The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2040 Access Channel

? Chi Yan said: "Senior, there is really no need to exchange! They gave me a hundred fine stones last time, which is enough!"

While taking out a space stone, it was full of chaotic matter.

She Yang took it and saw that the material inside was ten times more than what Chi Yan took out last time, and he couldn't help but feel happy!

"Xiao Chi is so generous!" Sheyang praised.

Xin Yang and Wan Zhu looked at each other, each took out another hundred pieces of fine stones and forced them on Chi Yan...

No matter what, they can't be underestimated by Chi Yan, right?

Sheyang obtained the chaotic matter and couldn't wait to study it and began to control it. However, his research was very different from Li Yun's model. This scene aroused the curiosity of the three people, and they all watched intently...

Li Yun watched from the side without disturbing them, but in his mind he was paying attention to the information about the True Yang Clan obtained from the "Jihuo" fire spirit. Many of the pictures made him extremely shocked!

One of the hot cyclones located in interstellar space left him speechless!

I saw clouds and mist swirling around here, like a sea of ​​clouds. The clouds rolled in and spread out, and they were majestic. But in the center of the sea of ​​clouds, there was a huge whirlpool of steaming steam. From time to time, heat waves spurted out from it, which made people tremble with fear. …

"Sir, this is a passageway into and out of the solar space. It should be a naturally formed teleportation array!" Xiaoxing judged.

"What? There are also natural teleportation arrays?!" Li Yun was a little uneasy.

"The teleportation array is a thing that is consistent with this universe, so it is not surprising that there are naturally formed channels. Moreover, with the power of the sun, it is normal to form natural teleportation channels." Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! It's just that this situation is so rare that I didn't even react. Maybe there will be such natural transmission channels near some objects with huge energy..." Li Yun thought.

"It's very possible! Their energy is extremely abundant and the internal pressure is too high, so they need some venting channels. At the same time, in order to balance the internal pressure, they will also absorb some external substances. In this way, a natural transmission channel will appear. As long as If you use it well, you can easily enter and exit it. However, such a channel may still be somewhat different from the teleportation array we built. For example, there are both three-dimensional channels and four-dimensional space channels..." Xiaoxing analyzed.


The three-dimensional channel may be an energy path. For the sun, the temperature of this path must be extremely high, making it impossible for ordinary people to pass. The four-dimensional space channel, like our teleportation array, takes the path of space, so that it can avoid the blazing high temperature and directly enter the solar space inside. "Li Yun said.


"So, in addition to the sun, black holes, including some stars, will have huge energy fluctuations, and the probability of transmission channels appearing outside them is very high..."

"Yes. Needless to say, black holes, there are also white dwarfs, red-brown stars, pulsars, star cores, powerful fires, or powerful energy bodies that we have not yet discovered. As long as we can discover their energy fluctuation patterns, we can even take action. Affect their energy fluctuations, so that it is possible to discover or create transmission channels!"


Li Yun screamed when he heard it. Xiaoxing's analysis was extremely shocking, because he not only mentioned that the energy fluctuations of the stars could be used, but also mentioned that the transmission channels could be created by affecting the energy fluctuations of the stars. This is a It is undoubtedly an extremely attractive and advanced method!

If you can realize the method of Xiaoxing analysis, then it will no longer be a problem to enter the inner world of those large energy bodies in the future. Moreover, this is also a powerful method to defeat the enemy, and maybe it will be used at some time!

During the last phone call between Li Yun and Yuan Yi, he mentioned that a planet could be detonated within three to ten breaths. This was of course based on laser weapons.

After the successful construction of large-scale laser weapons, using lasers to destroy stars is a practical solution. Of course, doing so requires a huge amount of energy. The energy required to emit a laser beam that can destroy stars even requires Li Yun and Xiao Xingdu thought it was too luxurious!

Although the world of Tianyun is now extremely rich, the energy consumed in firing such a laser would probably shrink it by about one tenth!

In other words, the current Tianyun world has reached the energy level of the fairy world, but it can only emit ten such large laser beams.

In Li Yun's view, such a large laser weapon is more important for its deterrent effect rather than its actual combat effect.

However, if Xingyun No. 3 is built in the future and then goes to the interstellar space to search for scraps, the situation will be different, because the material collected will definitely increase dramatically, and the energy converted will also increase greatly, and it will be able to emit More large lasers make this weapon a conventional weapon.

Now, Li Yun realizes that there may be access channels around large energy bodies, or he may use its energy fluctuations to create access channels, which gives him a new way to destroy the stars!

Because using a large laser is to destroy it from the outside, it may be more energy-saving and more lethal to go inside the star to destroy it.

In addition, if the entrance and exit channels are used to emit lasers, the laser beam required to achieve the same destruction effect can be much smaller, because the laser beam can enter the interior of the star and then explode, which also saves energy.

This tactic mainly uses the three-dimensional channel of a large energy body, because this is a perceptible energy channel, and laser weapons can accurately hit the channel and enter its interior.

And if the four-dimensional channel of a large energy body is attacked, it can achieve the purpose of blocking the life in its internal space, because if there is no external channel to connect, the people and objects inside cannot be accurately transmitted, and the consequences will be extremely serious, because the coordinates of the outside world It is changing at any time. If you cannot accurately locate your position, it is very possible that you may accidentally enter the enemy camp or accidentally enter the sun!

In short, there are too many tactics to study here...

It can be said that the discovery of the hot cyclone in interstellar space has greatly broadened Li Yun and Xiaoxing's thinking, which will be of great help to future Star Wars!

Even without Star Wars, it is very helpful to collect materials. As long as you find a large energy body that is on the verge of extinction, use this method to crush it and then collect the scraps. This is both efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly...

"Sir, there should be many such entrance and exit transmission channels around the sun, because the energy of the sun is so abundant, it is not surprising that there are many!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes! Does this also mean that the True Yang Clan has a huge sphere of influence? Maybe they have many tribes, and each tribe has its own access channel..." Li Yun guessed.

"This... is very possible! We should be able to tell after all the Huo Ling's information is scanned. Moreover, didn't Xin Yang and the others say that there are hundreds of people in the Zhen Yang tribe who have reached the level of She Yang, so People should generally be the leaders of a certain tribe. From this point, it is not difficult to prove that the guess you just made is correct." Xiaoxing thought.

"Okay! It seems that we have only met people from the Sheyang tribe. We may encounter more in the future. With so many passages, it is impossible for people from the Zhenyang tribe not to come out and stroll around..." Li Yun smiled road.

"Sir, people from the True Yang Clan must reach a certain level when they go out. For example, only those who can control Haihuo like Xinyang and Wanzhu can. Otherwise, once they are in danger, the secrets of the True Yang Clan may be leaked. "

"I see. The Zhenyang Clan is really cautious. Why are they so afraid of being discovered?" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, I think of two reasons."

"Say it quickly!"

"First, although the people of the True Yang tribe are powerful and lofty, and can look down on all living beings, they are not so arrogant that they feel that they have no opponents, because the closer they are to the people of heaven, the more cautious they will be!"

"That makes sense! What about the second one?" Li Yun praised.

"The True Yang Clan also has weaknesses!"

"Oh? What weakness?"

"For example, their characteristics are too outstanding. The entire race of people are of the fire attribute. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that one can reach a very high level in the way of fire, but the disadvantage is that the five elements are in conflict. If you encounter someone in People or races with advanced cultivation on water or ice paths will certainly pose a huge threat to them!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Indeed, sometimes people are often deceived by the strongest point, thinking that they can sweep everything with this point and be invincible. But sometimes, the strongest point is exactly where his weakness lies. If he does not protect it well, If you do, sometimes you will be tricked to death by your own strongest point..." Li Yun agreed.

"Hey, we have analyzed the situation of overtaking in corners before. For example, two strong people are fighting each other, but the third person continues to develop on different roads, from weak to strong, and finally surpasses the two original strong ones in one fell swoop. Or, to put it in a more vivid way, when the times want to abandon them, they won’t even give them a notice.” Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Of course! If a person, a country, a race, or a force always wants to rest on its laurels, does not innovate, and is not prepared for danger in times of peace, then sooner or later it will be replaced by new forces. This has long been proven by countless vivid examples. ..." Li Yun said.

"In addition to this weakness, the True Yang Clan certainly has other weaknesses. Although we don't know much now, as our understanding deepens, we will definitely be able to discover more! For example, today we discovered this entrance and exit channel, which can become the True Yang It is a weakness of the tribe. For them, they should also understand that these passages must be protected, otherwise they will easily become the target of attacks by others. Once attacked, access will be troublesome and very dangerous..."

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