The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1868 The Sermon of Crossing Faith and Crossing Clouds

Jing Ming looked at the scene in front of him, feeling envious again in his heart. He sighed endlessly. He didn't expect that each of these great powers in the west had undergone tremendous changes. The scumbag Yingyu King could have a lake as beautiful as a fairyland like Bishui Lake. Cave heaven and blessed land, and King Lili, who spends his whole day digging in holes in the ground, can also own such a vast and spectacular paradise on earth!

Think about yourself, as an elder of Rui Shou, you only own a small piece of land in your own clan, and there is only a mansion in Rongbao City, which is also a place for business. Compared with these two people, you are simply nothing. Nothing...

Although he is considered to be a high-ranking person in the clan, he seems to be less happy than these two extremely unscrupulous people. Moreover, he has to worry about whether someone is coveting his position every day. It feels like he is sitting on the crater of a volcano. generally…

Seeing Jing Ming's thoughtful look, Wuwu Zang thought he was thinking about King Lili's movements, so he said: "It seems that the business here is very good, and King Lili should be fine." .”

"In that case, we might as well ask him directly." Jing Ming came to his senses and said.

"That's fine! What happened last time caused a huge impact on our Rongbao City, and there was also his true blood in the flood. This must be understood clearly." Endless Zang agreed.

Jingming popped out a talisman and got into King Lili's lair.

Now he doesn't know where the Lili King is hiding. For the Lili clan, everyone may have many lairs, not to mention the Lili King as the king.

However, what surprised him a little was that not long after, King Lili appeared, with a smile on his face, and a group of minions singing and dancing to greet him. It seemed that he had arrived a long time ago. As if ready...

"The two brothers have come to visit me, and my humble place is so radiant!" What King Lili said was almost exactly the same as what King Yingyu said.

Jingming and Wuyuzang cursed in their hearts, said a few perfunctory words, and then followed him to the underground lair...

The life in the underground lair was almost the same as the life in the palace at the bottom of Bishui Lake. After a few days, the two of them were full of food and drinks in King Lili's lair. They ate and drank like two greasy white beasts, their faces full of Glowing with red oil, he left here under the farewell of King Lili...

As soon as Jing Ming came out, he snorted: "Isn't this reasonable? How can they all afford to drink Xingyun Wine? Can they afford Taoist delicacies?!"

"That wine and food are so good! I really want to enjoy more of them!" Wuwunzang sighed.

"Who says it's not the case? Compared with them, we are simply living in the underworld, in the dark..."


After visiting these two places, I can say that I drank the best wine and ate the best food in my life. It was finally a worthwhile trip! This time when I go back, I must go to Li Yun to buy some wine! He is really unkind, he would not serve us with such good wine..." Wuwunzang said.

"Yes! That's necessary! However, now I am certain that these two people must have some kind of relationship with Li Yun. Otherwise, it is impossible for both of them to have the same wine, the same dishes, the same robes, and even Even talking is almost the same..." Jing Ming said decisively.

"The city lord's words make sense! If we can't even see this, we might as well return to the clan and take care of ourselves in old age!" Wuwu Zang agreed.

"Let's go! We must catch Li Yun and question him!"

The two of them speeded up and headed towards Rongbaocheng...

Li Yun and Little I can't figure out what these waterfalls mean, let alone explore the secrets.

Only the two of them can easily understand these waterfall information flows. If they find some important or interesting ones, they will pick them out and transform them into light screens to watch and discuss.

Just like now, the whereabouts of Jing Ming and Wu Wuzang were picked out. Li Yun and Xiaoxing were speechless after hearing their conversation...

"Sir, the two of them have only now concluded that Yingyu and Lili are related to us. Isn't this too slow?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Actually, they are not too slow, on the contrary, they are too smart, because smart people always think one or two more things than ordinary people. Maybe they have already thought that those two people are related to us, but these clues are deliberately laid by us. For them, clues that are too obvious will be considered to confuse them, so they dare not believe them easily and will always think of other things. Until Li Li came out, their hesitant hearts finally came to an end. Firm." Li Yun said.

"This... what you say makes sense! In order to make them take the initiative to come to us to buy wine this time, we deliberately laid out these clues. It is indeed too simple and obvious!" Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Exactly! The simpler and more obvious the clues are, the easier it is for smart people to ignore the past, but some specious details often attract them to delve into them, so they will be misled... Fortunately, after they took so many detours, Finally back on track." Li Yun smiled.

"Sir, this can only mean that they are not smart enough!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"There's nothing you can do about it. By the way, the information flow just now showed that Du Xin and Du Yun have arrived at Bian Ying's place. What's the situation now?"

"Hey, this thing is still very boring so far. After Du Xin and Du Yun arrived at Bian Ying's place, they did nothing all day but chanted sutras!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"Oh? Where do you read it?"

"There is a temple near Bian Ying's residence. It was originally a bit deserted, but after the two arrived, it has become prosperous and famous far and wide. Many people travel thousands of miles to go there to worship and listen to lectures..."

"Did they publicize their reputation?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"No! The two of them just brought a dozen disciples there to do some daily things in meditation, such as cooking, practicing, working, preaching, divination, alms, preaching, asceticism... these things Maybe many temples are doing it, but eminent monks are eminent monks after all. Once they do it, they are different from others. Many people quickly discovered that they must be eminent monks, so word of mouth spread, and it didn’t take long for them to become famous..."

"It's really brilliant..." Li Yun praised.

"It's indeed clever, but it's still boring..." Xiaoxing said.

"Preaching is like the spring breeze turning into rain, moistening things silently. It is a self-cultivation, something you and I wish to do. If I tell you hurriedly that I am going to preach to you as soon as I come up, come and listen quickly, just like the wise man in the past Everywhere they go, they set up sermon monuments, plant bodhi trees, and publicize it, quickly attracting a large number of believers. This approach is too purposeful and forces others to believe in their teachings. , the problem is huge!" Li Yun said.

"This is why Zhiqing is still locked up in a small space by us..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Yes..." Li Yun suddenly realized that he remembered that Zhiqing, Tongqing and other great masters were still imprisoned by him.

Now, among the main figures who used to wreak havoc in the Zen realm, only Shi Yue is still in the small valley of Bianying, and the others are small and medium-sized forces in various Zen realms they control.

It can be said that the boat of "friendship" between the three of them has been completely overturned. As for when it will sink, it depends on Shi Yue's situation.

From the current point of view, although Du Xin and Du Yun are said to be carrying out the tasks assigned by themselves, that is, on the one hand to protect Bian Ying and on the other hand to cross Shi Yue, the former is easy and the latter is difficult. Li Yun is not optimistic about it.

However, judging from the current performance of Du Xin and Du Yun, Li Yun greatly appreciates their approach. Their approach can also be inferred from their approach, which is to regard this mission as one of their own. It is just a spiritual journey. It is not important whether you can inspire Shi Yue. What is important is that in every spiritual journey, you can not only preach, influence a group of people, benefit a country, but also make your own spiritual practice go further. This is enough!

"Sir, what should we do with Zhiqing and Tongqing?" Xiaoxing asked.

"How are the two of them doing now?"

"I'm awake now, but I also understand my fate. Both of us are much older..."

"What about cultivation and realm?"

"They have their spiritual veins locked by the slaves, and it is impossible to recover their cultivation. As for their realm, of course the previous realm is still there. Maybe they can make progress in other aspects during this period of reflection. You know, If you lose something, you will gain something, this is what adults say!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Li Yun nodded and said with a smile: "That's true. Sometimes if you have a breakthrough in your mental state, your cultivation and realm will be greatly improved. This is of course due to people. For example, Zhi Qing and Tong Qing both They are extremely smart and cunning people. They will definitely think of many things. This experience will definitely have an impact on their state of mind. As for whether this impact is good or bad, it is unknown. Maybe they will become decadent and accelerate aging. It is also possible that they can learn from their mistakes and change their ways. In addition, the main reason why they got together with Shi Yue before was because they were controlled by his way of time, and now they don't know what happened to Shi Yue. If this knot can be removed, the impact on them should be It will also be bigger…”

"Sir, both of them look like they are aging at an accelerated rate. It can be seen that their current mentality is disheartened and self-deprecating. If there is no new stimulation, it is estimated that they will be useless soon... because their spiritual veins He has been locked up for many years and can only rely on the spiritual energy in a small space to survive. If this continues, even if he is released in the future, he will be a useless person." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun thought for a while and said: "Put them in a clearing cage and let them recover slowly on their own. Even if they fully recover now, they can't break through the confinement of the clearing cage. Then show them Shi Yue's current situation and let them get rid of this Heart knot, see how they will change, this experiment is still very valuable..."

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