The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2002 From loser to richest man

From Yang Ge's point of view, although he was sure that there was no horse urine in the tea, he absolutely did not want to drink it, because it was simply the rhythm of trapping oneself in a cocoon and inviting you into an urn.

For Wang Yi, it was even worse. He was pushed out to drink horse urine for no reason, or tasted it in public. How could he accept this?

From his perspective, he could not see the mystery in the previous blending process, but he did not believe that Brother Yang could transform a large bucket of horse urine into a real spiritual tea like adults, so in his opinion Come on, this blended spiritual tea must contain horse urine, there is no doubt about it!

Just as he was about to refuse, Li Yun suddenly heard Li Yun's voice saying: "It's okay. Although this tea is not brewed from Dahongpao tea leaves, the horse urine in it has been filtered through blending and will not be present in the tea. As for whether to drink or not, you make your own decision..."

"I see! But now everyone is waiting to see Xiaonu's joke. If Xiaonu really goes up to drink, won't he be ridiculed by them as drinking horse urine?" Wang Yi said hesitantly.

"This...there is indeed a problem in this regard, but..."

"But what?" Wang Yi asked quickly.

"There are always two sides to a thing. What you see is the negative side, but I also see the positive side." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Oh? I wonder what the positive side of this is?" Wang Yi's eyes lit up and he asked urgently.

"Actually, what Wuwu Zang said is right. The two people who should drink this spiritual tea here are you and Brother Yang, and the one who should drink it most is you, because only if you approve it, the spiritual tea blended by Brother Yang can pass the test. ! You are the final judge, so the success of Brother Yang’s operation today depends on your attitude..." Li Yun said.

"What is the attitude of the little slave? Does the master want the little slave to deny the spiritual tea he blended?! Humph, this kid dares to do everything in front of the master and show off the blending method. He just wants to challenge the master's rhythm! Xiao Even if the slave tries his best to be ridiculed and drink horse urine, he will be reduced to nothing!" Wang Yi suddenly realized and said harshly.

"No! You must not do this!" Li Yun quickly stopped him.

"But why?" Wang Yi was stunned.

"If you decide to go up and taste the spiritual tea, it is best to praise him for the perfect blend, which is exactly the same as yours, and hold it to the sky..."

"This..." Wang Yi was stunned again.

"Well, the positive thing I see is that if you do this, Brother Yang will definitely be very grateful to you.

This favor is not small, because..."

"Because?" Wang Yi's eyes lit up.

"Brother Yang's level is definitely higher than the immortals you saw, and he is far inferior to them..." Li Yun finally revealed a big secret to Wang Yi.

"What?! Is this true?!" Wang Yi was a little uneasy!

"Well, you can basically regard him as someone of the same level as me..." Li Yun said.

"Is that so?!" Wang Yi was truly shocked!

"Indeed. In addition, in addition to getting a big favor from him, you can also get the three crystal stones in his hand. They are excellent sun stones. Their value is probably higher than the fairy crystal. You can say that Made a fortune!" Li Yun reminded.

"Wow..." Wang Yi exclaimed, his heart skipping a beat!

If he doesn't care about that powerful favor, then these three red stones, which are worth more than the Immortal Crystal, are real rewards. How can he not take them?

"Okay, think about what to do first, don't think about the Sun Essence Stone..." Li Yun reminded.

"Yes! Sir!"

Wang Yi no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, coughed lightly, and took a step!

Everyone's eyes turned to him!

Brother Yang perked up and asked quickly: "Fat boy, do you want to come and taste tea?"

"I'm not fat! Have you ever seen such a beautiful fat man?" Wang Yi said quickly.

"You...Okay, okay, you're not fat, you're beautiful! Do you want to come and taste tea?" Brother Yang changed his topic and asked again.

", you are using such a magical blending method in my shop today to promote my tea shop. I am very grateful! But..."

"But what?!" Brother Yang asked urgently.

"Can you guarantee that there is no horse urine in this blended tea?" Wang Yi asked back.

"of course not!"

"Then how can you prove that?"

"Well, to prove this, we actually have to talk about how this blending method works..." Brother Yang said.

"Oh? Please tell me, brother!"

"Actually, the substances in the horse urine have been extracted by me and refined together with the materials put in. Once the two are combined, they become a new raw material. Then I put in different materials, and these materials continue to The combination of the ground finally becomes the raw material of spiritual tea. I then use this raw material to brew spiritual tea. This is the blending method. Through this method, horse urine actually no longer exists..." Yang Ge said proudly. .

Everyone was quite shocked when they heard it, and they didn't know if what he said was true, but it sounded similar...

After listening to this, Li Yun and Xiao It can be inferred that Brother Yang still has a certain understanding of the blending method. The most important thing is that he has realized that the blending method actually realizes the mutual transformation of substances. For those who have never been exposed to this method, Being able to realize this in such a short period of time is really a sign of extremely high IQ!

However, although Yang Ge realized that the blending method was to change horse urine through material transformation, he could not tell the ins and outs of Wang Yiling tea. Of course, he could not figure out what kind of tea was brewed and the various ingredients in the tea. The composition of various ingredients and so on, as a result, the countless materials he prepared early in the morning will not be used, and naturally they will not be able to blend.

After all, it was impossible for him to reach Xiaoxing's computing power, and he didn't have a think tank as large as Xiaoxing, or the extremely rich and colorful species of life in the Tianyun world. He could have whatever he wanted, and even if he didn't have it, he could easily Find an alternative quickly.

Therefore, it is impossible for Brother Yang to truly transform Wang Yiling Tea through blending. He can only rely on forgery, which is indeed difficult for him.

A look of doubt appeared on Wang Yi's face, and he added: "The spiritual tea I brewed is made from the Dahongpao tea leaves that I specially cultivated, and it also contains my Taoist meaning. The tea you have blended Is it really the same as my spiritual tea?"

"Haha, fat...boy, there is something wrong with what you say! Can there be two cups of tea that are exactly the same in this world? Even if you make two cups of tea yourself, they will not be exactly the same! So, my blending It’s enough that my tea is very similar to yours. If I say it’s exactly the same, I’m definitely bragging!” Brother Yang taught Wang Yi a lesson.

"That's...ok, brother, what you said makes sense! Let me taste it and see if it is really similar to my spiritual tea!" Wang Yi gritted his teeth and said.


There was an uproar inside and outside the building!

No one thought that Wang Yi would actually go to the tea blended by Brother Pinyang, and some people could not help but snicker...

Wang Yi's face is slightly red. Because his skin color is fair, his face looks rosy when he blushes. It looks like a red fruit. People smile even more happily when they see it...

Wang Yi picked up the tea cup, but did not drink it. Instead, he asked: "Brother, are what you just said still valid?"

"What did I say? What did I say?" Brother Yang was startled.

"Whoever comes to taste tea can get these three crystal stones in your hand!" Wang Yi said loudly.

"This... of course works!" Brother Yang suddenly nodded and said.

"Then give it to me first, and I'll come and taste the tea!"

"Here!" Brother Yang threw the three crystal stones in his hand casually.

Wang Yi held on tightly, his heart beating wildly, and he quickly put them into the spiritual ring.

With these three crystals, which are more valuable than fairy crystals, his net worth has soared all of a sudden, and he may have become the richest man in the Universiade Palace, so even if he drinks all the tea, there will be no problem!

Wang Yi's face turned redder. Others thought he was having an ideological struggle, but they didn't expect that this fat man had transformed from a loser to a rich man in just a blink of an eye...

Fate is sometimes so strange. When there is no opportunity, you desperately look for opportunities, but when the opportunities come, you will miss them due to various reasons. If you tell the truth, I am afraid these people watching the scene will be extremely sad!

Especially Wuwu Zang. He had long discovered that the three crystal stones in Brother Yang's hand were not ordinary, but he did not make up his mind to come out to taste tea in public. With this mistake, he lost perhaps the most important opportunity to make a fortune in his life!

But Wang Yi got this fortune easily with Li Yun's guidance!

Wang Yi's fat hands were trembling slightly, and he was obviously very excited. He slowly picked up the tea cup, his eyes were focused, but he was stunned!

This cup of tea really looks like he brewed it himself. The color, aroma and taste are almost exactly the same. The similarity is so real!

When I carefully understand its meaning, I am even more stunned!

Isn't this the meaning of my "water and wood time"?

The meaning of Lingcha Taoism guessed by Zhu Mei is "Shui Mu Nian Hua". Although it is different from Wang Yi's own name, it is very close, especially in terms of the way of time. This is simply a genius!

"It's over, it's over... I didn't expect that Brother Yang is so powerful that he can even blend such a unique Taoist intention like mine. It's really incredible!" Wang Yi screamed repeatedly in his heart.

He hurriedly started to taste the tea, and felt the tea entering his stomach. The feeling was no different from drinking his own tea. Even the amount of tea was the same. If he thought it was the tea he brewed, he would not have any objection. !

"Brother, the tea you blended is exactly the same as the spiritual tea I brewed. The similarity is more than 99%! I am really full of admiration for you!"

( = )

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