The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2001 Who comes up to taste tea?

"What about higher-level civilizations?" Li Yun asked again.

"A civilization higher than the realm of cultivation must be able to fully utilize the energy of the sun and moon, that is to say, it must be able to actively utilize the energy of stars! If a race can develop to this level, it can be called a fourth-level civilization ." Xiaoxing said.

"Comprehensive use of the energy of the stars? Then the Sun Clan in our conception can reach such a level, but now..." Li Yun looked at Brother Yang and Zhu Mei and felt that they had not reached such a high level.


"It seems that the development of the Sun Clan has not been smooth. There must have been many twists and turns during the period. Therefore, they should still stay in the third-level civilization." Li Yun said.

"Exactly. Of course, the same three-level civilization is divided into early, middle, late and peak stages. For example, the spiritual world and the lower world use spiritual energy, which belongs to the early stage. The fairy world uses fairy energy, which belongs to the middle stage. Being able to utilize a lot of the power of the Sun's Essence Fire, they should be in the late to peak stage, but if they fail to make a major breakthrough and cross the peak stage, they may remain stuck at this level..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"If the Sun Clan and the Moon Clan are still stuck in the third level of civilization, then I really doubt that there will be a Black Hole Clan?" Li Yun said suspiciously.

"Sir, the level of the Black Hole race is far higher than that of other races. It is of course doubtful whether a race like that exists, but theoretically they do exist." Xiaoxing said.

"Then what is their civilization level and the form of energy they utilize?"

"There are several levels of civilization between level three civilization and black hole civilization. It is impossible to directly cross from level three civilization to black hole civilization."

"Oh? What are the levels between them?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"At the fourth-level civilization, it uses the energy of a star. This energy is almost endless. It will not end until it becomes a red giant, a white dwarf, or directly becomes a supernova explosion. Therefore, a fourth-level civilization can It will exist for a long time, but it is not permanent. If they cannot make a major breakthrough, they will still not be able to escape the danger of extinction." Xiaoxing said.

"It's really sad that such a powerful civilization is still going to die... What about the fifth-level civilization?"

"It should be said that the fifth-level civilization has made a major breakthrough, because they can freely shuttle between galaxies and utilize the energy of countless stars. In this sense, the fifth-level civilization should have achieved immortality!" Xiaoxing exclaimed.

" seems we still have a long way to go..." Li Yun said with some fascination.

"Hey, level five civilization is far from the end of life's evolution!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Not yet?! What about the next level six civilization?" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Adults also know that energy sources such as stars are actually positive energy, but there is still a large amount of dark energy in the universe, and the amount of these dark energies is much greater than the positive energy. If If there are races that can utilize both positive energy and dark energy, then they must be much more powerful than the fifth-level civilization! Therefore, such races can be classified into the sixth-level civilization!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! According to the information from the pre-universe, the dark energy existing in the universe accounts for almost 70% of the energy in the entire universe. If anyone can use this part of energy, it must be more powerful than a race that only uses positive energy! "Li Yun agreed.

"Yes, maybe the proportion of dark energy in different universes will be different, but dark energy must exist, because the starry sky is so vast, and stars and positive energy matter are just dotted in it. Although it looks like stars, there are still large areas. Space is dark and blank, and it contains a large amount of dark energy. We need to slowly understand it in the future. Once we can identify dark energy and use it, we can instantly improve the level of civilization. Achieving leap-forward development! This situation can be called a 'mutation' in the history of life evolution!" Xiaoxing said slightly excitedly.

"Mutation?! It makes sense! If we study dark energy thoroughly, it means that we can use energy at a higher level than stars. This will indeed directly improve the level of our civilization! Maybe this is a shortcut for the evolution of life. !" Li Yun's eyes lit up, and he greatly appreciated Xiaoxing's theory!

Xiaoxing said proudly: "Sir, studying dark energy is indeed a shortcut, and it is the only way to go. Only by thoroughly studying dark energy can it be possible to come into contact with the ultimate civilization like the black hole civilization!"

"Why do you say that?" Li Yun perked up.

"This is because, judging from the results of previous research on the universe and Xiaonu's recent research on this universe, the energy controlled by black holes is not only positive energy, but also dark energy! Moreover, the dark energy component is much more than the positive energy. More! It is precisely because black holes can control dark energy that they can control so many positive energy materials such as stars, planets, wandering stars, meteorites, interstellar matter, etc., to form extremely huge galaxies and behemoths like quasars!" Xiaoxing analyzed .

"Wow..." Li Yun exclaimed in his heart!

It seems that Xiaoxing has found an entrance to study black hole civilization!

This entrance is dark energy!

As long as we can study it thoroughly, getting close to a black hole or even entering a black hole is no longer a dream!

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but think about it, and he couldn't hold it back anymore...

"Sir, Brother Yang has prepared some spiritual tea!" Xiaoxing reminded.

Li Yun was startled when he heard the words, and took his thoughts back. After a closer look, he found that Brother Yang had indeed prepared a spiritual tea. From the appearance, it was very similar to the spiritual tea brewed by Wang Yi. There was no difference in the fragrance, which annoyed the people around him. The spectators cheered loudly!

"so amazing!"

"Yes, it's actually been blended from horse urine into spiritual tea!"

"It's still hot..."

"It looks like Boss Wang's spiritual tea, but do you dare to drink it?"

"Why don't you dare?"

"You drink horse urine too?"

"This... horse urine also depends on what it is like. The urine from such a noble and good horse smells better than anything else. Even if you taste it, it will be all right..."

"I didn't expect you have such a strong taste..."


While everyone was talking, they burst into bursts of laughter, looking like they were having endless fun...

When Brother Yang saw this, he was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth. It seemed that he had successfully faked it because no one raised any objections. However, after all these people talked about it, no one came forward to taste the spiritual tea. It was really a bit strange. There was a fly in the ointment, so he couldn't help but said loudly: "Did you see it? This is the entire blending process from horse urine to spiritual tea. If you don't believe it, you can come up and have a taste. Is it the same as what you drank before?"

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, but their expressions were troubled.

Although some people had previously decided to taste the blended spiritual tea, they hesitated when it came to the matter.

This is a very difficult psychological situation. Even if you think horse urine doesn’t stink and is quite fragrant, drinking it is a completely different matter. What’s more, if you taste it in public, as long as you drink it, you may be laughed at. Drinking horse urine is a big price to pay!

No one dared to come forward to taste this spiritual tea. Brother Yang was immediately embarrassed. What is going on? I finally mixed the spiritual tea, but no one dared to come forward to verify it. Isn't this a waste of time?

Considering that a lot of effort was spent on refining these tools and studying the blending method, it would be a pity if no one came to verify it...

Since this operation was being carried out in public, he could not force others to come to drink tea for verification, otherwise it would be counterproductive. When he was depressed, he suddenly heard Zhumei say in his ear: "Brother Yang, under the heavy reward, there will be someone." Brave man, just offer a reward for someone to come up and have a taste!"

Brother Yang perked up after hearing this and praised: "It makes sense!"

So he turned to everyone and said: "Who comes up to taste tea? Anyone who comes up to taste tea will be rewarded with a crystal stone!"

After speaking, a flash of inspiration appeared in his hand, and a slightly reddish stone appeared. It looked a bit like a fire stone, but its appearance was somewhat different, and no onlookers had ever seen it before.

Because they have never seen it, people don’t know its value. Some people feel that Brother Yang just took out some rocks to trick people into drinking urine. Don’t fall for this trick. Therefore, in Brother Yang After offering the reward, no one was interested.

When Brother Yang saw this, he became even more impatient. He had a violent temper originally, but in the current situation, he felt like a fairy monkey acting. Being watched by everyone, he was really getting annoyed!

"Two crystals!" he shouted loudly.

When everyone heard this and saw his angry look, they couldn't help but quietly retreat back...

"Don't leave! Don't leave anyone! Three crystal stones!!!" Brother Yang was so anxious that he shouted loudly.

The eyes of Wuyuzang below lit up, and he was quite moved as he stared at the three crystal stones, but he still said: "Brother, I think the two people who should taste this tea are the two!"

"Oh? Which two?" Brother Yang asked.

"Of course one is you, because this tea was blended by you. Is it the same as what you drank before? It is very suitable for you to taste it." Wuwu Zang said.

When Brother Yang heard this, his face turned a little red. However, because he had already turned purple from holding back, people thought he was calm, but he asked: "Who else?"

"The other one is, of course, Boss Wang! He was the one who made the spiritual tea before. He is the only one who knows the color, aroma, type, Taoism and Taoism of the tea. Is the spiritual tea you blended the same as his? , I believe he will know it once he tastes it!”

As soon as Wuwu Zang finished speaking, everyone around him immediately applauded loudly and supported him. Only Brother Yang and Wang Yi felt uneasy...

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