The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2216 Mass Poisoning

Among the people at the scene, in addition to the Holy Emperor and Wu Si Qi, there were six people including Jiutian Xuannv, Xiang Ehuang, Dongxia Zhenjun, Bodhi Zen Immortal, Shanhui Master, and Hanshan Shenjun. He has been watching for the longest time and has been invaded by Xiaomei for the longest time. However, his cultivation level is extremely high and he is almost the same as the others, so he still doesn’t feel anything until now.

In other words, it will still take some time to reach the critical value of the explosion. Therefore, the people at the scene watched and talked at the same time. In addition to being worried, they also greatly praised the performance of the immortal army.

Seeing that the Immortal Army had hit a gap and flew out from the tight siege, Jiutian Xuannv's wonderful eyes lit up and she said in surprise: "This is a very good choice for the Immortal Army to break out."

"It's true that it's not easy for the Immortal Army to see through this gap while flying at high speed," Zhenjun Dongxia praised.

"This shows that the Immortal Army is usually well-trained, and the person in control also has an overall view and a sharp vision." Master Shanhui stroked his beard and nodded.

The Immortal Army is also composed of people from all major forces. Therefore, these leaders sincerely appreciate the amazing performance of the Immortal Army. However, they are still worried.

"It's good, but Lao Na is worried that the immortal army may not be able to succeed," Bodhi Zen Immortal said with a Zen call.

"Master is talking about their resource problem" asked the Holy Emperor.

"Yes, this flying method has far exceeded the limit of the Qinglong war boat. If it continues flying like this, without the Zerg attacking, the fairy army's war ship may disintegrate and collapse."

"What the master said makes sense. Although the level of the Qinglong War Boat has been improved in recent years, it is indeed unable to cope with such a level of flying," the Holy Emperor sighed.

"This is really troublesome. Even if the reserve team arrives, it won't help. I hope they go slower and don't run into this Zerg army." Western Ehuang couldn't help but interject.

"That's right." Everyone agreed.

Because the video was so good, no one paid attention to the Tiandi Pan. In fact, after this group of people arrived, Wu Siqi hid the Tiandi Pan. For him, the Tiandi Pan was one of his trump cards. It is impossible to show off to others easily, not to mention that these people who come may become his opponents in the future.

These bosses were so engrossed in watching that they did not even touch the delicious food and fruits on the jade platform in front of them. However, the aroma filled this small space, which to a certain extent also created an opportunity for Xiao Mei to invade. Sure enough, after watching the fairy After the latest video message released by the Agency, Wu Siqi suddenly felt unwell.

He didn't pay too much attention to it at first, but soon he felt bad about it and quickly tried his best to suppress it. He knew very well that in front of this group of people, any of his weaknesses might be magnified. Once they discovered his weaknesses, The consequences are immeasurable

The power in his body actually included Wu Siqi's original immortal power, as well as his own powerful soul power. These two powers were called upon by him to suppress the toxicity that Xiaomei exploded, making his face look as normal as usual. , but this is only temporary

"I didn't expect that someone would poison me. Could it be one of these people, the Holy Emperor?" Wu Siqi's mind raced, and he quickly thought of many things, and couldn't help but regret his carelessness.

You know, the arrival of these people was somewhat unexpected, leaving him completely unprepared, so that even his monitoring plan had to be temporarily put on hold.

Wu Siqi even thought that these people might have been gathered together by the Holy Emperor for the purpose of dealing with him. Could it be that his conspiracy to seize the position of the Holy Emperor had been discovered?

Thinking of this, he did not dare to easily reveal the signs that he had been poisoned. Instead, he mobilized all the power in his body to suppress this poison and wanted to see if he could resolve it with his own strength.

However, Xiaomei was developed by Ze Zhang, a famous poison master in the fairy world, who spent countless time and effort. How can he eliminate it in a short time?

Wu Siqi tried every means, but still found that the unknown poison in his body seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and it was almost uncontrollable.

Seeing everyone watching the video attentively, he came up with a plan and said: "I seem to have received some new information.

Everyone, please wait here, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

After saying this, he immediately disappeared from the place without waiting for anyone's reaction.

The Holy Emperor was slightly startled, looking thoughtful.

Wu Siqi's sudden disappearance made him feel a little surprised, because it was not like his style. If there was any new information from the Holy Master Palace, it must have been presented by his slaves, especially now that there were so many guests here. , as the host, of course you cannot leave easily, let alone just to get new information.

But the Holy Emperor did not think deeply for a moment, because in the video message in front of him, the immortal army seemed to be in danger again, which attracted his attention again.

What is strange is that Wu Siqi never came back. After watching for several days, all the powerful officials discovered this strange situation. Wu Siqi did not show up, but his disciples However, the slaves continued to offer delicious food, wine and fruits, almost filling the jade platform.

The Holy Emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked one of the slaves: "Where is your master? Ask him to come over quickly to accompany the guest."

The young slave quickly knelt down and said: "The Holy Emperor has been given instructions by my master. He has some urgent matters that need to be dealt with urgently. He will return after the treatment is completed. He also asked us to entertain the Holy Emperor and other great immortals well."

"How unreasonable?" The Holy Emperor was a little angry.

Fortunately, Jiutian Xuannv stood by and advised: "The Holy Emperor must not be angry. I think the Holy Master must have something urgent to do so he left temporarily. We will know when he comes back and ask."

"Yes, the Holy Master is always extremely rigorous in his work, and he would never do such a rude thing. He must do this when he encounters an emergency," Western Ehuang agreed in a sweet voice.

"No problem"

"Amitabha, is there something unusual about the new information?" Bodhi Zen Immortal guessed.

"It's very possible," True Lord Dongxia nodded.

"Hey" Master Shanhui suddenly shouted softly.

I saw him looking at Jiutian Xuannv's face with a rather strange expression.

"Look at what I'm doing, I'll be embarrassed," Jiutian Xuannv said coquettishly.

"Haha, Xuan Nu, don't blame me, your face is a little unusually red, I think everyone here can see it," Master Shanhui said with a smile.

"Is that so? I guess it's because I was so excited watching these video messages."

As Jiutian Xuannv spoke, she drew with her delicate hands, and a mirror appeared in front of her. When she took a closer look, she immediately screamed.

I saw that her beautiful face was not only red in a strange way, but also there was a trace of black energy steaming in the red, as if she were painting.

With her knowledge, she naturally knew that she was poisoned

But where did the poison come from, and why did she not feel anything before? Moreover, until now, she still found no signs of poisoning. If Master Shanhui hadn't reminded her, she might have kept reading.

In fact, this was the reason that Jiutian Xuannv's cultivation level was still a little low, and Wu Siqi discovered the poisoning earlier than she did, so he tried his best to suppress it, so there was no abnormality on his face at that time.

Jiutian Xuannv's heart clicked, and she secretly thought that something was wrong. With a thought in her mind, she immediately took out the detoxification pill and swallowed it.

When other powerful people saw this, they couldn't help but look at each other with shock on their faces.

With their wisdom, they all thought that Wu Siqi's leaving without saying goodbye was related to Jiutian Xuannv's poisoning.

Moreover, if Wu Siqi really wants to poison, it is unlikely that he will only deal with Jiutian Xuannv.

At the thought of this, the leaders became uncomfortable and immediately checked themselves, only to see their expressions change drastically.

Because they soon discovered that there was a trace of black energy in their bodies similar to that on Jiutian Xuannu's face, which was obviously poisoning.

"Wusiqi" the Holy Emperor roared angrily and stood up.

True Lord Dongxia looked surprised and said, "Could it really be the poison given by the Holy Master? But where did the poison come from?"

Master Shan Hui and others quickly scanned their immortal knowledge and found that there was nothing unusual about the items present. The food, fruits and wine were actually untouched at all, and only the fragrance was quite questionable.

"Is there something wrong with these aromas?" Master Shanhui asked anxiously.

Everyone immediately blocked the outside air and checked carefully. The results confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the aroma.

They checked all the items here at an extremely fast speed, and finally set their sights on the jade slips of video information.

"The information slips we brought should be fine, but Wu Siqi's are questionable," said Lord Hanshan.

"Oh, what did the Lord God discover?" the Holy Emperor asked.

"This jade slip is also from the Xianji Department, so it should be the same, but the surface smoothness of Wusiqi's jade slip is not as smooth as ours. It seems that something has been brushed on it," Hanshan Shenjun thought.

After his reminder, everyone hurriedly checked. With their extremely keen immortal sense, after careful examination, they finally determined that Wu Siqi's jade slip had indeed been tampered with. Although they didn't know what was painted on it, it could be It must be something highly poisonous

Now that the truth is revealed, Wu Siqi wanted to use this opportunity to kill all the leaders of the major forces, including the Holy Emperor. Maybe he had planned such a conspiracy for a long time, and finally took advantage of the arrival of everyone today to carry it out.

And after seeing that everyone had been poisoned without knowing it, he took the opportunity to run away.

These leaders were furious, and even the always compassionate Bodhi Zen Immortal became a little ferocious. Unexpectedly, he had always been good and accumulated good deeds, but he did not receive good rewards. Instead, he caused a catastrophe.

Fortunately, there was only Jiutian Xuannv at the scene who was about to reach the critical point of the poison, but it had not yet exploded. The characteristic of Xiaomei's highly toxic poison was that it would not explode until it reached the critical point. There were just some signs, so, The bosses still have time to make amends

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