The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2000 Division of Civilizations

"Sister Zhu, what is the meaning of this fat man's spiritual tea ceremony?" Brother Yang asked urgently.

"Wait a minute, how can you feel it so quickly?" Zhumei said.

"As soon as possible! It's been a long time..."

"Hmph, who told you to be so showy? You couldn't wait to show off the fat man before I could trick him out of him..." Zhumei said angrily.

"This..." Brother Yang was startled, and his face turned even more purple.

He had no choice but to continue to control the blending equipment while carefully observing the Taoist essence of Wang Yiling tea...

This is really not easy, because the Tao meaning of water and the Tao meaning of wood belong to the great road. There are countless middle ways and small ways derived from the great road. There are as many as an ox, and it is possible for every person who enters the Tao to experience the Tao meaning. They are not the same, or they have the same Dao meaning, but different Dao threads, such as more wood meaning, more water meaning, etc.

Only by being extremely sensitive to Taoism can it be possible to imitate the exact same Taoism and Taoism.

In addition, even if the same person, such as Wang Yi, brews spiritual tea at different times, although the Taoist meaning contained in it is the same, the Taoism will be different. In a sense, there are no two cups in the world. Exactly the same spiritual tea, there will always be some subtle differences in one way or another.

However, this is actually good for those who imitate. Therefore, there is no problem with subtle differences. The key is to find the true meaning.

After tasting and discussing, the two finally determined that the Taoist meaning in Wang Yiling's tea is roughly "Water and Wood Nianhua", that is, in the process of continuous evolution and change of water and wood, they can appreciate the changes of annual rings and the changes of time!

This Taoist meaning is actually not trivial, because any Taoist meaning that involves time is extremely terrifying!

Wang Yi's Taoist meaning was obtained through Li Yun's enlightenment. Although it is still in its early stages, it has already shown amazing potential. It is no wonder that his spiritual tea can sell so well...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing were not optimistic that Brother Yang could imitate this meaning. The main reason was the factor of time. No matter which interface they were on, there were always very few people who understood the meaning of time. , Therefore, Li Yun and Xiaoxing did not believe that two people who suddenly came could understand the meaning of time.

However, since Li Yun and Xiaoxing could already understand the language of Brother Yang and Zhumei, they were shocked when they heard them summarizing Wang Yi's Taoist meaning!

"Sir, I didn't expect that they actually guessed it?!" Xiaoxing said in surprise, this time he was truly surprised.

For Xiaoxing, there are indeed not many things that can surprise him. If Brother Yang and Zhumei knew this, they would probably be proud of themselves!

"Indeed, but... this also allows me to be really sure of one thing..." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"What's going on?" Xiaoxing asked urgently.

"These two people are most likely from the Sun Clan!" Li Yun said in shock.

"People from the Sun Tribe?!" Xiaoxing screamed!

This speculation was astonishing to him. If this was true, wouldn't it mean that he and his Excellency had begun to truly come into contact with one of the most elite races in the universe?

And judging from the current situation, these two people from the Sun Clan are not so unattainable. They are much weaker than what I originally speculated and imagined...

Although Brother Yang and Zhumei have not yet shown their true strength, with the level they have shown now, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have absolute confidence that they can compete with them, or even surpass them!

"Yes, all their characteristics, including physique, Taoism, language, and appearance, including the two Pegasus horses, are closely related to the sun's essence and fire. And just as we originally speculated, their IQ, their growth over a long period of time, Their evolution has enabled them to understand the way of time..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Sir, if they are really members of the Sun Tribe, why are they not as powerful as we speculate?"

"Our speculations are just speculations, and our speculations are based on the conclusions obtained under the most perfect circumstances. However, in the process of life evolution, it will always be affected by factors of one kind or another. If there is a slight obstruction, there will be It may slow down the speed of evolution, so the most perfect state is like drawing a cake. No matter how good the drawing is, it cannot be true..."

"Hehe, if an adult were to draw it, of course he would be able to draw it realistically!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"I'm just using a metaphor..." Li Yun smiled.

"So, the Sun Clan must have been affected a lot in the process of evolution. In their current state, if they want to evolve to the most perfect situation as we speculate, I don't know how long it will take!" Xiaoxing teased.

"Yes! In other words, it is impossible for them to achieve that perfect state! Just like us humans, we can also draw the most perfect evolutionary state, but that state is impossible to achieve no matter how hard we try. , because there are too many factors that influence the road of evolution, and any one of them may become a big pit on the road of evolution, making humans trapped in it and unable to get out..."

"Indeed, the evolution of life is greatly affected by the energy environment. There are too many pits on the road. It is difficult to climb out of some pits after falling into them. Only life that climbs out can evolve to a higher level. In the state of life!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Have you already made some conclusions about the evolution of life?" Li Yun asked.


"You might as well tell me..."

"In the universe, there are multiple levels of civilization created by life, and the divisions of these levels are generally divided according to the way of energy utilization."

"How to use energy? For example..."

"The energy that a first-level civilization can utilize is basically some natural energy, such as sunlight, moonlight, and some material energy converted by them. This should be a civilization created by some primary life forms after the birth of a world."

"These lives should be some primitive primary plants and microorganisms..." Li Yun continued.

"Yes. As these beings continue to evolve, they have been able to actively use solar and moonlight energy. For example, they can make fires, dig and utilize kerosene, plant and cultivate plants, raise herds of livestock, etc., so that they can enter It’s a second-level civilization.”

"This should be similar to the civilization created by mortals in the lower world..." Li Yun thought.

"That's right! Among ordinary lives, more advanced lives are beginning to be born, such as monks and immortals. They can not only use simple solar energy and moonlight energy, but also more advanced energy, such as spiritual stones and spiritual crystals. , fairy stones and fairy crystals, they can also use the spiritual energy and fairy energy in the atmosphere, and they can even transform energy of various different attributes. It can be said that they have been able to utilize the energy in the entire interface. At this time, what they have The civilization created is a third-level civilization!”

"So, the current Xuanling world belongs to the third-level civilization!" Li Yun judged.

"Yes! Being able to utilize the energy contained in the entire interface or the entire planet is a sign of a third-level civilization. The current cultivation world in the Xuanling World belongs to the third-level civilization." Xiaoxing said with certainty.

"In other words, in the Xuanling world, there are actually first-level, second-level and third-level civilizations, and these three levels of civilization exist in the same interface at the same time." Li Yun thought.

"This situation will exist when the civilization level is slightly lower, but when it reaches a higher level of civilization, it is unlikely that lower civilizations will exist at the same time, but will be completely eliminated!" Xiaoxing said.

" mean that when the civilization level is lower, its tolerance will be greater, but when the civilization level is higher, its tolerance will be smaller?"

"Yes! Natural energy will be exhausted sometimes. If a civilization stays in a lower state for a long time and cannot make good use of higher-level energy, it will be ruthlessly eliminated by the universe. If you don't want your civilization to be eliminated , we must work hard to develop upwards, otherwise, even if no one comes to destroy it, it will self-destruct due to the loss of natural energy..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun was quite shocked when he heard it, and it was the same when he thought about it. If a civilization can only use solar energy and moonlight energy, but has not developed to the next level of civilization for a long time, then when the sun and moon disappear, this civilization will naturally be finished!

Therefore, if a civilization wants to exist forever, or exist better, it must try its best to develop upwards, get rid of dependence on natural light energy, and utilize higher levels of energy.

And when a civilization develops more and more advanced, its inclusiveness will become smaller and smaller, and it can no longer tolerate things of lower civilizations, because if it tolerates these low-level civilizations, the low-level civilization will not give They bring benefits but are a drag on their evolutionary development.

Xiaoxing said: "For advanced civilizations, there is no need for low-level civilizations to exist. Even if they exist, they will not communicate with them. Perhaps low-level civilizations are just a kind of energy in their eyes, and they can harvest it at will when necessary. Exploitation is very cruel to low-level civilizations."

Li Yun sighed when he heard this. What Xiaoxing said is very correct. Just like the first-level civilization and the second-level civilization in the Xuanling world, they are like ants in the eyes of monks and immortals. They can trample, insult and use them at will...

Thinking about the previous selection of fairy seedlings, and the huge difference between the fairy seedlings and the immortal servants in the fairy sect, Xiaoxing's analysis can be proved.

It is precisely because of realizing this that he and Xiaoxing will do everything possible to help the Immortal Servers transform, eventually allowing them to become more advanced life soul warriors, form a soul army, and display amazing combat power.

But this kind of help is also limited. It can only help the best among mortals, while countless lower-level mortals cannot get such opportunities for transformation. They can only burn the light of their lives in obscurity. , and finally died together with the disappearance of civilization...

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