Xingyun No. 1 ship has been quite effective. Why not extend it to the world in the No. 2 ship?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaonu immediately informed Ling Daozi in the world on the second ship." Xiaoxing said.

"Where are the people who were sent out now?"

"We have all arrived at our destination and started to perform our mission!"

"Okay! I hope our recruitment of soul warriors can keep up with the speed of building Xingyun No. 3."

"Sir, you can't force this. What we focus on is quality. Whether it's Xingyun No. 3 or Soul Warrior Transformation, quality must be the top priority."

"It makes sense! You still have to be patient. Just like refining these formation parts now, you can't make any mistakes!"

As Li Yun spoke, he half-squinted his eyes and looked at the world with flying parts and sparks in front of him, feeling a little magical...

Of course, refining a 50-million-mile teleportation formation is not something that can be accomplished overnight, so it is only cost-effective for Li Yun to return to Tianyun World to refine it.

This is an extremely huge plan. By arranging teleportation arrays in the spiritual world and creating an observation array network, small stars can observe the surrounding starry sky anytime and anywhere and discover a large amount of information!

Maybe nothing can be seen when there are only one or two observation arrays now, but when this network is formed, the entire spiritual world will become an observation star under the control of a small star. This star can observe the surrounding universe and starry sky in all directions. There are no blind spots, which not only helps Li Yun understand the universe, but also records and tracks everything that happens. The effect is unimaginable.

At the same time, this network is also an important force for self-protection and counterattack. It has a great protective effect on the spiritual world, because not only can it transport materials and personnel extremely quickly, but the observation arrays can lock on targets and launch laser weapons.

Through the last test, laser weapons can instantly blow up a spacecraft more than 100 million miles away. Such a blow is so devastating that almost no one can stop it! Even immortals cannot escape misfortune!

It can be said that the immortals did not lose to themselves for not working hard, but to the technological civilization from another universe!


This civilization has been integrated with the cultivation civilization of this universe, so it can give birth to such terrifying combat power!

This is just like the change of times. Some things in the old era are not well done. They have done everything they can to the extreme and become behemoths. However, with the change of times, some new things are born. But it quietly completely replaced the role of the old things, and made the old things completely lose the meaning of existence. A behemoth seems to be extremely powerful, but it may collapse overnight!

This cannot but be said to be a kind of sadness, because the old things also worked hard, but they just lost to the times...

After Li Yun and Xiaoxing came to the Xuanling World, there was a strong collision between technological civilization and cultivation Fang Ming, and it seemed that this situation was destined to happen!

You must know that everything Li Yun and Xiaoxing are doing now is of subversive significance. Any new thing they come up with may cause some related things in the Xuanling world to be scrapped, and the most sad thing is that However, many people in the Xuanling world know nothing about this and are still working tirelessly in the world they know...

This world of parts seems chaotic, but it is actually very orderly. Once some parts are refined, they are immediately installed in the corresponding position. They even fly to the destination during the refining process, and they happen to be completed as soon as they arrive there. Yes, it’s so fresh and hot!

This of course requires the most precise calculation and arrangement, and is impossible to achieve without the ability of meticulous spiritual consciousness.

The teleportation array is like an organism growing slowly and does not stop until it reaches a predetermined height and volume.

Next, there is the refining of eggshells and observation arrays...

This kind of refining that requires precision to the micro-nano level was a great test for Li Yun, so the speed slowed down. Even Xiaoxing did not disturb Li Yun anymore, but let him concentrate on refining...

Nongjia Divine Territory, the last condemnation army from the spirit world passed by this place, which is about 50 million miles away from Lin Territory. Since the domain lord Jing Nong took some slaves to follow the condemnation army to Lin Territory and has not returned yet, so now The situation is somewhat uneven.

The reason for the unrest was also related to the passing of the denunciation army. The main reason was that Du Lin, Huang Yimiao and Li Yun all made large purchases here, resulting in almost all the local medicinal materials being looted!

Both the retail market and the inventory have been sold out, which has caused serious problems in the turnover of medicinal materials here.

The purchase amount of the three people was almost a hundred years of supply here. After making a huge profit, those medicinal merchants suddenly discovered to their horror that they were in big trouble!

Because they can hardly get the goods now, and many medicinal materials have not even been sown as seeds, let alone take a certain number of years to grow.

However, the stocks of some drug farmers were bid at sky-high prices. The drug dealers found themselves at a huge loss because the last time they sold the medicines, the price was less than a fraction of what the drug farmers were selling now. How else could they do business?

Moreover, everyone now knows that these medicinal material dealers have made a fortune, and their money has increased many times in one fell swoop. It would be embarrassing not to sell to them at a high price.

Once this incident started, it was unstoppable. As soon as the price of medicinal materials increased, the prices of related products also began to increase. Since the Nongjia Divine Realm itself is a realm where herbal medicine is the main industry, the prices of almost all products have skyrocketed. The prices of daily necessities and training supplies are also increasing, and everyone here is miserable!

In fact, this principle is quite simple. In a closed market, if the amount of money suddenly increases, the purchasing power of the money will inevitably decrease significantly, that is, it will depreciate.

It is not easy to solve this problem. The most important thing is to open the market and bring in goods from surrounding markets to stabilize prices. After all, this money has purchasing power when taken outside.

However, Nongjia Divine Domain has always been self-sufficient and implemented a closed-door strategy. It is not easy to open the market. Since Jing Nong is away, no one dares to take this idea and can only continue to maintain this situation.

As a result, the chaos in the Nongjia Divine Realm intensified, and even the public security began to have problems. Many people found that the money was getting smaller and smaller, and they could not get the necessary food even if they took out a bag of spiritual stones. Do they all have to be fasting? Can't?

This is not a problem for those powerful monks, but it is impossible for a large number of monks below the golden elixir, because they are in the initial stage of cultivation and need to absorb nutrients from food to ensure their cultivation needs.

As a result, robberies and robberies began to occur, gradually becoming a trend, and murders continued to increase!

The people in the City Lord's Mansion were helpless about this, because all the capable people had followed Jing Nong out, and it would be good if the remaining people could keep the City Lord's Mansion safe. You know, Jing Nong's medicine garden has already become the home of many people. Prey, the wind seems to be getting tighter and tighter, and everyone is very nervous...

In the opinion of some people, Jing Nong has not returned for several years and there is no information. Maybe something has happened. At this time, it is better to take advantage of the chaos and rob his medicine garden and fly away. As long as his hands and feet are clean, nothing will happen.

There are many people who have this idea, and now they have quietly gathered together to discuss in secret...

Although the people in the City Lord's Mansion knew that someone was plotting this medicine garden, they still couldn't believe that they would actually do it, so they were not fully prepared in terms of protection.

Of course, with their current strength, they cannot resist those robbers, because there are actually many powerful people mixed among the robbers, and even Jing Nong does not dare to take it lightly.

Sure enough, on a dark and windy night, the medicine garden was finally attacked. The fierce attack inspired the garden's protective formation to sparkle, like a bright little moon in the night sky, shining brightly!

The people in the City Lord's Mansion huddled in the formation, looking at the enemies appearing outside in shock. Their hearts felt sad. They didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person among the robbers...

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