The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2041 The amazing charm of Sheyang

Li Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this. The weakness Xiaoxing mentioned was more direct and obvious. Perhaps the True Yang Clan tried its best to hide their information, and this was what they were afraid of!

Just as when I first saw this entrance and exit, countless attack plans immediately emerged in my mind, other people may think of one or two even if they don't think of so many when they see it.

Of course, those people may not necessarily guess that the hot cyclone is a natural passage in and out of the solar space, but if someone goes to explore it, or is swept in by the huge force contained in it, then this secret will be exposed.

Therefore, the True Yang Clan must have some protective measures in this regard, and the first and most important point is of course to hide their own information...

"Well said! Although there are almost no forces that can threaten the True Yang Clan in this world, it cannot be ruled out that there will still be some hidden forces that will pose a threat to them. Of course, there may also be threats from external forces. Therefore, the True Yang Clan It’s not unreasonable for the Yang people to be so cautious. Maybe there was such a situation in their history, which made them have to choose to act so cautiously." Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes, as our understanding deepens, we will discover more secrets... Sir, I found a letter of talisman outside. It seems to be the same as the one sent by Xin Yang and others. It should be from the other two Zhenyang tribe members!" Xiaoxing! reminded.

Li Yun quickly checked and found that it was indeed the case, and quickly asked Xiaoxing to put it into the boat.

After finding out, Xin Yang sensed: "They are nearby, wait until I go out to pick them up."

"Wait, you are here, I can just go see them." Sheyang shouted.

"It's...Uncle Master..." Xin Yang was startled and watched Sheyang disappear...

Fairy Wanzhu looked at this scene and hummed: "Why is Uncle Master's actions so mysterious? Is there something hidden from us?"

"I think that must be the case!" Xin Yang said harshly.

Fairy Wanzhu turned to Li Yun and asked, "Xiao Yun, tell me honestly, how did my uncle know you?"

Hearing her question, Li Yun's mind raced. In fact, he knew very well what Uncle Sheyang was thinking. What he was most afraid of was that juniors like Wan Zhu and Xinyang would know about the perfect transformation caused by the world model, and his face would be ruined. Can't hang on, the other things shouldn't matter. In addition, why he wanted to meet the other two juniors in person, the purpose is probably related to the two strands of spiritual consciousness attached to them. Therefore, for Fairy Wanzhu and the others, as long as they themselves There would be no problem in hiding what happened before and starting from the observation array, so he said half-truthfully: "I was discovered by him when I was building an array.

The two started chatting and got to know each other. "

"It's that simple?!"


"What kind of formation should you create? It shouldn't be easy for your uncle to take a fancy to you and recognize you as the number one person in Xuanling, right?" Fairy Wanzhu quickly thought of this.

"Sister Zhu is overly praised! This formation is not an advanced formation, but its function is somewhat special."

"Oh? What is its function? Tell sister quickly!" Wanzhu's eyes lit up and she asked urgently.

"'s mainly used for long-distance viewing."

"Looking into the distance? Looking into the distance?"


"How far can you see? One hundred thousand miles? Two hundred thousand miles?"

"more than…"

"Fifty thousand miles?! One million miles?!"

"more than…"

"What?! Don't tell your sister that it can see ten million miles, right?!" Fairy Wanzhu said in shock.

Xin Yang and Chi Yan on the side also widened their eyes with incredible expressions!

With the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator, a person with a high level of cultivation can clearly see a range of more than 10,000 miles, but from the inside out, the clarity will become lower and lower, and the rate of decline will become faster and faster.

No matter how high your cultivation level is, you can expand the range to more than 20,000 miles, but it basically stops and it is difficult to make further progress.

Of course, Li Yun's current spiritual consciousness is much stronger than theirs. He can see hundreds of thousands of miles away, but if he goes further, he has to use the ground network to see.

With Xinyang, Wanzhu, and Chiyan's abilities, they were at least twice as short as Li Yunlai. Therefore, they were all shocked when they heard that the observation array could see such a long distance!

"Ten million miles...not more than that!" Li Yun said.

"What?! How far can it see?!" Wan Zhu covered Tan's mouth and asked in surprise.

"More than hundreds of millions of miles!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Hundreds of millions of miles?! Oh my god!!!" The three people exclaimed and stood up!

Fairy Wanzhu's chest rose and fell sharply, which was quite tempting. Her face turned a little pink due to excitement, and she gasped and said: "Xiao Lun, take us to see it quickly! Sister, I also want to see Hundreds of Millions of Miles What’s the scene outside!”

"Yes! My brother must be eye-opening this time!" Xin Yang said excitedly.

"Where is the master's formation built? Why doesn't the slave know anything about it?!" Chi Yan asked in shock.

Li Yun had already estimated their reaction and said: "Don't worry, now we are a certain distance away from that formation, there is no need to go back to see it, because after a while, I will choose a location and build another identical one." Formation, I will take you to see it again in Jieshi."

"So that's it..." The three of them suddenly realized.

"Little luck, how long will it take?" Fairy Wanzhu asked.


"Gee, it seems Xiaoyun has hidden a lot of things from us! You even hid it from your own little slave. Is this formation very important?" Wanzhu teased.

"No! Xiao Chi actually knows this, because I built this formation as early as when I was in Linyu, and I also built one at Bishui Lake, but this observation formation was later attached to Above, he didn't notice this," Li Yun argued.

Chi Yan suddenly realized what he was talking about and said quickly: "So the master is talking about those teleportation formations?"

"Exactly! But it also has another function, which is to see far away." Li Yun nodded.

"Haha, it seems that Xiaonu ignored it!" Chi Yan laughed.

Wan Zhu glanced at him and said, "You are so happy even if you ignored it?!"

"That's right! It means you didn't hide anything from me!" Chi Yan said proudly.

"Then shouldn't you also reflect on it? A formation that can see hundreds of millions of miles away will not be ordinary anyway, right? You can notice it no matter what!" Wanzhu lectured.

"This... you little girl is sharp-tongued! Well, I admit that what you said is reasonable, and you should really reflect on it..." Chi Yan said with a slight blush on his face.

"Geez, that's right! Huh?!"

Fairy Wanzhu's eyes suddenly lit up because she found that Sheyang had returned with a man and a woman.

"Jingmei!" she shouted in surprise.

"Sister Zhu!" The woman among them also shouted in surprise.

The two of them soon got together and started chatting endlessly.

The other man started chatting with Xin Yang, Chi Yan and Li Yun, and seemed particularly talkative!

Li Yun quickly learned that the man's name was Guo Huan and the woman's name was Zhan Jing. They were the Zhenyang tribesmen who went to the fairy world to search for chaotic matter. They turned around after receiving Xin Yang's letter. Unexpectedly, they would meet Shen Yang. Uncle Yang was then brought to Xingyun No.1.

The two rays of spiritual consciousness attached to their bodies have obviously been received into Sheyang's body, making him look even more energetic and aura greatly increased!

Moreover, because the last spiritual body has been nourished by the perfect transformation, Sheyang's appearance looks more moist and smooth than before. It can be said that the face is full of red light, which is hard to look at!

This made Xin Yang and others look at him with admiration on their faces. This is what they thought a wise man in the clan should look like...

Li Yun secretly laughed in his heart. If Sheyang went to the Xuanling world like this, he would definitely encounter the same troubles as he did before. The charm is too strong and he would not dare to walk around in the outside world. Otherwise, he would attract countless people!

I suffered deeply from it, but fortunately, I first had the high-end robes refined by Xiaoxing, and then the tattoos I refined myself, so that I could completely get rid of this trouble and walk freely in the outside world.

In his consciousness, he suddenly discovered that Chi Yan was also staring at Sheyang blankly, without even blinking, and he couldn't help but be startled!

"Sir, Xiaochi seems to be fascinated by Sheyang too!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Well, he is originally a fire attribute, and Sheyang is the fire attribute among the fire attributes. Of course he was attracted!" Li Yun reacted and smiled.

"And the way Sheyang looks now is so nakedly attractive. How can Xiaochi resist the temptation?"

"I understand now..." Li Yun said suddenly.

"What do you understand, sir?"

"Didn't Xin Yang and Wan Zhu say before that the great masters of the True Yang Clan rarely go out? They are all hiding and studying intellectual problems... In my opinion, the main reason why they dare not come out is that they are afraid of attracting People, with the avatar of Sheyang, are so charming, then his true body is even more attractive, and of course the ten prophets needless to say, of course they can only hide..." Li Yun said with gloating.

"What a guess, sir! They had no way to cover up the fairy light on their bodies, so naturally they had to hide! Moreover, the fairy light of the True Yang tribe is mainly composed of the light of the Tao of Sun Essence Fire, which makes them appear more enthusiastic and more The warmth makes it even more irresistible... In short, appearing like this in front of others is a disaster and will cause traffic jams!" Xiaoxing said.

"This is not without benefits for them. It can give them a reason to stay at home more to study intellectual problems, and promote their wisdom to grow faster!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Although, some intellectual problems can only be solved through field observation, experiments, practice, etc. If they stay at home all the time, it will be difficult for them to encounter these problems and solve them!" Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! Blindly studying behind closed doors is not a good way to do knowledge. Could it be that the detours the Zhenyang Clan has taken in recent years are due to this reason..."

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