The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1805 If you don’t follow the Tao, you will always be ordinary!

Li Yun suddenly realized that what Xiaoxing said made sense!

Whether it is the Universiade Palace or the world in the ship, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have created a good environment for everyone. The environment is absolutely like a fairyland, and the resources are sufficient. As long as you are willing to complete the tasks, you will have points to obtain the necessary training. resources. In addition, everyone who enters the palace has a reward. For some people, this reward is something they cannot get in a few lifetimes. Even for some powerful people, it is so rich that it is unimaginable. For example, just in a small space The breath soil makes them instantly become a rich man or a rich woman.

With the guarantee of such sufficient resources, many people have made great progress in cultivation, and even made great progress in exploring Taoism, thus forming the current prosperous situation in the Universiade Palace and the world on the ship.

However, everything has its limitations. Even in a good situation, there will still be regrets, but now Xiaoxing has discovered it!

That is, the types of talents are relatively single, among which the worker bee type has the most talents. As long as everyone works hard and practices well, they can achieve good results in a small field and become useful talents.

Of course, these talents are needed for the development of the Universiade Palace and the ship world. However, as a result, there are relatively fewer talents with special qualities. Now it seems that why the model team is so famous and popular is precisely because They are so special!

It is a huge challenge to go from being a monk to working as a model. You have to go through many hurdles, especially psychological ones. This decision is definitely not something that people in good circumstances can make easily.

Why are most of the model team members made up of humans from the lower world? It was precisely because their situation in the palace was one of relative adversity. In order to improve their status and self-confidence, they signed up one after another, and they succeeded!

The success of the model team is a bit unexpected, but it also illustrates a problem. If they are given a chance to follow adversity, the effect may be much greater than expected!

Thinking of this, Li Yun said: "It seems that we need to create some adversity, or find people who are in relatively adverse circumstances, and then provide them with some opportunities..."

“Yes, adversity can have many aspects, such as environmental conditions, status, resources, wealth, etc. For some people with courage and determination, appropriate adversity can stimulate their fighting spirit and achieve greater achievements. "Xiao Xing said.

"Okay! Now the first adversity is for them to hone their spiritual consciousness! We can create some extreme environments in the Universiade Palace and the ship world, as well as some special training places, so that they can experience adversity. ..." Li Yun smiled.

"Sir, if they know the extreme environment in which you practice daily, then the training conditions created for them will not matter!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Well... there are certain conditions required to practice torture like me. When some of them meet those conditions, we can naturally let them experience it too." Li Yun teased.

"It's probably going to be difficult! Your Excellency, you are now in a state of unparalleled success. No one can catch up with you! They can only grow slowly under your wings."

"I blushed a little when I said it. It suddenly occurred to me that it would be a good thing for them to travel outside more. They would be more knowledgeable and help to increase their Taoism. Just like Zen people, they pay attention to both being out of the world and being in the world. "Li Yun said.

"Yes, this matter will be gradually promoted in the future. At the same time, we can also create more different environments, add new species, and introduce more different things to make their lives and cultivation more colorful, thereby inspiring Their enthusiasm for exploration has enabled them to gain Taoism in more areas..."

The discussion between the two was continuous, but also extremely fast. With their thinking gradually approaching the speed of light, this discussion was almost completed in the blink of an eye, and the amount of information was extremely huge. !

Soon after, several Starship ships left Starship One and sailed to their respective destinations.

Among them, one ship went directly to the Zen realm, while the other ships went in different directions, but they were all within the scope of the human world.

The people on board are all monks, slaves and soul warriors selected this time. Some are responsible for recruiting monks to the big cities on the border of the Zen realm, and some are traveling to the border areas of various divine realms in the human world. During the travel process Complete your mission of recruiting Xuanshi.

A recruitment operation kicked off vigorously...

After the soul warriors in the ship world sent away the first batch of selected people with Taoist intentions, the whole world was in a restless mood, and everyone felt uneasy.

Previously, many people were extremely satisfied with their achievements, feeling that they had simply completed an impossible task and that their lives had reached the pinnacle!

However, reality slapped them hard in the face. Only now did they realize that the little achievements they had achieved were actually nothing at all. Even their colleagues were already far ahead of them, and even more so. Not to mention those powerful monks in the Universiade Palace.

Many people were thinking about it, including Li Si, Cai Cheng, Lin Li, Chen Hu, Wang Qiang, Yu Gang, Tong Li, Zhang Xuan and other geniuses from the Tianlong Empire. Although they far surpassed Wu Zhi and Gu Quan in cultivation Ru and Yang Weizhong, however, have not entered Taoism, and have no Taoist will and power. If they compete with Wu Zhi and the others, they will not be able to compete at all.

What they didn't expect was that Wu Zhi and the others seemed to be gentle and harmless to humans and animals, but they suddenly erupted in a silent thunder, causing everyone's fur to stand on end and their noses and faces to be swollen!

They suddenly realized that it seems that sometimes taking the right path is much more efficient than practicing ten times as hard. This is really unforgettable for them and they understand it deeply.

Li Si and others almost immediately thought of Li Yun. Why was he able to walk far ahead of everyone at such a young age? One of the important reasons was that he was probably on the right track!

Of course, that's all they can think of. Li Yun's success cannot be copied by them. In fact, every successful person's path to success is almost impossible to copy. Everyone's success is basically based on Only based on the subjective and objective conditions that an individual possesses, and at the same time happens to be on the right path, can one achieve great success.

However, it is unlikely that the same objective conditions will produce the same results for different people, because success is quite complicated and requires an organic combination of subjective and objective conditions to bear the fruit of success.

Li Si and others' understanding of success actually comes step by step.

Becoming an Immortal Attendant is a kind of success, being transformed is a kind of success, becoming a Soul Warrior is a kind of success, becoming a member of the Soul Army is a kind of success, growing up in the world of the ship, improving one's cultivation, and now fighting The power is equivalent to building foundation or golden elixir which is a huge success...

However, they now find that their past successes are of little significance when it comes to whether they have entered the Tao or not.

It can be said that if you don’t follow the Tao, you will always be ordinary!

Even if you have cultivated to the realm of yin and yang, you will naturally be two or three levels lower in power level in front of those who possess Taoist will. This is a huge gap!

But this common sense has been ignored by me intentionally or unintentionally in the past. Now that I think about it, it really hurts my heart!

After Li Si and others faced the wall and thought about it, they almost all came to the same conclusion, that is, they must enter the Tao! No matter what it is!

This is actually the main purpose of Xiaoxing's propaganda in the ship world. In order to encourage the soul warriors in the ship world to trigger Taoism as soon as possible, Xiaoxing can be said to have tried his best!

After a period of transformation, some different weather patterns have appeared in the world on the ship. For example, many more extreme training environments have been added, such as simulated volcanoes, icebergs, rapids, forests, deserts, etc. Entering these special environments, you can experience It is easier to be inspired by the deep Taoist meaning in it.

In addition, many new species and things have been added. Each new species means a new Taoist meaning. If someone can study it thoroughly, Taoist meaning will naturally appear.

New species and things can often bring people a sense of novelty and make them more willing to study.

Many people in the Xuanling World are not as good as Li Yun and Xiaoxing because they are blind to the things around them and lack the enthusiasm for research. After they came here, they felt extremely fresh about everything around them, and wanted to take everything into consideration. Study thoroughly and study thoroughly, so that you can go wider and faster on the road of Taoist research!

Of course, it is impossible for Li Si and others to be compared with Li Yun and Xiao Xing, because Li Yun and Xiao Xing came from the previous universe and had a universe of knowledge reserves. As soon as they came to the Xuanling world, they almost stood at the highest level to study , as long as you study it a little, you can obtain a very strong Taoist intention. If you draw inferences from one example and continue to operate, you can achieve incredible achievements...

For Li Si, Cai Cheng, Lin Li and others, the most realistic thing is to keep their feet on the ground. Taking the first step in research is the most critical. No matter how old or old you are, as long as you start, it is not too late. , Aren’t many people late bloomers?

Maybe when you succeed, you will find that many people who seemed very successful before actually don’t look so good now because you have surpassed them without knowing it...

Yes, this is the magic of time. It will not only make people lose their fighting spirit in the erosion of time, and make people get worse, but it will also make people become stronger over time, turn into cocoons and become butterflies, and bloom all the good things in life...

What's more, from the perspective of cultivation, Li Si, Cai Cheng and others are extremely young. Although they are older than Li Yun, they are actually in the early stages of cultivation. Currently, they have achieved such If the achievements were placed in the outside world, any one of them would shock the entire human cultivation world!

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