The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1870 The hot Universiade Palace business

"It's terrible that you still use the power of time to deal with me! Don't you know that this kind of power cannot be used casually?" Tongqing continued to shout.

"Don't you see Shi Yue's current fate? This is the result of his abuse of time power!!!"

"Let me go quickly!!! What the hell is this damn space?!!!"


After Tongqing yells, Zhiqing yells next, or both of them yell at the same time. It's really lively!

To be honest, people have been imprisoned for too long and their emotions have been suppressed for too long. Once they are liberated, they will definitely need a period of venting. Even if these two people are both super powerful, this is no exception. In addition, the attack to clear the cage failed. No wonder they kept jumping and shouting like ordinary people...

Li Yun and Xiao Xing looked at this scene and simply turned off the sound transmission function of the cage.

"Sir, this experiment seems to be very fruitful now..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Yes! It seems that it is not easy to make them useless. Their desire to survive is much stronger than others, so there is no need to worry that they will become useless."

"Indeed. They have now guessed that it fell into the hands of the adults. I wonder what they will think next?"

"What they think is their business. The initiative on how to deal with them is in our hands. We just need to keep observing..." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, if we are lucky, they might be taken to the fairyland by us..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This is extremely likely..."

While they were talking, Jing Ming and Wuwu Zang had returned. They went straight into the city lord's palace and found Li Yun who was checking on the patients.

"The city lord and elders are back?" Li Yun greeted warmly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Yun!" the two said in unison.

"The patients here are recovering well. We can let them go out to get some fresh air and let others come over." Li Yun said.

"Really?!" The two of them were delighted.

"Yes, I have confirmed the diagnosis. The plague in their bodies is already below the standard. As long as they keep clean, it will not get worse." Li Yun nodded.

"Keep yourself clean? What Yun Zun means is..." Jing Ming said suspiciously.

"This... of course means that they should not engage in activities involving bodily fluid exchange with others for the time being. If they must continue to take my elixirs, seniors know that my elixirs are not cheap. You will spend a lot of money this time. There is enough money..." Li Yun smiled.

"I doesn't matter. If you hadn't said that your elixirs are limited in quantity and cannot be supplied in large quantities, otherwise we would have bought them no matter how much they were! It's a pity that the medicinal materials you want can't be bought outside even if you have money, only The parts are still preserved from our clan!" Jing Ming sighed.

Li Yun nodded and agreed: "I have also heard about this situation. Nowadays, there are indeed fewer and fewer medicinal materials to fight the plague in the spiritual world. Many realms are hoarding them instead of selling them out, for their own sake, in case just in case."

"Who says it's not? I wonder if there are alternative medicinal materials? Even if the effect is worse, as long as it is effective!" Jing Ming said instead.

"Hey, what the city lord said makes sense. If other medicinal materials are used, the effect will indeed be much worse, but it is better than nothing, and the price can be lowered..." Li Yun muttered.

Jingming and Wuyuzang looked at Li Yun's expression and felt that something was interesting. They couldn't help but get excited and quickly analyzed the benefits of doing this, hoping that Li Yun could refine such a pill quickly.

"Two seniors, if you use new medicinal materials, it means developing a new elixir. And developing a new elixir is not something that can be done easily, but requires careful research. So, I will let Wu Chen is responsible for the treatment process of the new batch of patients, while he has to stay in isolation to study the new pill, hoping to develop it as soon as possible." Li Yun said.

"Is this...Wuchen okay?" Wuwunzang asked suspiciously.

"No problem! He has learned a lot from me during this time, and the main way to treat these patients is my elixir. He just needs to follow my instructions and nothing will happen."

"That's good! Master Yun should develop the new elixir as soon as possible. If you need anything, just ask Elder Wuchen to tell us. We will definitely cooperate with you!" Jing Ming said with enthusiasm.

"Okay! Goodbye!" Li Yun disappeared.

Jing Ming and Wu Wunzang felt that Li Yun had disappeared in the blink of an eye, and they couldn't help but turn to stone on the spot!

What kind of technique is this? He actually disappeared right in front of his eyes? !

If Li Yun appeared behind him at this time, wouldn't it mean that he could take his life at any time? !

When the two of them thought of this, they felt cold and shivering all over, and felt a chill on their backs...

After a while, Jing Ming finally said in a trembling voice: "Master he gone?"

"They should have left..." Wuwunzang said with a trembling voice.

The two of them turned around slowly, and finally saw that no one was behind them, and finally felt relieved.

Jing Ming suddenly slapped his head and shouted: "Hey, I just forgot to mention the Xing Yun wine with Yun Zun, what happened?!"

"Yes..." Wuwunzang said suddenly.

Recalling everything just now, the two suddenly realized that they had returned to the city lord's palace with the intention of talking to Li Yun about the sales of Xingyun Wine. However, after coming in, the conversation quickly focused on plague patients, and the plague patient was their current He was most concerned about it, so as soon as Li Yun mentioned it, he immediately forgot the main purpose of coming in.

In the end, Li Yun even disappeared immediately on the pretext of developing a new elixir, which made it impossible for them to change their minds, and now they can't even discuss the matter of Xingyun Wine.

"It seems that the only option is to find Elder Wuchen!" Jing Ming remembered and said.

"Yes, he is the one who can find Li Yun now. The city lord should go find him as soon as possible. If you have some wine, tell me as soon as possible!" Wuwunzang said with a smile.

Purchasing wine is a matter of purchasing, which is the responsibility of Jingming, and Wuwu Zang doesn't want to get involved.

"No problem! Of course we can drink together if we have wine!" Jing Ming said, patting his chest.

In addition to Xingyun Wine, the two of them actually wanted to find out many things from Li Yun, such as his relationship with King Yingyu and King Lili, whether he had any dealings with the kings of other forces, and the last flood. Do you know the inside story of attacking the city...

But these things disappeared as Li Yun disappeared in an instant. Both of them had a feeling that they wanted to exert their strength but had nowhere to fight, and they felt extremely uncomfortable...

Li Yun wanted to laugh when he saw the confused scene between the two of them. Of course, he didn't want to discuss sales directly with Jing Ming. It would be better to let Wu Chen talk about this kind of thing. On the one hand, handing over this big business to Wu Chen would be tantamount to It gave him an important source of income. On the other hand, it was convenient for him to raise the price. After all, he was a middleman, so he would definitely make a profit.

Therefore, Li Yun quickly handed over the elixirs, star wine, and medicinal materials to be purchased to Wuchen, and asked him to negotiate with Jingming. Knowing that Wuchen was weak in this area, he asked Xiaoxing to give him secret guidance, but Guaranteed against anything…

I used this time to return to Lingxian Peak, while refining elixirs, and practicing my thoughts.

As Li Yun and Xiaoxing predicted earlier, as the treatment progressed, those patients gradually recovered to the point where they could go out. Of course, these people couldn't sit still and wanted to go out for some air. Many of them were quite high-status and had many things on their bodies. Jing, therefore, Rongbao City became more and more lively.

Business in many markets is getting better and better, and many shops and stalls have been added to meet this trend.

More and more people from the Universiade Palace are doing business in Fangshi. Of course, if they want to do business, they must first enter the city from outside the city and register before they can apply for a shop in Fangshi and operate legally.

The most popular Shanhai Qixuan some time ago is still the best business, but now there are several more businesses that are booming, including Jitan and Feifei, Yingying, Qingyi, Yiyi, Jingjing, Hekai's Musical Instrument Song and Dance Hall, Liang The elixir shop opened by Ze and Wei Du and others, the calligraphy and painting shop opened by Xiong Bing and Zipei, the weapon refining shop opened by Deyang and Bai Sheng, Gan Mao and others, Wang Yi and Yan Zheng, Meng Ao and Wu The Ling Teahouse opened by Ju, Xiang Yi, Shen Feihu, Le Yi, Lian Po, Shang Zhi and others; the Expedition Dance led by Chun Yuzi, Xia Huizi, Qiu Shuozi, Bingdou, Bingpu, Bingxin and others Restaurant, a spiritual food restaurant jointly opened by Bao Man, Wu Chen, Wang Yong, Li Song, Xiao Qian and others...

These people often get together to discuss things because of the same hobbies. This time they got the opportunity to go out, and they happily went out to do business to get some fresh air and appreciate the different scenery of the outside world. They never thought about business, but they got better and better. , very busy...

Their business can do well, of course, because their current levels are very different!

After so many years of training in the Universiade Palace, it can be said that everyone has been reborn, full of Taoism, and almost completely changed as a person!

Therefore, they are extraordinary and every product they provide is of high quality, which makes people happy and will spend money without hesitation.

Although they did not publicize it much, they relied on their high-end product image to spread word of mouth, attracting more and more people to experience and consume.

It can be seen that as long as your products are really good, they will have their own publicity effect and will bring you more customer traffic without spending your money on publicity.

Some people may say that if you refine a very good knife and it can be used for a thousand years without breaking, then after others buy it, they will not buy it from you again for a thousand years. Isn’t that true? What a deal!

But this method of settling accounts is just a situation. You can also calculate it this way. Since the knife you made is really good and will not wear out after a thousand years of use, then your product image will be very good. People who buy this knife think it is a good deal, and they will be obliged to promote it for you, so that more people will come to buy it. If everyone comes to buy one, there are so many people in the spiritual world, and each person will buy one. There is a demand. The quantity is definitely not something you can supply, but your business will still be very prosperous!

What's more, good knives are naturally very profitable. In addition, you can also refine knives with different functions and still sell a huge amount...

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