The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1869 Zhiqing and Tongqing

With the power of the clearing cage, it is no problem to imprison immortals, but it can be said that it is overqualified to imprison Zhiqing and Tongqing!

But for now, among the people imprisoned in the Universiade Palace, these two people are considered top-notch, so they enjoy such "treatment" and are thrown into their respective cages by Xiaoxing.

The two of them found themselves suddenly moved into a strange gas space, and were extremely surprised. After staying there for a long time, they found that the spiritual veins in their bodies had loosened, and the spiritual energy began to slowly circulate. Great joy! ecstasy!

They were already so depressed that they never thought that time would turn around and they could move freely. Suddenly, it was as if they had been given a powerful shot of chicken blood. They were spinning around like crazy people, bumping into each other, banging and banging...

The so-called "bang, bang, go" is, of course, the sound caused by them being bounced back by the clear cage.

No matter how they collide, the only result waiting for them is to be bounced back. Finally, exhausted, they lie on the ground like a dead dog, panting violently...

For them, of course they would not believe that such a gas space could trap them. The reason why this happened must be because they had just recovered their spiritual energy. When their cultivation and realm were restored in the future, this would be the case. How can a thin layer of gas be able to shut it off?

As soon as they thought of this, they both started practicing crazily...

Li Yun and Xiao Xing looked at this scene and were speechless...

It seems that the desire to survive of these two people is so strong, which shows that the ambition in their hearts has not been worn away by the long period of confinement, and it may be revived whenever there is an opportunity.

This is probably the basic quality to become a powerful person. The willpower of ordinary people is much weaker than theirs. A slight blow may lead to depression, depression, self-denial, and self-degradation...

But becoming a powerful person is different. When facing difficulties and blows, they will have a strong self-confidence and will to survive. They will do everything possible to survive first, then seek opportunities for development, and overcome all obstacles that stand in their way. No matter the difficulties in front of you, you have to climb to the front...

And people like Zhiqing and Tongqing who can achieve great power are even more different. In addition to having stronger self-confidence and will to survive, they also have a strong ability to endure, even if they are imprisoned or imprisoned. When locking their spiritual veins, they will silently accumulate strength.

As Li Yun said, in addition to attacking the locked spiritual veins from time to time, they will also temper their state of mind, constantly reflect on their past, and constantly summarize their experiences and lessons. In this way, once a chance arises, It is possible for them to catch them immediately and escape...

This has actually been proven,

As soon as their spiritual veins were unlocked just now, it didn't take long for their strength to increase greatly. It can be seen from the strength of their attack on the clear cage that they had silently accumulated a lot of energy before, and it was reflected in the so-called decadence on the outside. , may also be an illusion, and the purpose is of course to make the arresters relax their vigilance, thereby relaxing supervision...

They know that in the world of cultivation, as long as they are alive, they have a chance, because no one can go all the way smoothly to the end. There will always be some twists and turns in the process, just like themselves.

As long as an accident happens to the person who catches you, it means that your opportunity has come, so it is necessary to accumulate strength, because opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Of course, they didn't know that the person who caught them was Li Yun, because at that time they were commanding their Zen troops to attack the Miaoyin'an team led by Ming Xinyin, but Xiaodi used his fairy power to destroy the crystal cannon, and it exploded. Come, and the crystal cannon was poisoned by Tongqing, and it spread immediately, causing a huge blow to our Zen army.

Zhiqing and Tongqing were caught off guard and were a little confused. This opportunity was immediately seized by Li Yun, who created a small world of time and space and captured them both!

Without Li Yun's unblocking, their time would have stayed at that moment.

Later, they were imprisoned. When they woke up, they felt shaken and found that the world around them had completely changed!

They really couldn't understand this, but when they finally felt the light and shadow coming over them, they felt a huge sense of danger and struggled for a while. Unfortunately, time and space had completely stopped at that moment, and their struggle was meaningless.

Therefore, they still don’t know that the person who caught them is Li Yun, but they have a guess that the person who caught them cannot be Ming Xinyin, because Ming Xinyin can’t even fight against themselves, and it is impossible to have such a powerful person. Yes, the only one who might catch him should be Shi Yue!

Why did they guess? It was because when the light and shadow were added to the body, they experienced the power of the Tao of Time. They had experienced this power from Shi Yue before, and their hearts were full of fear.

What they didn't expect was that while they were fighting with the nuns, Shi Yue actually took action to capture them. What was going on? It's simply taking advantage of others' danger and adding insult to injury!

What I did was also for the Dark Alliance. Now that we have such a good opportunity, you don’t let us use it, and you even caught yourself. It’s really unreasonable!

Could it be because I didn't report to him when I went to the Zen realm? Isn't this person too stingy, too generous, and too unstructured?

All the resentment towards Shi Yue in their hearts came out in an instant, and they jumped up from the ground at the same time, and began to curse Shi Yue until his head was bloody, and he was nothing...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing listened for a while and finally understood. It turned out that they thought it was Shi Yue who caught them, and they couldn't help but find it funny.

The little star "swipes" and "swipes" pops up two light curtains in the two clear cages, which is exactly what Shi Yue is doing now...

I saw that he was naked, with all his body hair shaved off, and his body was covered with silver needles. A trace of blood mist was spraying out from the body from time to time, like an injured hedgehog, with a wave of blood on his face. I can't tell whether he's crying or laughing. This scene is as scary as it gets!

Zhiqing and Tongqing paused in their anger for an instant. They looked at the light curtain coming from nowhere in shock. They discovered Shi Yue's situation at this time and Bian Ying was treating him. The two of them Everyone was shocked! My mouth is so wide open that I can't close it!

Of course, both of them recognized Bian Ying, especially Tong Qing, whose former pseudonym was Qian Jia. He was as famous as Bian Ying as a miracle doctor and was known to everyone in the Rejuvenation God Realm.

The two of them didn't expect that Shi Yue would be injured like this and even find Bian Ying for treatment. What's going on?

Could it be that he is also at Bian Ying's place now?

It doesn't look like it, because it can be seen that Shi Yue was extremely injured, and maybe there was some problem with his consciousness, and it was impossible for him to do what he just did, move himself to another dimension.

So, if Shi Yue hadn't done this, who would it have been?

Could it be that it was not Shi Yue who caught him, but someone else? !

When they thought of this, the two of them were suddenly confused!

Carefully recalling the situation at that time, the more the two thought about it, the more they were at odds with each other, because the chance of Shi Yue appearing in Yingzui Stream at that time was so low that it was almost impossible.

And the power that destroyed the crystal cannon was not something Shi Yue could send out at all, because Shi Yue's own strength was actually not as good as his own, and he was just using the law of time to suppress himself.

If he couldn't even unleash the power to destroy the crystal cannon, then it was absolutely impossible for him to be Shi Yue.

However, besides Shi Yue, who else knows the way of time?

Li Yun!

It must be Li Yun! ! !

The two of them suddenly realized that they had long heard Shi Yue say that Li Yun also knew the way of time, and that his power might be better than his. Therefore, Shi Yue couldn't wait to go to the Netherworld Palace to buy Li Yun's soul thread, and wanted to strangle him. In their infancy, they were still required to contribute money together to pay this huge sum of money.

It was during the time when Shi Yue went to the Nether Palace that Zhiqing and Tongqing left Shi Yue's realm of time and went to the Zen realm.

Therefore, it is impossible for Shi Yue to catch them in Yingzui Stream. The only possibility is Li Yun!

The scene of Li Yun cutting off his Zen Zhushan flashed through Zhiqing's mind. His whole body suddenly trembled and he fell softly...

Tongqing thought about why he was poisoned by the Tianxin Cone poison, and instantly understood in his heart that this must have been done by Li Yun. Because he could save Du Zhen and others, he must be very familiar with the Tianxin Cone poison and let it happen. It’s not impossible to get inside yourself!

"It's over, it's over. It turns out that it fell into the hands of Li Yun. What should we do? That boy Shi Yue was also injured so badly. Maybe it was Li Yun who did it. Otherwise, why didn't he use the method of time to get out of this predicament?" Tong Qing thought in his mind. .

In his opinion, Shi Yue must be afraid of Li Yun's time skills, so he no longer dared to use his own time skills to get out of trouble, and would rather find Bian Ying to heal his injuries.

This idea is extremely correct, and Shi Yue indeed thinks so.

Because many of his things are now related to Li Yun, any changes may make him face Li Yun directly. If his level of Tao power is lower than his, once it happens, he will be completely ruined. , so he would not dare to go back to the past even if he died...

Zhiqing and Tongqing looked at the light curtain, and they both fell to the ground slumped, their minds were in chaos, and they were speechless for a long time...

It seems that this small boat of friendship between the three people has been completely overturned by Li Yun. Now he does not know where he is, what the situation is outside, and what is the fate of his slaves...

"Li Yun! Li Yun!! I know it's you!!!" Zhiqing shouted.

He still had to figure this out before Tongqing.

"Li Yun! You actually attacked me secretly! You have locked me up until now, and then you threw me into this weird space. What are your intentions?!!!"

"Li Yun! Did you hear what I said? You shy little turtle!!! Answer me quickly!!!"

"Li Yun, I haven't offended you, have I? You actually gave me the poison of Tianxin Cone, which made me suffer so much that life would be worse than death!!!" Tong Qing also shouted.

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