The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2215 The power of Xiaomeijia’s video

As Li Yun spoke, he had already arrived near a boundary tree.

I saw that this world tree had not yet collapsed, and there were still many soul insects on it desperately eating, and the tree spirit was in a fierce battle with the powerful insect race...

When Mr. Nian saw them, he immediately said, "I'll go over and take care of them!"

"Wait a minute! Senior is absorbing the longevity pill. It's not advisable to move too much. I'll do it." Li Yun said.

"Then be careful!"


Li Yun dodged and had already exited Xingyun No. 1. Since the world on the ship was now empty, he could not borrow the power of the soul army and had to come on his own.

Of course, he still has the power of the world inside him to borrow, and this power is extremely terrifying even now.

When the person was in the air, Li Yun's power of spiritual consciousness was fully spread out, stretching and vast. It didn't take long to cover the entire boundary tree, and even in a very short period of time, it had been refined to Every soul insect!

The strands of spiritual consciousness are like a rope that tightly grasps the soul worm and quickly takes it back!

But the people on the boat only saw the soul insects flying towards Li Yun like moths to the fire, and disappeared in a flash!

This scene shocked the people watching on the boat. Fortunately, they felt relieved when they saw that Li Yun was fine...

After a while, the soul worms on the world tree completely disappeared!

A group of Zerg warriors who were fighting with the tree spirit over there sensed the great changes happening here, and were startled. They quickly abandoned the tree spirit and rushed towards Li Yun...

There was a faint smile on Li Yun's face, but he remained unmoved at all. Thousands of spiritual consciousness turned into astonishing ropes to tightly bind these Zerg masters one by one, and they were also captured into the Tianyun world!


Nian Chu, Hua Yu, Miao Yin Qin, Nian Lun and Huang Yi Miao were stunned to see it, as if they were turned to stone...

As he spoke, Li Yun casually captured all such a large number of soul insects alive, and the opponent surrendered without even a trace of resistance. The effect was just like the light net cast by the soul army, but the speed was even faster. !

They all reacted and saw that Li Yun was using the power of divine consciousness, but what you need to know is that the Zerg are extremely corrosive and toxic, and the fairy army has been hit by them countless times. Could Li Yun Aren't you afraid?

Moreover, from the look of Li Yun, it seems that he has captured these Zerg into his body space, which is even more dangerous. If the toxicity occurs, it will be troublesome!

However, Li Yun didn't seem to care about this at all, because he was already busy treating the tree spirit and the world tree at the same time. After a while, he finally completed the task and returned to the boat.


Xingyun No. 1 quickly left here and headed to the next boundary tree area...

"Master Yun, be careful, those Zergs are poisonous!" Miaoyinqin couldn't help but say.

"It's okay! That little bit of poison is nothing. I'm basically immune to all poisons!" Li Yun said with a smile.

He was teasing in his heart, so you are looking at me like this because you are worried about this problem...

"So that's it..." Miaoyinqin suddenly realized.

"Then can I also use the power of my spiritual consciousness to catch insects?" Nian asked.

"Senior, it's best not to do this. The Zerg are indeed very poisonous. I'm afraid it will cause great damage to your consciousness and body. The gain outweighs the loss!" Li Yun said quickly.

"It seems that if I want to catch insects alive, I have to think of other ways..." Father Nian sighed.

Hua Yu Xiansheng said with a smile: "My solution is to let Xiao Lun take action..."

"Haha, it seems that this is indeed the best way at the moment..." Nian and the others couldn't help but laugh.

Li Yun laughed along with him for a while, and then quickly got involved in the rescue operation of Jieshu...

But on the side of the demon world, the wild immortal team Dongchuangzhu and Chuisha flew for a while according to Xiaoxing's instructions, and finally arrived at the designated place, and then they saw the immortal army war boat appearing not far away!

"Look! The Immortal Army!" Dong Chuangzhu shouted excitedly.

"Wow, it's really an immortal army!" Chui Sha, Miao Yijian, Fairy Yunshan and others all shouted.

"Eh? They're here too?!" Dong Chuangzhu suddenly wondered.

A few people turned their eyes and found that the reserve team that had been separated from them had also arrived here at this time. What a coincidence!

Of course, they quickly thought that this should be Ling Daozi's masterpiece. Under his command, these four teams could arrive at the same time!

The Immortal Army also quickly discovered them. King Shou was overjoyed. This team was here to deliver resources. It was a timely help, so he quickly led people to welcome them out.

"Prince!" Dong Chuangzhu and others saluted.

"Haha, okay! Okay! Please come quickly!" King Shou laughed.

Everyone followed the prince into the camp. Dong Chuangzhu found that the prince was almost alone. Only Gui Wang, Wen Qing, and Meng Xia were here. After asking, he found out that the immortal commanders had all gone to exterminate insects.

Dong Chuangzhu quickly relayed what Ling Daozi said, and then said: "Prince, now the second wave of Zerg is developing at a faster pace in various places. We can no longer clean it up slowly. We must use thunderous means to sweep it away in the short term, and then Implement focused eradication so as not to give them time to grow up!”

After hearing this, King Shou's face became a little unhappy. Unexpectedly, the immortal army missed the opportunity again!

After all, he still didn't pay attention to what Li Yun said before leaving, thinking that the Zerg army had been wiped out, and the remaining small fish and shrimps would not be able to make big waves no matter what.

But it seems that the Zerg are definitely not small fish and shrimps. If they are not careful, they will make a comeback. The second wave of insect plague in the world behind the spiritual world is proof.

Upon thinking of this, King Shou immediately sent an order to urgently summon all the immortal commanders to reorganize the immortal army and launch a new sweep plan...

However, he soon received news that the great immortal commanders were entangled with the Zerg team in all directions!

Because the immortal army now adopts a refined search and strike strategy, in addition to the pro-army of King Shou, the other five immortal commanders each led their troops to search the periphery. The scope continued to expand, and now they must have encountered the new generation Zerg team, and the two sides fought fiercely. middle…

"Support them immediately!" King Shou immediately ordered.

The four reserve teams each supported an Immortal Commander team, and after receiving some resources, Prince Shou's army also went to support the remaining Immortal Commander team...

This round of support operations came in time. The fairy army and the reserve team worked together to disperse the invading Zerg team and reunited!

After discussing with Wu Ling and others, Shou Wang decided to implement a comprehensive attack strategy in the demon world, letting go of some small groups of Zerg, but never letting go of Zerg of medium size and above. Now they have a better condition, that is, there are immortals. Professional information teams like the Machine Team can help them greatly improve the efficiency of information collection.

Since Li Yun and Xiaoxing are not caring about them for the time being, the Xian Army can only rely on their own efforts. Soon, the spies of the Xian Army, plus the members of the Xian Ji Team, were divided into countless small teams to explore the outside. The Xian Army and the reserve team Mix it up, gear up, and be ready to attack at any time...

What King Shou and the others did not expect was that the Immortal Realm would send more than two million more immortal troops to the Demon Realm to suppress insects. If they knew this news, they would not be anxious.

But in the fairy world, people are much more nervous and anxious than he is!

Due to the large-scale release of new video information, the chase game between the fairy army and the Zerg army has firmly grasped people's hearts. Everyone is concerned about where the fairy army escaped today and where it will rush to tomorrow... There is simply not a day. Can spend time peacefully!

The flying speed, skills and luck of the fairy army and the demon clan are like a big show, which makes everyone watch it endlessly and unable to let go. They wish they could be in it and enjoy such a fast and passionate game...

The higher-ups in the Immortal World were worried, feeling that the Immortal Army might be destroyed at any time. At this time, everyone including the Holy Emperor gathered at Wu Siqi in the Holy Master Palace to watch the jade slip message sent by Ze Zhang. Of course, there were also people who brought it More new jade slip information is continuously released by the Xianji Department...

Under the heaven and earth, the major forces stared at the light curtain attentively and exclaimed from time to time. It can be seen that even they were attracted by this exciting chasing competition!

The Holy Emperor found that such a chasing competition is even more beautiful than a horse race, and the key factor is that this video is so beautifully produced, so clear that even countless details are lifelike, right before your eyes, and its three-dimensional effect makes people feel like they are actually there. , dancing with the fairy army and the zerg...

This feeling is something they have never experienced before. No wonder they are all addicted to it and can't extricate themselves!

But what they didn't expect was that the extremely toxic "Xiao Mei" had been mixed into the jade slips sent by Ze Zhang. Xiao Mei is colorless and odorless and highly invasive. Unless the body is refined to a very high degree, otherwise It must be able to slowly penetrate into the body. Moreover, a small amount of Xiaomei will make people unaware. When it gathers to a certain amount, it will explode at the same time. Such a poison can only be soaked in the poisonous path like Ze Zhang. It takes people a long time to study it.

If Wu Siqi is the original Wu Siqi, then he will definitely be able to discover Ze Zhang's revenge. However, although he is now Ze Zhang's master on the surface, his sensing ability is extremely weak because of the relationship between him and Ze Zhang. The Tiandao agreement was false, and Tiandao was simply deceived by Wu Siqi's "hiding the truth" method.

In addition, because the video information from the Xianji Department made everyone here pay full attention and get excited, so there was a little slowness in the Xianjue, and this slow reaction also made Xiaomei's invasion possible!

It can be said that the unintentional cooperation between Zezhang's Xiaomei and Xiaoxing's video has caused the leaders of the major forces to be continuously invaded by Xiaomei unknowingly, and the number is constantly accumulating...

Wu Siqi usually looked down on these slaves and did not know much about their methods. Of course, Xiao Mei was the result of Ze Zhang's painstaking research over the years, which Wu Siqi did not notice.

He failed to discover Xiaomei, and it was even less likely for others to discover it, and they did not expect that such a vicious poison existed in the world, which simply killed people invisible...

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